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Everything posted by 90sBills

  1. Not to the extent that Mahomes is doing it. It’s basically an ota session without the coaches. He even has draft prospects working out with him during these camps. So him and KC get to scout them first hand and see which fits their system. Not sure how that’s legal to be honest.
  2. Would you change your mind once the financials are disclosed and they’re paying him 20m aav? I think teams knew KC couldn’t afford to have him on the roster so all the leverage was gone.
  3. They probably already have his replacement on their roster. Still terrible return for a quality player so that’s a good thing.
  4. Wow. That is surprisingly low. KC lost this trade.
  5. No one else holds a receiver camp for their teams during the offseason. That’s obvious to me.
  6. So what you’re saying is it’s possible to participate in other aspects of life and still able to work hard on football during the offseason. No one is saying Mahomes only does football 24/7. But it’s obvious he does more than other top qb’s during the offseason.
  7. No. I’m basing this on Mahomes offseason camps with his receivers. Also the fact that he has already met up KC’s newest signing. The fact that he has time to do this despite making all those commercials is actually impressive.
  8. Exactly! Thank you! Just pointing things out is like committing a capital crime against Allen. He’s a great qb and could potentially bring championship to the franchise. It’s all good. Relax. Go Bills!
  9. Reid has said that because of this they’re able to start Phase 2 when OTA begins so they’re ahead of most teams. I’m sure the reps that Mahomes get with his receivers don’t hurt either. Anyway I didn’t say Allen was bad for not doing this. I said that Mahomes is clearly driven to be the best and that is benefiting his team on the field. Not sure why that’s so controversial.
  10. Still not believable with how all these guys having their own social media accounts. You know Diggs would for sure post if something like that happened. For Mahomes’ camp you should look it up. It’s pretty common knowledge. He has them in Texas. That’s how they ended up drafting Rashee Rice. Rice was there along with several other prospects. KC receivers were all there as well. Getting NFL players to show up for non team events during the offseason to run drills is a miracle in and of itself. I guess you could call that great leadership. These sessions may or may not ‘move the needle’ like you said. At the very least it starts a bond between the franchise qb and his new teammates. For whatever struggles KC had during the season they sure put it all together in the end. They were together for almost a calendar year time wise so that bond of playing for one another to achieve an objective must be really strong.
  11. You really think if something like that would happened without the Bills social media team being on top of it in this day and age? Mahomes holds annual offseason camps to work with his receivers…current and newly added. He even works with draft prospects that would want to participate. Like I said not everyone is driven like this and it’s ok. But it’s clear he is driven to be the best and it shows on the field.
  12. It’s so crazy that they’re already doing that. Rashee Rice was also working out with them. Would love to see Allen, Samuel, and Diggs get together like that outside of team events. But not everyone has that drive in them. Mahomes is clearly on another level when it comes to being driven for success and it shows on the field.
  13. Kidding aside I thought he played great for KC down the stretch. He was signed on as depth but had to fill in due to injuries. Can’t ask for more than that with his price tag. Hopefully he’ll play similarly for the Bills.
  14. To upset their fans on Twitter obviously. Duh.
  15. The fact that their qb has already met and worked out with their newly signed receiver just weeks after winning yet another Superbowl does say something about their culture and mentality.
  16. That strive to improve his game is definitely there as it is in most athletes. The difference is sustaining that drive regardless of accomplishments, getting paid, complacency etc. Once he was widely recognized as elite and got paid accordingly that offseason work wane.
  17. I disagree. He’ll be mentioned as equal, if not better, than those guys…among most of the mafia.
  18. Allen is a great qb and #2 currently. What he does in the offseason is his business. But that drive to be the best that existed in Brady and is what’s driving Mahomes right now is clearly not in Allen. That’s ok because not everyone has that and it’s not a requirement to win a championship.
  19. Our franchise qb and the team’s newest wr signing aren’t even in the same state while theirs are already getting down to business. Gotta respect that championship mentality. Sigh.
  20. So that’s a negative. Cool.
  21. Samuel is going to have a breakout year. Does anyone know if Allen has met up/work out with Samuel yet? Or are they waiting until ota to get any work done?
  22. Seeding aside, to me, being better is advancing further in the playoffs. At this point it’s hard to envision the Bills advancing further than this past season. We’ll see how it plays out.
  23. Of course they’re fired up everytime they play the Bills. Bills are the big dogs in this division. When it gets to crunch time Bills will prevail until otherwise. Now if they can only have better success against the other big dogs. Being big dogs in a small yard can only get fans excited for so long. Let’s expand the horizon.
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