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Everything posted by nosejob

  1. Now they're not as bad as when they defended the previous regimes and belittled post game callers.....especially during the Whaley /Brandon era. I think they've matured as well as Chris Brown who used to polish his shoes before toeing the company line. They've come a long way over the last few years.
  2. I miss NFLDraftDiamonds....great informative stuff especially back when we were looking to the draft by Thanksgiving.
  3. Either cut or traded, but could have been a young Chris Brown.
  4. IIRC I am pretty sure WYO was a woman who...IIRC may have been in the medical field, possibly retired and I believe went to Buffalo Rumblings after the fall of BBMB. Was kinda like a YOLO. Please bear in mind I can't generally remember my last meal so...
  5. I'm hoping Spector and when Smith comes off his suspension, hopefully Spector can take Matekevich's place. I think he's probably the better choice to backup a LB spot providing more value. Hopefully they can end up protecting Lewis and McCloud on the P.S.
  6. Fan since 10 yrs. old('73) online MB since 2004. One of the funniest things I ever saw on BBMB was a dude named Skeletor who posted a pic of Dick Jauron in a coffin. Kind of a Dracula thing but hilarious....and the right time of year. If anyone can find that I'm sure it will get a lot of laughs....depending on how old one is.
  7. I heard on OBL Friday that Bruce spent considerable time at practice helping to coach the DE's. Having Von and Bruce in your camp, you cant....I can't, imagine a better situation and I am 100% sure we'll see some huge results from this over time. Thank you Bruuuuuce!
  8. Yesterday's performance aside, a number of teams have no quality backup. Seattle? Denver? Whose gonna backup Tre Lance? Danny Dimes? Also there's bound to be an injury or 2. Wentz will probably go down, what if Mills or Geoff get hurt?...also see above. Stafford's tennis elbow may not fully go away...at least I hope it don't for another month. I'm just saying that at some point, some team may have a major need.
  9. Keenum could easily fetch a 4th rounder from probably several teams...unless the Browns want him back, then it's a 2nd or no deal.
  10. While I've never been a fan of Ford, WGR certainly praised him after the game yesterday. I admit I didn't zero in on him but one play did stand out...the totally needless hands to the face penalty which I believe was on 3rd down when we were in FG range. Still not a fan.
  11. That goes on McFrazier . Playing the nickel religiously cost us those wins. They didn't stop those runs until they let Milano loose. Taron Johnson cannot handle those bigger backs and the Hoodie saw that. If they had went 4-3 with Klein after say...20 straight runs, maybe it's a different story. IMO Frazier is old school and unwilling/capable of game planning on a weekly basis against different teams. Maybe this year will be different, IDK, but there will be teams that will try that M.O. this year and the only way to counter that is a 4-3....and LB blitzes...ie. Milano near the end of those 2 games. Every team will be looking to keep josh off the field and control T.O.P. I'm betting next year it's Milano, Bernard and Spector, not counting a free agent or draft pick. Edmunds should be turned into picks before Halloween.
  12. Wow, very well done. I would like to stay away from SB or bust if I may. I also haven't heard the latest on Wilson. If he were healthy going in, I would be looking to the 3 teams cannibalizing this season giving the division to us. Can't expect us to go 6-0.
  13. I think he's gonna be another Gabe.
  14. Maybe he was too far down the pecking order to get a lot of looks thru camp. I just don't see O.J. either staying healthy or making an impact, I hope I'm wrong. I also had hopes for Sweeney, I guess we'll see for sure this year which way his trajectory will go. I believe he will have a chance at some point. I hope he gets the bulk of TE duty during one of these pre season games.
  15. IDK there's something about this guy after reading all the scouting crap that just gives me the gut feeling. I wish i could provide an NFL comparison.
  16. Doesn't mean they won't put him on the P.S
  17. I think Wydemeyer(sp)? will be placed on p.s ...and I think by the end of the year, he'll replace a worn out Howard and make a huge. smooth. lumbering target fo JA
  18. S sorry, got bounced around with the site.
  19. I like Bryant. I think he can make big plays when needed. I also like Love, but I sadly think he's going back to the P.S. I think Shaq may be the odd man out.
  20. Edit Don't get me wrong I hope he becomes Defensive MVP runner up to Von, but after 49 yrs. of being a fan, and after 4 yrs. of the ole eyeball test, I'm not gonna bet on it.
  21. Well to me he's way more valuable than Edmunds whose making almost 13 this year. Unless Tre has a great year, there's no way they, IMO would consider....or should consider over 15...and I wouldn't offer that. That may be a decision better made sooner than later, however I would doubt anything will happen anytime soon.
  22. Isn't Milano under contract for the next couple of years? Didn't we already extend him?
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