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Everything posted by FLFan

  1. They are fresh out of bodies at RB until Fred, Bryce, and Boobie are back. Williams could be six weeks. Camp fodder.
  2. Not sure why people are getting on JW for this one. The article seems accurate and fair to me, well reported, without the snide commentary that infects some other's attempts.
  3. l The injury to Hoyer, though terrible, was clearly incidental. The injury to Manuel was just as clearly the result of a deliberate attempt to injure, which was then celebrated.
  4. If you want to draw responses to your posts, you have hit on the mother load with suggesting Tebow belongs on an NFL roster as a QB.
  5. Exactly. There is absolutely no reason to panic over Darby starting at CB. This was his first pro game. Did he get picked on? Of course. I thought he acquitted himself pretty well actually. Rex "feeding him to the wolves" was a great coaching move. He will be fine. I wish McKelvin was in that spot, but panicking and moving graham back is not a good idea at all.
  6. I have stopped taking him seriously. His bias is so apparent that it puts into question any conclusions he makes. Now that I have a chance to see these guys play myself, I will make up my own mind. Thanks anyway, Joe.
  7. I hope not actually. Love to see him play obviously, but there is no need to risk him at this point I the preseason.
  8. I have been reading and hearing the same speculation, but I have not heard that from the coaches who are the only ones who know what is really going on.. People are reading way too much into the supposed pecking order based on the split of snaps this week. I expect EJ will play tonight, albeit with 3rd and 4th stringers primarily. Still important. We will see if Taylor can actually take his practice to a game tonight. Frankly, I think it is logical that he would be the second man up if only because he is the biggest unknown, with the least game experience. The scrimmages next week will be telling as well. I think this could still go any way. I am really still hoping that either Taylor or Manuel can prove to be a better option than Cassel.
  9. It was no different when they were competitive.
  10. Welcome back ' Rocks? Always a pleasure to talk football with a knowledgeable and reasonable fan of an enemy team such as yourself. As for the upcoming scrimmage and game, I am sure it will get plenty of attention around here after Friday's preseason debut. The Cleveland/Buffalo scrimmage and game are shaping up to be a critical test of exactly who will be trusted to attempt to play QB for the Bills this year. As for Whitner, I expect the Bills fans to treat him exactly like the loudmouth, classless punk he is.
  11. This would not surprise me at all. Smith is a knucklehead. (no pun intended) Fitz will be 10x the leader at the QB position than Smith was capable of being. Unfortunately for the Jets, that comes with a noodle arm and occasional head scratching decision making with the ball.
  12. This is a bogus interpretation I think. Other reports have indicated Manuel got his fair share of reps with the ones today, although a few less than Taylor. Yesterday the situation was reversed. The only real conclusion based on the last few days is that Cassel will start on Friday, which of course Rex has already told us. Beyond that, there is no conclusion to be reached in my opinion.
  13. I do not believe you. No better than Orton or Cassel and certainly no upside. He has always had a few good games, a nice streak here and there, but in the end, he always come back to level, which is mediocre.
  14. Very true, but this may actually help the jets. I think Fitz is probably better than Geno.
  15. I think McKelvin's punt returning days are over. Too valuable as a DB, and too many injuries.
  16. They did pick up his option and he is going in as the starter. I have my doubts whether Gruden will be able to resurrect Griffin's play though and it would not surprise me if he ultimately went in another direction, perhaps after the season starts. For now, they are sticking with their investment and the plan is to make the RG3 investment pay off. He might be available next year. Not sure what will be left of him after another year of Gruden though.
  17. It would not surprise me at all if Cassel was at least penciled in as the one a long time ago. In fact we all kind of assumed it early on. He is a veteran, been there done that, etc. That said, I think it is far from over. We do not know what Ryan and Roman are really thinking, or what they are really trying to accomplish with either EJ or Tyrod. I suspect they are looking for one of those two guys to step up and take it away. Personally, I think Taylor is probably the least likely to win the job outright. Of the three of them, he is the one who scares me the most. I just find it hard to believe, given his lack of NFL game experience, that he could be relied on to perform consistently when the bullets start flying. Run yes - make the right reads, stay in the pocket long enough for a play to develop, not play like his hair is on fire - I would be surprised but I guess you never know.
  18. There is very little reason to be concerned about the chicken little reports coming from Bills Beat reporters after 3 days of training camp. I do not take these reports at this point very seriously. I question how they are making those judgments, whether they know what they are looking at, and are capable of actually identifying what separates good, bad, and mediocre is the context of what the coaches are asking them to do. The pay no heed at all it seems to the role of the defense in any of this for example, or what routes are being run (or not run), etc. The fact that the various reporters seem to have differing opinions, and that credible reports from Astro, for example, yield a different take, are evidence of the superficial attempt to evaluate they are making. As for the stooges on WGR, what makes anyone think they know what they are talking about is beyond me. Just entertainment. I am going to wait to see the product on the field before I form any opinions on who is "winning" the QB competition, or until the Coaches actually say something meaningful about it. I realize people are anxious to have the answer, but we do not have it yet, and relying on the these camp reports to form judgments on the subject seems silly to me. Sure the speculation is fun, but the facts are far from in.
  19. Good deal for both parties. They lock in Wilson for four more years at a fair rate in my opinion. Wilson gets his guaranteed money, and another kick at the can while he is still in his prime. The Seahawks do not have to commit for so long that they are hamstrung of something goes wrong.
  20. It is not unusual to be confused by Mike Florio since most of what he writes ill informed nonsense to begin with.
  21. I wonder at what point Kraft will sit down with Brady and tell him to take one for the team? From the team perspective, unless their lawyers are confident that either the NFLPA will ultimately prevail, or that they will succeed in delaying any action until after the season, they are far better served by Brady's suspension being at the beginning of the year rather than the end. In addition to that, despite the short term issues, The Patriots are part of the NFL management, and their best interest are not served by the NFLPA prevailing in court. It is a sticky situation for Kraft, but I would be surprised if that private conversation between he and Brady did not take place.
  22. Hair appointments, manicure appointments, pedicure appointments, waxing appointments, etc. It is a lot to keep up with.
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