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Everything posted by Blackbeard

  1. Mods should close this ridiculous thread. It's done. And i don't wanna see the name HOPKINS again.
  2. He won’t get fired. My god. He’d “retire”.
  3. I get what you’re thinking, but I kinda doubt he’s slapping the bills in the face with a ***** emoji. Just my thoughts. You don’t wanna piss off a prospective suitor
  4. Same thing I thought. I highly doubt his agent would let him respond with something like that. Don’t cut your nose off…
  5. Loathe the Dolphins and their miserable Tua worshipping fanbase. But c'mon dude. Not a good look on Dawkins or the Bills vicariously. That said, this team BETTER lay the hurt on that team come the season.
  6. I cringe when I see other fanbases mock the Bills with their 4 straight SB loses. They forget that included in that record are 4 straight AFC Championships. It was sad they didn't pull one out, but actually getting to 4 straight is borderline impossible, and the ignorance of that fact is astounding in my opinion. It's an amazing feat.
  7. I was ALL in on Josh Rosen. Pissed when Allen's name was called. Went full meltdown.
  8. The "optics" look bad only to those trying to stir the pot. There's nothing to see here. Believe me. You don't even know Diggs on a personal level bro. You don't have any idea of what TRULY is going on. YOU are assuming whatever you'd like. YOURE the problem. The media is the problem. Keep up your spin though. Watch other high end talent just FLOCK to the Bills.
  9. What are you even talking about? What's he not subtle about? He's got a new target he likes. You're basically ASSUMING what Allen is thinking and saying, and I can bet you you're incorrect. Allen isn't going to publicly jab his teammate. Just stop with this bs already. It's old.
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