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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. Josh Allen will run for 100+ yards tonight. You heard it here first!! (probably second or third, but first sounds better)
  2. Great! Now Dave's career is going to take a nose-dive. Oh wait.... 😉 Looks like a nice gentle breeze. Nothing to be concerned about.... 7:01 = 7-8 mph
  3. Personally, I think the wind will be an equal disadvantage - unless the Wind Gods decide to ease up only when the Bills have possession. 🤔
  4. Here's what tonight's enemy looks like. From Edelman no less. lol
  5. This was Jared Goff's girlfriend's reaction to that game-winning TD yesterday (she was on a photo shoot - obviously NOT in Detroit) Would Brittany have a similar reaction if Josh wins tonight ???
  6. 1. You better have made waffles for breakfast this morning! 2. Tell your "friend".... yes!
  7. No seriously... what do you really think?? 😉 Pace yourself my friend. Still a bunch of hours before kickoff! 👍
  8. Absolutely more logical - totally agree!! but... some folks really need an active conspiracy in their lives to keep themselves warm at night.
  9. Somebody just find Kyle Williams, give him the ball and let him do his impersonation of a bull dozer tonight!!!! 🤪
  10. PLEASE GOD let this be posted in the Bill's locker room!!! The fact that you went to that much trouble to debunk a potential conspiracy tells me one thing. There's still a chance it could be true.... 😉 Oh, and.... "back and to the left.... back and to the left"
  11. Let's hope the team saw that and THEIR blood is boiling! If the Bills don't come out with some serious attitude this could be a long night....
  12. The only way to deal with rain, wind and cold is layers, layers and layers. Preferably topped off with something that will actually shed water / snow. Getting wet down by your skin is what will really do you in. Quality rain gear is key - somethign way better than a simple poncho - unless it's a really thick one. Keep your hands covered and think about wearing some kind of mask or face gear. Cover as much of your skin as you can - that'll help with the wind as well.
  13. Crappy weather games are just part of the experience of being a Bills fan. Does it suck sometimes - sure it does! But it really is one of the things that sets this fan base apart. Despite crappy conditions, the fans still come out and cheer on the team. I think at times it actually motivates the players to see the fans suffer thru the same stuff they are. Will it bring out the best of the team on Monday. Maybe, maybe not, but think about how you'd feel if you were a player and you walked into a half empty stadium - like Jacksonville. Being all in is just what being a Bills fan is about. I hope the wind does down too - but can't control that part. Go Bills!!!!
  14. Maybe getting both Star and Brown back was too much to hope for. Hopefully Brown's presence (and attitude) will help spark the Offense. 🤞
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