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Everything posted by agilen

  1. I'm sorry, but I don't understand why you guys didn't like the Connectile Dysfunction ad. The entire room was rolling at the party I was at. That and the rock paper scissors ads were the best.
  2. Colts N0 - Bears N3 Or, Colts N1 - Bears N3 Or, Colts N9 - Bears N4.
  3. Its _your_ birthday and she is making you stay home???!?!?? Dude, it goes like this... "Honey, what do you want for your birthday?" "Oh, nothing, I just want to go see the sabres game!" Its _your_ day, not hers. Oh yeah, happy birthday!
  4. Dogs or cats or people can lay down and stand up quite a bit easier than a horse can. I don't know that horses can even eat laying down. They are big animals, and can't really stand on 3 legs.
  5. A different kind of cold? Yer damn right 32F is a "different kind of cold" than -14F!
  6. Yeah, it basically sucked, was really poorly done. They didn't even seem to know what the score was at the end.
  7. What nobody seemed to talk about was the awful hold on I believe Freeny before brady even threw the ball. The o-lineman ripped his freakin helmet off. Should have been a 10 yard penalty.
  8. Wow. And they got mad at us for some old guy who a mob of bills fans caused him to break his hands Crap like this happens at all football games. The difference is in how the team responds.
  9. I heard a stat that the Laffs lead the league by a huge margin in 5 on 3's. Can anybody verify that? It wouldn't surprise me in the least. These jokers are the freakin Yankees of the NHL.
  10. I use electric. I kinda have a baby face, so my "5 o'clock shadow" is more like 5 the next morning. But, I think most people try electric and don't like it, so they give up right away. You _need_ to use the electric every day for at least a month for your face to get used to it. Once you do, then you'll be happy, and its way less messy. I use this stuff after shaving: http://www.neutrogena.com/men/MenDetails_1...roductLineID=10 Give it a shot.
  11. Smith was flat out bad last night. But I also think Tressel deserves a lot of blame...there were no visible adjustments at halftime, he seemed content to watch Smith in the 7 step drop run backwards 10 yards and get sacked, constantly. Why do you say Michigan fans are happy? I know quite a few, and they are pretty ticked at OSU, cause this really sucks for the big ten.
  12. While the exact spot might have been hard to tell, I think it was pretty easy to tell that the official running in making the spot was way ahead of where the runner actually was. There was no way they could allow that spot to stand up.
  13. I would think that Ralph has already taken the appropriate steps for this...what makes you think he hasn't?
  14. Wow, that was an exciting (if utterly pathetic for two "playoff" teams) 4th quarter. Mistakes led the way, but it was wild.
  15. I found those lee evans ones when they were broken. You need to change the date to either '19' or '17', can't remember. EDIT: Its 19. Here you go: http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20061219_Evans1.wma http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20061219_Evans2.wma http://eod.liquidviewer.com/wgr-od/wgr/20061219_Evans3.wma
  16. I just got back from Denver....seems like the "storm" there is entirely sensationalized by the media. It looked like any typical february day in Buffalo. They just really don't plow very well there....I don't think Denver is a very snowy city, so they deal with 8" of snow just about as well as Southerners do. Plus, the snow was quite dry, and not very slippery for driving. The wet, slushy crap in Buffalo is way worse to drive in...so really its only a "story" because its a big city, and there was nothing else going on for CNN to blab about.
  17. It would have actually been just a 7 minute 5-on-4 I believe, so the Spacek penalty wouldn't have done anything.
  18. I know man, I saw it, and don't blame you. But its funny that you have to drive just as far to watch it on TV. I wonder how the traffic is going to end up leaving the game. If there are still 18k tickets unsold, I'm going to guess that there will also be qute a few no-shows, so I'm hoping it won't be as bad as it usually is.
  19. This may sounds crazy, but there is this other town about an hour from Rochester....its Orchard something.... I hear the game is on there.
  20. Thank god this one is on NFL network. If a washed-up-future-hall-of-famer throws an interception in the woods, does it make a sound?
  21. That article seems to point the finger at the TSA....come on, what mother would let a baby out of her arms somewhere like that? And were there other people around? If i were in line behind her, I'd speak up (and I usually don't ever speak up to strangers). Thats really dangerous.
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