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Everything posted by Since1981

  1. We have an NFL competitive advantage in Josh. The wind removes our advantage. To me, wind is the most important defense. Wind >10 mph bills loss. Wind <10 mph bills win. We don’t want to openly admit it, but our boy blue is a competitive advantage. Our windy weather is NOT!!
  2. Millions of $ at stake for players etc How hard is it to isolate for a few more weeks? Do a TRAINING CAMP style competitive advantage? take an already closed St John Fisher style college and stay in TRAINING CAMP style bubble for a few weeks or even until FEB!
  3. it’s almost MORE risky from the NFL policy state than actual covid positive standpoint. Look—-Browns lost all WR but none actually have covid. So, you have to defend both the really covid but more important is keeping BILLS away from Miami and all other contacts. In some ways, bills team atmosphere could be used as a competitive advantage.
  4. Forfeit the game? I would strongly consider it, for real. Put our boys in a safe and secure bubble wrap. Don’t go near the south beach nasty... btw, masks do not work as well on beards!! https://www.amazon.com/Holleyweb-5-Feet-Inflatable-Bumper-Bubble/dp/B00OY9MH6I
  5. What if we line up all along a road such as 277 from airport to stadium? We can social distance but be impactful
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