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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. Wouldn't we play the Steelers if they did pull the upset ??
  2. Well... 2 of those 3 lastest games in your chart aren't horrendous passing ratings, and the Atlanta game was a win, so not sure how super excited Pats fans should be about those stats...
  3. Any given Sunday.... But alas, probably a big fat NO. Not unless Big Ben and his receivers have the game of their lives.
  4. So apparently an elite holder = Championship Actual punting = Meh, doesn't really matter. 🤔
  5. Decent vertical jump, good athleticism, but pretty crappy situational awareness. Think we should pass! 🤪
  6. Can the cat do any of the following ?? -- Set the edge -- Rush the passer -- Punt more than 20 yds If yes, then sign him/her/it up!
  7. Sorry to be that guy, but is Muki considered a reliable source ?? Not familiar with him.
  8. OMG what a debacle. First the Beas/McD curfuffle, now the phantom Shaq signing. How hard is it to get responsible reporting on this message board ???? That was a joke btw.
  9. Too many of those wacko Bill's fans out there - just stewing about every nuance of what happens to, or is said about the Bills. As I think about that, it was probably someone from this board.... 🤔🤪
  10. Ah HA !!! There's all the confirmation we need. lol
  11. Wow. Good depth move. Not sure how soon he'll see playing time though....
  12. Loved that segment this morning!! Hopefully Josh and Diggsy will have some fun with their photo with the septre - ala Najee Harris' snowman pic.... Kay Adams can change with me ANYtime! 👍
  13. But now that they know that we know that they might go with a different plan, shouldn't we now know that they know that too, so WE come up with an opposite plan too - and only pass 4 times? 😉
  14. DON'T go to the Dolphins Daboll! Bears, that's fine. Just not the Phins - have some dignity!
  15. Damn you're old. But I immediately got the reference so kinda right there with ya. 😉
  16. No Rogers (probably), No Big Ben, new coach in Min, Titans (finally in Buffalo) - don't think our Home schedule looks too awful. Definitely more concerned about the Away games at Cincy, KC (again!), Ravens. Chicago and Detroit - those theoretically should be gimmes, but I'm sure at least one of those will be closer than it should be.
  17. Well, yeah. If there really was the kind of tension as described, there would've been a ton of folks amping it up. Maybe it was such a fleeting moment that it got missed, but me wonders if we getting trolled a bit... 🤔
  18. I'm kinda shocked that NO reporters seem to have made any kind of note about this interaction. Makes me wonder if it really happened or not....
  19. Better yet. Don't punt at ALL !!! Stay aggressive - when they've done that, good things have usually happened. Don't play the settle for FGs game....
  20. Oh Dolphins. Every time they seem like they might be getting a pulse as a team, they do stuff like this. No sympathy, but damn, find a plan and stick to it.
  21. I think it's been pretty well proven at this point ... if you can get an early lead on the Pats, Mac struggles to bring them back. Think the way the Pats are built right now is to play with a lead - where they can just run, run, run. I think the Bills will have their hands full in this one, but if they get a 2 score lead, I would expect the pass rush / defense to just be too much for Mac. He should eventually be a decent QB, but he's just not there yet.
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