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Everything posted by Blainorama5

  1. I have found myself in almost the exact same place this season in terms of how upset (or not) I get after the losses. Maybe because I've been down this road so many times ... but maybe because last year's losses got me so upset I'd stew for days and days to the point where people I know were commenting on it. That's certainly not a unique feeling around here (being upset at a loss) but it's not exactly healthy either. This season I've rolled with the losses (agree on the Jax one tho) with real comparative ease. Is there something wrong with me ??? I'm not any less of a fan now than I've been the previous 33 years - maybe even more so now. It's weird, but something has changed for me. Maybe just not letting myself be a slave to the outcome of the Bills maybe? A pandemic making me feel that life is too short sometimes? Maybe finally finding some zen place in the back of my reptilian brain? Or maybe realizing how lucky I am to be retiring early next year? Whatever the reason ... it's definitely different this season. 🤔 Thanks as always for sharing where you're at Shaw! Always appreciate your efforts.
  2. If he does play with a brace, that's likely taking away one of his main weapons. Have a hard time imagining playcalls going forward will be designed QB runs - and everyone will absolutely hold their breath every time he hints at scrambling out of the pocket.
  3. You convinced me! I'm headin' over to my bookie right now!!!
  4. The key words in that tweet are "Often" and "By video". Hope Chao is right, but I'd hardly call a video diagnosis conclusive that he won't miss any time. Praying he won't and it is only minor. Will feel better if we get that same from message from more official sources later today....
  5. Hope you're right. Would really like to hear how that MRI scan goes today first though....
  6. I think he did well too. It's not like Tre NEVER got beat. All CB's do. He just needs to keep working on some of the finer details, like not getting taken out of position to make a play on running plays.
  7. I wish I shared your optimism, but until I see Trubisky actually WIN a game with the Bills, it's really hard to put any stock into a guy who has played VERY little this season....
  8. If Josh has to miss any time - we can kiss the payoffs good bye.
  9. Sorry to be that guy, but let's see if it's going to be Mitch Trubisky Time before we get too excited about playing ANYbody.....
  10. Bucs - Pats SB. That's all the NFL cares about. It's obvious!! 😉
  11. How 'bout complete silence - maybe just a light sound of butterfly wings flapping? 🤔
  12. I find myself running right along a similar timeline. After a bad loss (like Monday), I don't look at ANYTHING football related for at least 2 days, then by the third day I can look at things a bit more rationally.
  13. Not sure THAT can be counted on....
  14. Sounds like the conditions are still changing ... to "not as awful"
  15. No worries - we're here for ya. Here at TBD we help ramp UP that anxiety!!
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