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Everything posted by nosejob

  1. Because I want to see more creativity resulting in more sacks and TFL's?.....I plead guilty. If this line looks like Mario, Marcel, Kyle and Jerry, ya won't hear a peep out of me, but sadly trends change on a yearly basis. We will be sending 4 against 5 Oline , 2 TE's and a back. It's gonna be a matter of simple math a majority of the time....just like always.
  2. Well in that 1st K.C. game he was on national media saying he was gonna rely on rushing 4. He got away with it because at that point the Chiefs were sucking....and in the national media after was touted and taking credit for being a genius. That playoff game showcased his stubbornness. Mahomes goes left and dumps it, Mahomes goes right and dumps it. Frazier should have fired himself after that game..... and while I'm at it, Maine looked like a lost rookie. Here's to hoping Mcd is laying some ground work to run some 4-3 and different looks when he needs to like press man and sending a backer on every play. Nickel is gonna get old and it's gonna cost us games, especially against running teams with big backs. Just like needing to stay ahead of the curve on offense, the same is needed on defense. Trends are always changing, but some coaches just cannot adapt. We don't need a D. Wanndstent (sp?) defense. We need to evolve. I'm excited about the Dline additions, but they are still going to have to stunt and blitz. 13th in blitzing needs to be broken down a bit and it probably was a result of just a handful of games.
  3. I doubt that will fly. He's making 12.7 on a 5th yr. option and given the top LB's are hovering close to 20 per, he'll likely be looking for at least 60 over 4 yr.s at min.
  4. They were talking today about instincts as to MLB. They were amazed at how Bernard seemed to know what was going to happen before it happened yet were saying Tremaine is like...if A happens....if B happens...if C happens. Sadly that has described 4 years of play and I don't know if that will change. I heard plenty of his interviews as well as Brown and Tasker. I've been watching this team since 73. While he has terrific measurable s and is good teammate, he ain't know Fred Warner. Could he amaze? sure. I hope I'm wrong. I just get the feeling some team will make an outrageous offer next year and that'll be that.
  5. While I hope you're right...about his improved play this year, he's on the 5th year option at almost 13 mil. No way does he get a new deal now and he better wrap 5 yrs. into this one because right now he ain't worth 15 plus. If God forbid he misses time, Bernard could outshine him. If they are so sold on him, why draft Bernard when you have Dodson? I don't mean to be down on Tremaine, maybe he all of a sudden turns into a game changer. I'm just going off 48 years of watching players on this team.
  6. Sorry instead of the 9-6, I should have said 13 seconds.
  7. Terrell Bernard sure got a lotta praise on WGR OBL today. Frazier was even asked about him. They sounded amazed at his smarts and instincts saying he knew what was going to happen before it did. I'm looking forward to seeing him and Spector in the pre season. Frazier did make a good point though, saying..."The pads ain't on yet".
  8. Ok we can have different opines. If we can't get pressure or stop the run with 4, the Mahomes of the world will RPO us to death....and one more loss in the playoffs due to that or stupid 9-6 losses during the season will certainly mean a D.C coaching change. I'm afraid that's the one thing that's gonna keep us from the trophy. Pettine or Schwartz would make us unbeatable.
  9. All good points, I just believe that there are going to be teams (olines) that rushing four against don't work. I'm confident it will be markedly better than last year, but there will be times when no pressure leads to getting picked apart. If they can play press man and I hope that's their intention to do more often, than whether they're in 4-3 or nickel, they can send someone. Frazier had his chest out and soaked up the media love with touting his rush 4 motto against K.C. in the 1st game and well it was fruitless the 2nd time. I'd also love to see them experiment with a 5-2-4. put boogie over a guard like they did Lorax his last year. I'm expecting a huge upgrade from the inside this year, but now that we have an offense that's willing to game plan to opponents, we need to have that creativeness on defense as well.
  10. They got one rough schedule. I wouldn't be surprised if Carolina gets the W.C. and Winston throws too many picks. They should have gotten Jimmy G. Agreed on Atlanta....but Baker could find some JuJu. They may and should make some offensive moves between cuts and the trade deadline.
  11. I expect the Saints to be a bit dangerous. They may split with Tampa. However, if Baker can revive the Panthers along with McCaff, they could go 4-2/3-3 in the division...maybe....but in the sucky NFC, they could make a WC. I for one would be very happy for Mayfield.
