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Everything posted by Lost

  1. I blame the Bills offensive woes on the fact that Josh dropped his pre game puking ritual 🤮
  2. I prefer this Josh Allen Over this one
  3. On paper of course it's smarter to defer, but we're dealing with a team that seemingly has a problem of falling emotionally flat during games. I'm hypothesizing that maybe letting the opposing score on opening possessions and getting behind early is the source of it. I'm just saying maybe having our team get out ahead first is a better morale boost and we've always been better and playing from in front in the Josh Allen era.
  4. Both the Bengals games from last season stick out to me for this reason. The Bills gave the ball to them to start both games and they just shredded their way right down the field for opening TDs. The Bills immediately looked deflated in both instances and never recovered.
  5. I'm sick of hearing crap about having the opportunity to double dip at half. The Raiders game aside, the Bills have shown to be pretty abysmal at playing from behind and if I remember from last year, the Bills had an extremely high scoring percentage on first possession drives. Why not just always receive the Ball, get that early lead and make the other team play catch up. Once the Bills get down, they seem to get in their own heads and lose all their juice. This is just one of the many little annoyances I've had about this season so far.
  6. It would be a very Billsy move to go after another RB, give up draft picks and pay him 12 million per year and then give him 5 touches a game. Until this offense and Dorsey figure out an identity for itself, I kinda doubt they can utilize any of their skill players efficiently. I personally would rather us just get back to our late 2021 offense which didn't run at all outside of #17 and was nearly unstoppable until 13 seconds happened.
  7. NFL Officiating this year has been the worst I've ever witnessed across the entire league. I'd like to give them all a week off so I can watch a game and actually enjoy it.
  8. Waiting for news of Ken Dorsey wrist surgery
  9. Sometimes chaos is better than whatever the garbage status quo is.
  10. Knox currently has negative value for the Bills though as hes taking targets away frommKincaid
  11. McClappy blitzing all game long leaving his dbs on an island and zero sacks to show for it.
  12. Already feels that way this season. Ive never seen so many flags thrown before.
  13. Jury is still out on Kincaid but i would hesitate to call Knox super talented. He just hasnt been consistent enough with his hands or getting separation.
  14. I'll take Josh leading the league in turnovers and the bills scoring 35pts per game dynamic offense than than the overly predictable checkdown shotgun draw running clown show we've been watching recently. Its even gotten to the point where they have josh scared to run the ball anymore.
  15. Agree on the Knox part. I like him but 13 million per year is a lot of money for a glorified chip blocker.
  16. At least someone enjoyed the game I guess
  17. They were doing it in Terry's office while the team was in London.
  18. I still like them, although I'm envious we don't have a coach or offensive coordinator that can write a playbook that leans into it's talent. When CMC got to SF, in barely a weeks time they redesigned their entire offense around him and he has been tearing up the league since. Meanwhile we need to take 6 months just to get our new players "up to speed" and slow walk them into the rotation. Their offense feels like it has a clear identity and it revolves around CMC. ours is more like throwing things at a wall until something sticks.
  19. We were also judging their play based on our 2022 OL which was one of the worst in the league. I always thought both Singletary and Moss were underrated here.
  20. Our OC only knows how to dial up shotgun draw for no gain on 1st and 2nd so RB or number of carries makes little difference.
  21. They beat Madden on All Pro setting
  22. I dont wanna see another shotgun draw for the rest of the season
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