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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. So your registration is put into a database right away? That's not why I have seen. I have seen paper forms, not electronic computers or anything. You are giving way too much credit that the voting process is up to date, which I can assure you, USA is still voting like its 1970. That's why states have it that you have to be registered way before the election date.
  2. That's a big if and what are they doing to catch these people? Easy to say its rare, if it isn't checked.
  3. What checks so they have for same day registration? What happens if someone already sent in a ballot, and then registered again at the polling place and voted again?
  4. Well if you health prevents you from getting to a polling station, you would be considered disabled in terms of this process. If you are in another state during the voting month, make a time to come back to vote, or change your polling location before the election.
  5. The only mail in voting that should be going on is if your are disabled, or if you are in the military. You want to vote, get to your polling station. I have no problem keeping polling stations opened for a month, but you should have to be in person, with id to cast a vote.
  6. Do you have a job?? Is this really what you do all day?? Seriously dude, do something productive with your life.
  7. You do realize that the adjusting of the mail in voting rules is leading to the fraud?!? You're the pretty clueless one. Tens of thousands of mail in fraud is really not that hard at all.
  8. The votes will need to be checked. Votes will need to be certified. Tapes from polling locations will need to be investigated. There is already countless examples of fraud going on with video examples on twitter.
  9. Elections are decided in like 7 states. It doesn't take much to sway an election.
  10. Hahahaha, there is only one side that was for mail in voting, and it wasn't the Republicans. You are really clueless about fraud and illegal voting, aren't you? This is farrrrrrrrrr from over. This will be in courts for years.
  11. It is not a coincidence that this is the highest voter turnout ever. Not hard to do when Dems are voting by mail and in person.
  12. They were just counting the illegal votes, so they were actually right on.
  13. With a username like Wacky, what would you expect?
  14. Your basing your opinion off a picture that you have no idea what is happening. What is the difference?
  15. I have no idea why NFL franchises don't get rid of guys on expiring deals when they are completely out of it. It never makes sense to me, but continues to happen year after year. Get rid of the comps picks. I think that would help a little.
  16. He has played outside his whole career, but I do wonder when Norman comes back if he could play inside. Taron just isn't cutting it.
  17. You can't make this stuff up. Literally ask why Democrats act like is it a farce, and you claim it is some dude making it up. Hahaha
  18. I would refuse to leave too with all the fraud going on: https://twitter.com/MichaelCoudrey Scroll through guys feed. State after state with issues.
  19. How come all Democrats act like voting fraud is some farce made up thing?
  20. Gabe Davis is a waste of a starting WR spot. With Brown struggling though injuries, we need to try something else at outside WR. Whether it is a trade,or Duke, we need an outside WR that is actually capable. Davis is a better slot guy.
  21. See I don't agree with that one bit. Trump has great international relationships, I'm honestly scared for our safety with Biden as President. The guy is going to get taken advantage of. Trump has also been great for the economy (before COVID). Biden's plan to tax the rich is not how you build a strong overall economy.
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