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Everything posted by nosejob

  1. Duly noted. I just don't see how a civil suit without a criminal charge is gonna go anywhere and essentially ruins the alleged person's life. I do sympathize with your last statement. I'm 59 and back in the day I'm sure this was almost commonplace. Thanks for saying what many of us are thinking.
  2. I said wrong was wrong and rape is rape. However, she apparently reported it the next day, which should have automatically started a police investigation into a statutory rape charge....especially if there was supporting medical evidence in which there would be DNA. Slam dunk case for prosecuting. Again, I don't get how this happened in Oct. and yet he finished school and went all the way to a spot on an NFL team.
  3. I have to wonder...Why would the attorney file a suit instead of waiting a couple of weeks to know that there was guaranteed money for M.A.?...and perhaps show some kind of culpability of the Bills? If she reported this the day after, why were there no charges?...particularly if there was medical evidence to prove it. If this happened in Oct., was the school not notified? How come nothing happened there? This whole thing you would think have made national headlines pre-draft. I know wrong is wrong, especially if there is a recorded confession, but I still don't get the logic of events.
  4. i got a weird feeling that they may move Shaq. He's been on the field for a suspicious amount of time. I know the reporters have been praising him right along, but as an end he doesn't get home. Personally, I'd play him inside one of the ends like we did with Lorax. I have nothing against the guy, do they keep 5 ends? Do they think they can protect Love on the P.S.? I can def. see them keeping an extra DT. Bryant
  5. I agree with this, but that's just IMO. A far as Hodgins goes, I can see them going with 7 wrs. I believe they've done it before. Diggs, Davis, Crowder, Isaiah, Shakir, Jake and Hodgins. Done deal
  6. Maybe a new Longest Yard movie? Maybe since we'll have a little lull soon, we can come up with an all star cast?
  7. I'm not worried...Donald Scmonald. between Saffold, Morse and Bates, we won't be hearing his name much. Von will be taking all the attention.
  8. I think Elam's a given. How could he not be? Tre starts by the end of Sept, that's what I'm guessing.
  9. Oh I get that but after the Ford trade, I'm willing to bet there's gonna be at least one more. I wouldn't be surprised if they moved Sweeney and kept Morris or a Lawson trade. Don't kick me, I'm just speculating. I also believe they will find a way to keep Spector on the 53 and we'll see a lot of Bernard by the end of the year. Beane's a man of action. Sometimes miss, but who doesn't?
  10. Yes, I believe One Bills Live broadcast on Facebook and wgr550.com weekdays !pm to 3pm if you can't get the station.
  11. Anderson has been getting high praise on GR. They say he never really gets beat and at least always holds his ground. I think he'll end up being a good guard and it wouldn't surprise me if God forbid Saffold gets hurt, they move Bates to LG and Alec to RG. Tenuta ain't gonna make it...P.S maybe. I can't be the only one who was scratching their head when that pick was made.
  12. I think Anderson has a future here.
  13. I can't remember seeing Gilliam lined up at TE last year and now with O.J. I'm not expecting it any time soon. As far as a lead blocker on short and goal, well we have Moss and we all know Josh won't skip an opportunity to punch it in. I just don't see the need for that spot on the roster. Not to mention an extra lineman like Doyle.
  14. I believe this front office is smart about staggering contracts. While most see this season as SB or bust, I think they're biggest M.O. is sustainability and I'm willing to bet they plan on building a killer Oline next year....and maybe a LB...
  15. Sometimes you get whacked for a questionable sense of humor? There's no way to make amends and you lose all your points/status and everything you've contributed for over a decade plus. If this happens , you may be a redneck...
  16. So?....Moss can be FB and is good in pass pro. How many plays will Reggie see? Waste of a roster spot IMO...unless he's great on ST, IDK about that.
  17. There's no way in Hell they get a decent pick for him. Teams will wait for him to walk. Washington or Carolina for a 4th....conditional 3rd. Either could use him especially Baker.
  18. I don't understand why they gave Gilliam a new deal. Moss is better. Is it a ST thing?
  19. I agree, Love is a penetrator. Shaq is not. I had high hopes thinking he would play like his hair's on fire, but the end results just don't seem to be there.....plus how many DL can we roll with?
  20. They did say Morris was faster than most of the receivers. I'm not that impressed with Howard, and I've held out hope for Sweeney. I think it's too soon to pull the trigger on O.J. but I'd like to keep Morris. He'll get poached from the P.S. Adams was a no.5 pick and lived up to the billing. We should pay Poyer....with nothing more than a big signing bonus. A 2 yr. deal would be ok, but he ain't Derwin James.
  21. Did anyone see the hands to the face penalty? Didn't that take us out of FG range? If you look at that close up, you can see that here was no need for it because the pressure wasn't that threatening and it looked like he just went straight for that move instead of any traditional blocking technique. I personally thought that should have been the last straw. They played the replay and you could just see it in his face, he just doesn't seem to be mentally invested in his game....or just not mentally capable. Now go look at the play where Edmunds got juked and ending up plastering Milano. I rest my case.
  22. Not going any farther than this. This should have been done on draft night....just like 49, but that will come. Sometimes you just miss on those 2nd round Oline picks. It happens. Signed...Kujo
  23. If I were you, I would have turned around and walked right out of that soup kitchen....
  24. Now that they traded Ford...see the 3rd down hands to the face penalty on Saturday, my guess is Edmunds by the trade deadline. He almost killed Milano by looking like a lost redshirt freshman. That was a major bad move....in pre season no less. 13 Mil. for that kind of play? I'm thinking get a pick now because there's no way in hell he deserves a 2nd contract.
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