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Joe Ferguson

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Everything posted by Joe Ferguson

  1. He already did that the last two times. He was cowardly conservative against KC in the AFCCG and a boneheaded moron in the Divisional playoff against KC. Let's see what Hell he'll put us through this time.
  2. Doug Williams of the Redskins won a Super Bowl wearing #17.
  3. Everyone is overlooking the fact that Josh Allen played against a horrible, horrible secondary of the Chiefs. And they were without two of their starters on defense. I mean come on! I probably could throw that much yardage and touchdowns if I was playing.
  4. Any news on Mahomes' girlfriend his brother? Cannot wait on their take of this game.
  5. They saw the Bills playoff game and did just the opposite/
  6. These dumb coaches and their stupid punts. Should have went for it on 4th and 2.
  7. We wasted our picks on the Dline. Bengals did it with no high picks. Whose the idiot team now?
  8. Sooo happy those ***** lost. Now I'm not as depressed as before.
  9. That 13 effing seconds ruined Frazier, the Bills and us fans.
  10. At least Gronk won't be doing this to Tre if he is in our team.
  11. Groot intercepting a pass from Mahomes to seal the Divisional playoff win.
  12. He's only a few months older than Kelce
  13. The coaches blew it when they took the ball from Josh Allen and ran it 3 straight times and punted. The conversation probably went like this prior to the drive. McDermott, " Hey Brian,, I want you to run three straight plays." Daboll, "What? We have them on the ropes, Allen is clicking now and we should use pass plays" McDermott, " Don't disagree with me you bald headed clown." Daboll, "Look who's talking" McDermott, " Never mind, I want you to run SIngletary and McKenzie. I want my defense to rest." Daboll, "Okay...."
  14. Allen didn't get the ball for 3 straight plays in midfield. Dingleberry choked on 3 straight times. That sealed the loss.
  15. Good for Daboll. Now fire Frazier and give him 13 seconds to pack his stuff and leave. If he says it's not enough, remind him how it was enough for the Chiefs to comeback due to his terrible choice of plays.
  16. Maybe drop all 11 Bills players back and let Mahomes look for an open receiver. That's a better defensive scheme and there's now way he's going to scamper even with their timeouts.
  17. If Hill was flagged for taunting, what will be the penalty? Are they going to waive the TD?
  18. More salt to the wound. We were inches away from going to this year's Super Bowl. Groot had that INT from Mahomes...
  19. I think I'm scarred for life. The images of "13 ***** seconds" is all I I'm going to see every time I see a football game.
  20. I don' know if this was ever brought up so sorry if I'm repeating this. But why didn't they set up one Bills defensive player to solely watch Mahomes if he gets out of the pocket and scamper for big yards? We could have held him for little or no gain and forced them to punt maybe 2 - 3 times in the game. That would have been huge!
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