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Everything posted by agilen

  1. Not saying she is bad....but pretty far away from "hottest girl ever"
  2. Count me in the very-encouraged-by-this-game camp. The interception I blame on the play call...I said right before that play, "you had better run it again." The jets were waiting for that play. On the fumbles....yeah, sucks, but I think its good for building experience. One of them was a missed block by McGahee. I said before the season and I still say it, 8-8 is a successful year for us. I can wait one more year for the playoffs, and I feel like by next year we'll be able to get rid of the mistakes and be real contenders. JP has impressed me so far this year, and I think he is going to be our QB for a long time.
  3. Having listened to most of the game for the last two weeks on Sirius, I gotta say that I like Mark Kelso as the color man. His analysis is pretty technical, and while I don't follow all of it, I get the feeling he knows a lot more about football than, well, pretty much anyone who covers games on TV nationally. For some reason, I think Murph works better with him than AVP...its hard to explain, but this year the radio broadcasts just sound better.
  4. You don't need a passport yet, however you do (and always have) need more than just a driver's license. The standard thing to bring is your license and birth certificate. Eventually, you are going to need a passport to go.
  5. I'm not a mysql admin by any means, but those numbers don't really strike me as being bad. I'm not exactly sure how this stuff gets reported through top, but linux (if this is linux) doesn't free memory until it needs it, so often it will look like you are using a lot of memory when in reality there is plenty there when you need it. Unless you begin swapping excessivly (which you aren't), I'd leave it alone.
  6. Gmail seems to have a lot more recently too. Its not that I am getting more spam, its just a lot more is getting through the spam filters. I think spammers have been finding ways through the filters.
  7. Premise 3. These five homeowners each drink a different kind of beverage, smoke different brand of cigar and keep a different pet. Means that the German does in fact have a pet. If this isn't a trick question, then the one person whose pet you don't know will be a fish.
  8. Maybe he meant that 98% of people wouldn't be able to solve this in their head? I know I tried, but after about 5 minutes of that, I gave up and grabbed a pen and paper to solve it.
  9. I agree, the second half of 2003-2004 the Sabres were really good, but they had such a dismal first half that they didn't make the playoffs. People somehow managed to forget all about this during the lockout, and all said that the Sabres would suck....but surprise surprise, they played like the team we saw in the winter of '04. The Bills, OTOH, sucked last year. While I have some hope that they'll impress us, I still think that 8-8 would be a fantastic season for us given the circumstances.
  10. I've been to a melting pot in CT, and thought it was really good. Its a fun place for a special occasion...we sat and ate dinner for over 3 hours. Fondue is making a comeback!
  11. http://www.snopes.com/science/mars.asp
  12. For some relevance to the Bills... On Friday, Oct. 13 the Sabres play the Red Wings in Detroit, then that Sunday, Oct. 15th, the Bills play the Lions in Detroit. Seeing as my girlfriend is from d-town, we are probably gonna make the trip there for that weekend. Also, once again like last year, the Sabres play the Canadiens on the day after thanksgiving, Friday Nov. 24th, and the Bills play at home against Jacksonville on Sunday, Nov. 26th. I'll also most likely attend these two games. All-in-all, the schedule worked out really well for me, as we also play the Rangers at MSG on my birthday! (I live near MSG)
  13. I solved it now, with 16 of the 20 secrets, but have since gone back and found them all. The secrets are pretty useless....its not like there is a different ending or anything. The hardest part for me was finding what to do with the coils, as i had trouble seeing that passage.
  14. Nice, this one is much better. So far, I've found 13/20 secret items...but I seem to be stuck. I think I need 1 more key to get the last note, then probably a couple of other items for the puzzles at what I believe to be the "top"....this is going to waste a lot of time at work Edit: Err, nevermind, didn't need any items for those puzzles...
  15. Actually, only the link from KD in CT above works with cookies. The other one is broken...once you close the window its gone.
  16. Yeah, I'm stuck there too. Edit: Oh, just got it....can't remember how though
  17. Yeah, I think it did...god knows why. Anyway, the link is: http://www.thatvideogamesite.com/fullscreen.php?id=392
  18. Like this one: http://www.sportssanta.com/dynamicimages/p...0/115060101.jpg
  19. I don't understand why soccer players feel they need to disgrace their sport by taking dives _all_ the time. If that italian player were to jump over the defender, or run around him, he is 1 on 1 with the goalie, and gets to score a highlight reel goal. Instead, he is a coward. Sure, he won, but he is no sportsman in my book.
  20. Where did you live? That game was blacked out in WNY. I remember listening on the radio.....and shutting it off when we were getting whooped. After a while, my dad says to me, "you know, you might want to turn the game back on...they are coming back."
  21. Not when its someone else's job to scrape your brains off the road when your head gets crushed. Its not just you that you are harming.
  22. I really don't get what all the fuss is about. This story was even on slashdot yesterday... You left your freakin sidekick in a cab. It happens all the time. You don't always get it back. Learn to hold on to your sh--.
  23. Hurricane 2000 Its a remix of "Rock you like a hurricane"
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