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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. Someone recently posted the PFF grades for our linemen over the past three years. ( sorry I can't find the post or the source material). It completely supported the point you are making. For players that were holdovers from Gailey's last year, there were precipitous drops in performance grades in each successive year under Marrone. There are certainly others factors that could be in play, but something was clearly amiss under Marrone with respect to coaching, position decisions, and scheme. I expect improvement from better coaching alone. Another factor to be considered is kuandjo in his second year. It is pretty clear he struggled making the transition to the NFL last year. He did not get much help it seems from the Bills coaches either. He is certainly not the first player to be overwhelmed in making the jump. The accounts of his offseason work and his descriptions of his approach and attitude one year to the next encourage me greatly that he will make a major jump in year 2. I would have liked to have Bulaga though ....
  2. The problem is cutting Williams saves them very little on the cap this year. He carries a cap hit of $3.35 m this year and a dead cap if cut of $3.125 m, according to Spotrac. Cutting Urbik does not save them much either. This assumes I am understanding the "dead cap" money issue correctly. If someone has a better understanding, please correct me. I think the Bills are out of significant free agent moves for now - very little cap room left after Clay. Their biggest potential savings is Fred Jackson, but nobody wants to go there it seems.
  3. I believe their priority targets for OL were Bulaga and Bolling, and when those efforts failed, they moved on to Harvin. I suspect they do not see any of the other current FAs as significant upgrades to what they have. It is possible something may happen after June 1 they might look at, but otherwise, they will probably draft one or two linemen and focus on what they have. They are really out of money right now without cuts, and probably do not see the available options as worth cutting Urbik, for example.
  4. One of the few, but that puts you in excellent "I told you so position" if it does not work out. Personally, I love it, but we are a long way from knowing if it pays off.
  5. I agree that the narrative probably changes if the teams are reversed, or if any other darling team ( say, the Eagles) made this move. However, it is a fair point to say that if Clay disappoints in Buffalo over the next two years, the money up front will look pretty foolish. It is a gamble for sure, but one I think is warranted with a very high upside for the Bills. I love the agressiveness of the Bills this offseason, just like I loved the agressiveness in going up to get Watkins last year. It could blow up, but no one can say they are not trying.
  6. Great position for BPA at this point. Depth priorities, in no particular order, would be LB, OL, DB, DL. No particular needs at all with WR, RB unless they love somebody. Same with QB for now.
  7. It would at least be time to move on with your life if you were the QB pushed aside for Tebow. Orton simply waited two years beyond his expiration date.
  8. That's kind of funny since the Jets traded up to select Sanchez.
  9. I would love to see him back and he would love to be back. I think he is a perfect fit for this D. Hopefully no one offers him stupid money and it can be worked out with the Bills.
  10. This is what Rodak does instead of talking to sources, since he has none.
  11. Any independent confirmation of this? I am not sure I trust the cognitive capacity of the average fish fan.
  12. Whatever. So he has two bad knees, not just one. It does not change he fact that your campaign is boring.
  13. It was not. And by the way, I thought crusading was against the rules of this forum but I guess not. This must be your 50th post that in one way or another is based on only one point - you don't like the trade of Kiko for McCoy. I think we get it by now. Move on or go away.
  14. That's what people said about the Jets last offseason. Resigning Harris does not make their defense better - he was already there. Marshall improves their receiving, but still no QB.
  15. I am more concerned about the potential for a six game suspension. It is very unlikely this issue will be sorted out before Tuesday. Big risk, but maybe that drops his price. I hope the Bills are planning to take a look.
  16. I would guess that had much more to do with the Eagle's OL issues than with percipitous decline in ability on the part of McCoy.
  17. I think the Bills have made their evaluation of the available and potentially available scrap heap veteran QBs and made their selection. I would be surprised if they signed another one. If one of the second tier college guys falls to them in the draft I would not be surprised if they took one, but I think they have their veteran guy to compete with EJ. As for Locker, I do not see the potential, but reasonable minds can disagree.
  18. Spiller was always going to test free agency and has said as much. The Bills made a fair offer, perhaps even more than fair given his lack of production the last couple of years in particular. When they heard his counter they moved on. I am very pleased to see the Bills acting decisively and agreesively in filling their holes. Spiller seemed shocked on NFL network last night but I am not sure why. Were they supposed to wait for him to go shopping and then come back? I suspect he will end up with little or nothing more than the Bills offered to begin with.
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