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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. I will never forget the day he dominated us in Dec in some snow. If he were to be cut mid season, I would love to take a shot at him. I just can't seem to shake that his isn't good anymore.
  2. The guy doesn't seem to recover fast from any injury he gets.
  3. He was dropping kicks short in Seattle, that is why they didn't stick with him. Mentally, the guy has no idea about height versus length. It's not like his leg has just gave out, he always had an issue with putting kicks short.
  4. Something isn't sitting correctly with this back injury.
  5. Watch the game. They literally zoomed in on Milano and the trainer. Not that hard to lip read when it's right in front of your face.
  6. Kind of strange to see people talking like he is out forever. Pretty sure on the field when the trainers came out, he said he was fine and wanted to stay in. I don't think its as serious as people are making it out to be. I think he misses this next game, but I think there is a chance for KC. A strain is very vague and could be better in days.
  7. Minimal?!?! How many kids can't step foot into a classroom??? That's minimal?!? Education is the core of growing up, not being able to be educated is not something I would call minimal.
  8. No one believes the virus is fake, however, the severity of it is extremely fake. The recent death numbers does not constitute the restrictions we are living under.
  9. The guy was a force in Houston and can't see the field this year. This coaching staff makes no sense with their defensive scheme. How about having your safeties actually cover someone so you can put another LB on field. Dobson would be really nice to have out there. He can cover too.
  10. That defense only works versus inferior QBs. The only way we have beat good QBs with McDermott is through sacks and turnovers (think of Dallas last year). I remember last year we started playing like you described, and it just wasn't good enough. Started to play more aggressive and it was much more effective.
  11. So I read most of the responses in this thread, and lots of contradiction going on amongst people, which gets back to my original point. It seems like a wasted spot on the team, like just a floater out there. Again, this could be a scheme issue and not a Hyde issue, but the FS position on this team is useless right now. I keep hearing he plays center field. What's the point of him playing center field if he isn't going to be involved in any passing plays? Is he out there just to get a tan? I keep hearing that he is there so we don't get beat deep. Teams don't need to throw deep on us when they can throw it underneath and just take off down the field. Hyde is playing so far back, so teams are just throwing in front of him and doing whatever they want in space. We are giving up way too much in the passing game, and this has been a constant theme with QBs that have any ounce of talent. People see the numbers and just forget the fact we played QBs like Haskins, Allen, Mariota, Dalton, Hodges, etc. I really feel one of our major issues is that we give up so much space in the middle of the field because we are so scared of giving up a deep ball. This is now killing us in the run game too. The % of a QB actually throwing an accurate ball deep is low. Take your chances that the QB can actually throw the ball on target and tighten up closer to the line of scrimmage.
  12. What is he fine at doing? I know he is everyone darling with the way he came into the organization, but you have to look at his play recently. He is not an impact player.
  13. This isn't a recent problem with Hyde. He has been invisible for a long time now.
  14. When Hyde first came to Buffalo, he was excellent. Since that first season, there has been a pretty rapid decline. 2017: 13 Pass Defended, 5 Ints 2018: 5 Pass Defended, 2 Ints 2019: 2 Pass Defended, 1 Int 2020: 1 Pass Defended thus far. When you take a look at his last 15 games (including Houston game), he has one pass defended, that's it. He doesn't get sacks, and plays more of a FS role on this team. That is awful for a guy that is supposed to be roaming in the secondary. The only time I see Hyde on the field, is when he is making a tackle 15 yards down the field, or chasing a guy from behind. It seems like a wasted position to me. I would rather have a guy out there like Neal, who can cause havoc. You don't need to be worried about getting beat over the top when you are applying more pressure.
  15. Terrible coaching decision. Spain is light years better than Winters. Winters was brutal that second half and it caused Williams to look horrid.
  16. Same issues he had at VT. He is just not a MLB and will continue to struggle being there. This coaching staff is forcing him there because that is where he was drafted to be. Go back and watch him at VT and he is the same player.
  17. Very good information. Appreciate it. Any idea how much the bolded is a month? The game pass is intriguing. Are some games available cross platform? Some of my buddies were talking about people having advantages on PC.
  18. Haven't played a video game in about 10 years, but want to buy one of these consoles (dont need in right away, whenever they are available). I have no idea what one to buy. Previously I have owned an Xbox and a Playstation. I just want smooth play with good graphics. Will probably play three games, NHL, FIFA, COD. Any idea which one would be best for me? In the past, I liked the Playstation controller a little better than Xbox (not sure if it has changed much in 10 years).
  19. Doesn't Josh Allen have the most time to throw in the whole NFL? Did our RBs avg like 5 ypc? Please tell me again why Spain is getting harped on?
  20. His rookie year really can't be counted because he didn't play all that much. He was a rotational player. His broken Fibula was a major injury, but happened late in year so he didn't miss much games. That happens in beginning of year, he is out the entire year and his games missed would dictate his injury prone status. Last year his hamstring bothered him for weeks and benefited from the bye week, even though some of those weeks he played. Here we are again with another hamstring injury that will probably bother him all year again. It's ok to label him good, but injury prone. That is exactly what he is.
  21. Would be nice if they went back and added real crowd noise that synced with what was happening on the field. It was painful watching that game on Sunday. Felt like a scrimmage.
  22. Would rather he just stays in Cleveland and not go to a team we will need to be fighting against for a playoff spot. He is a perfect spot to waste away. He is extremely talented and would be a huge asset to a team like the Patriots.
  23. This team should not value the development of Johnson versus Espenesa. There should be zero instances this year where Johnson is playing over Espenesa.
  24. Who wants to watch a political demonstration? It will have a CNN feel. I will watch the Bills this year, won't be watching the other games.
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