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Everything posted by 90sBills

  1. Based on their history winning the superbowl is a goal not an expectation.
  2. I’d be surprised if they don’t make the playoffs. Anything beyond that prediction is a crapshoot.
  3. I know he’s not very good at quarterbacking but how is his ‘pick up donuts’ game?
  4. I think it’s a great day! They’re actually trying to move in the right direction. Bills may or may not take a step back initially but this will definitely pay off down the line.
  5. About time. Let the youth movement begins.
  6. No one mentioned the pivotal signings that led directly to the last 2 Superbowls? Kadarius Toney Mecole Hardman
  7. So what transpired in 2023 that makes you think it wasn’t like 2021? Just curious about your statement since Bills were eliminated by the same team.
  8. You’re right of course. They’re a championship team so they were already motivated. But I do think they, and especially Mahomes, relish these little trash talks. Look at the Bengals burrowhead stuffs last year. They’re also smart about it. They don’t say anything but compliments to their opponents before the games. Then let their opponents know they heard all the chatter after they beat them. Some people on the Bills should take notes.
  9. Draft pick. Which they will package with their 1st to move up and take a WR Bills want. 🤬
  10. This could mean they have agreed to a trade with another team.
  11. Exactly! Kelce was going to go off regardless. He did it the following week against a very good safety as well. That’s why I think it would not have mattered if Milano played in that game. Our offense had the ball with a chance to win at the end. That’s where it was lost. Hopefully the team will address that scenario this offseason and be back better when that opportunity presents itself again.
  12. If you’re saying that’s not realistic for LB’s to do then why did most everyone here blamed AJ Klein for Kelce going off this last game? If an all pro like Milano can’t be expected to keep up with Kelce, your inference, then why would anyone think AJ Klein should be able to?
  13. This is the kind of contract structure that keeps Bills at a cap disadvantage. Dead money tied to aging players. Yeah I vividly remember him giving up a TD trying to cover Kelce in the 13 sec game. If only he was available to provide an encore to that remarkable performance.
  14. Mahomes holds a receiver camp in Texas every offseason. Look for a few draftees to attend. I bet Mitchell will be among them since he’s in Texas.
  15. I’ve always wondered how Davis would do in that offense. I think there’s a real possibility this happens.
  16. For the love of God do not sign with KC for a bargain to chase rings.
  17. Does this mean KC will lose its Superbowl trophy because Hardman caught the winning TD?
  18. It would not. But that’s really not the point. It’s the philosophy of paying top end $ for your guys. Bills have done that to their detriment because we don’t have a championship to show for it. Trading Hill did yield a bounty for KC and they converted that by hitting on their picks. But you don’t have to get that kind of haul if your strategy is to sparingly pay high price contracts while filling your roster with young talents. KC is operating on that philosophy. Bills aren’t. That’s where I think the main difference is. Then when KC hit on their picks like they have recently it makes it hard to swallow as Bills fans.
  19. Coaching is definitely part of the equation. Although McD has soften on that stance compared to a few years ago. I also think McD has a lot of influence over Beane with roster building. I’m not sure if that’s the case in KC.
  20. Your feelings about Ward might have the benefit of hindsight. At the time he was KC’s best corner. He signed a 3 yr 42mil deal with SF and is their best man-to-man coverage db today. KC’s FO had drafted enough quality DB’s for that move to be possible. Despite your opinion of him there was a big money market for him when KC let him go. Why didn’t you include Dawson Knox in your examples? Making him one of the top paid TE’s in the league while not getting that kind of production. Then followed up with drafting a 1st round tight end. If you think those were good moves then I don’t know what to say. While not home grown Bills did give Hyde and Poyer their first real contracts. Those were great moves. What’s not so great is having to extend them to the point of both being 30+ and over their shelf value. Compared that to KC’s talented, and cheap, secondary group and you really can’t even compare. Beane and Veach are very similar in that they’re both GMs’ for NFL teams. One guy hands out contracts to aging vets externally and internally while the other loads up on young talented cheap labor to build his team. So yeah agree to disagree that they’re similar. I won’t address the on the field results stuffs because it’s just sad at this point.
  21. Gotta keep the laborers yearning for more. Maybe that’s the secret sauce to their success? C’mon Pegula! Take notes!
  22. If you look at them through these last handful of years you’d see that they have let a lot of home grown talent walked without tying up huge cap space to retain them. Instead they opted to replaced those talents with cheaper draft picks. ‘Possibly losing their best corner’ is not a new thing for them. They let Charvarious Ward walked after the first Superbowl so they wouldn’t have to pay him the big contract. They replaced him with Snead. Now they have McDuffie in line if Snead leaves as well as others they’re grooming. That’s the difference between them and the Bills. You’re touting the Bills for keeping their picks but at what price? Add in some of the dead money big FA contracts like Von and I’m not sure how you don’t see the difference in the two FO’s. When you bring up lucky plays you are trying to diminish what they’ve accomplished. If this was a one off Superbowl you’d have a better argument. But this is the second leg of a back-to-back and 3rd out of 4 Superbowls they’ve played in. No amount of lucky bounces can account for that level of success. And they’re still in a better cap situation than the Bills with a younger team primed to chase more championships. But yeah keep thinking the difference between the two FO’s ‘is literally 1-2 lucky plays’.
  23. Should Bills look at him? At least he shows up in the playoffs.
  24. Man this side argument is more entertaining than the draft talk! Please continue.
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