  12. ......But the bigger backs kill us. Taron cannot bring them down and they're usually in 3rd gear by the time he can close. If McFrazier can't prepare for what is obviously coming from the likes of Pitt,. Balt. ,Cincy Tenn. as well as everyone else, we may see twice as many of the Colts, N.E outcomes. Bernard is gonna make a huge difference....providing Frazier is not too stuck in his ways or McD is too timid to take over. BTW, 70% nickel will kill us in the 1st 4 games. 2/3s of the middle of the field to Milano's left will be the target area and even though I'm expecting....and very grateful for the Dline additions, 4 guys can't stop 6 and a back against a team Hell bent on running and T.O.P. Another tactic I expect to see is timing passes against us. Teams are gonna try to unload quick to backs to beat our improved pass rush. We gotta run a 4-3 and even with Miller, we're gonna need to blitz more. 4-3 can disguise Milano blitzing.
  13. They say he's working hard and looking good. I would not be surprised to see him back at practice by Sept. I think they like their younger guys and aren't wanting to spend any money before final cuts all around as well as any possible injuries by the end of pre season.
  14. He's gonna be Edmunds replacement next year.
  15. Base nickel doesn't stop Henry, Taylor the Pats RB crew or any other big back. Taron Johnson cannot bring them down...and BTW that was 3 losses which ultimately prevented the no.1 seed and home games throughout. They are going to have to be smart enough to play a 4-3 against teams they need to when they need to. Unfortunately, adapting week to week to specific opponents is not Frazier's strong suit. We are going to be in the same boat this year given our schedule of teams that are gonna try to stuff it down our throat and keep Allen off the field....Just like the "We gonna rush 4 and hope to get pressure" is a sign of another stuck in their ways coaching approach. I hate not being able to use Frazier and creative in the same sentence and sadly I don't think that'll change. Not to go too far off topic, but not only do they need to adapt a 4-3 against heavy run teams, they need to play press man. more. I believe they can do it with Elam....and while their at it, why not try a 5-2-4. when Lorax was here he would slide in over the guard and was a huge upset for olines doing that. That's the perfect role for Boogie. P.S for all the bashing Klein gets, he made more big plays than T.E.
  16. Back in the 70's thru the 90's, it was basically Franks, butter and Tabasco. I like to use that base as a starting point and get creative. I want a little smokiness and spice. I like to use a little liquid smoke, roasted red pepper and garlic seasoning and I like to try different Tabascos. I also do not skimp on the Bleu cheese. Marie's or T. Marzettis.
  17. Fan since 73, I get a little inner twinge of jinx when there's this much hype. However, I can take solace and be happy that I likely won't be figuring mathematical equations for getting into the playoffs at Thanksgiving or looking at draft picks in early Dec.
  18. Well put. I mentioned earlier that in the K.C. playoff game, he looked...to me, like a bewildered rookie. However K.C.'s rookie Nick Bolton looked like a seasoned vet. Fred Warner Tremaine ain't. Also agree about the mental side. You can just tell when you hear players talk during interviews and I heard a lengthy one recently. I'm not too optimistic about any drastic improvement. I have a ton of respect for players who try hard to improve their craft in the off season. TE university, Pass rush summit, Jordan Palmer etc. Even Singletary did it. I don't get the idea that Edmunds thinks he needs any of that. Maybe that's because ( and let us not forget), he was pick no. 16. He says he just needs to trust his instincts and what he sees more. I won't be surprised if Bernard impresses in some way this year and they bring in new talent be it draft or Free agency. next year.
  19. 50/50 I agree, but in the K.C playoff game it looked like it was his first time in an NFL game. I'm not expecting much if any improvement in YEAR 5.
  20. Frazier did indeed say that Tremaine needs to make more splash plays. That statement was brought up to him during an interview. He says that he just needs to trust his instincts and what he sees more. Well not trying to be a hater, but I've seen enough to where I can't envision them even entertaining giving him 15 plus per year. I'm not thrilled with giving him almost 13 this yr. I get a sense about guys when I hear them speak and I'm sorry, I just don't think his brain matches his body. Maybe I'll be surprised.....
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