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Everything posted by Back2Buff

  1. Anyone questioning athletes trying unique things to extend a career needs to read about the TB12 method. That guy sure seems to keep going.
  2. I find it funny that people will bring up traffic issues like there isn't huge traffic issues on game days in OP. Traffic shouldn't be a deterrent to a downtown stadium. Its a BS excuse.
  3. Then what do you think those marks on his neck are?
  4. I noticed this during the final preseason game, but Allen had a bunch of cupping therapy marks around on his neck, specifically on the right side of his neck. This cupping therapy is usually used as pain relief from muscle issues. These first two games, there seems to be an issues with the power Allen is throwing with. Lots of throws seem to be almost short, or lack the power to get to the open player before the defender is getting there. There also seems to be a theme where he is avoiding the right side of the field. I wonder if there is something going on with the right side of his neck. Here is a picture from the preseason game where you can see the mark.
  5. Clearly the family is hiding him. My guess is that the family arranged some boat to take him to an island. Cuba does not extradite to the US
  6. It's actually not slow at all. What you are noticing, is a guy that gets more consistent hang time. Haack is the way more consistent punter it terms of hang times.
  7. Seattle's defense got better when this dude went out the line up. The guy was a train wreck when Buf played Seattle.
  8. The snap count for this past game is misleading because AJE played like the last 10 or snaps on D, when the game was out of hand. AJE should not be getting pretty much half his total game snaps, after the game is over. He has the potential to have an impact from the first snap of the game.
  9. Not too sure what is imaginary about snap counts. Vs Pitt Hughes got 33, AJ 19. They got equal snaps this last game, but AJ's mostly came with the second stringers late in the game.
  10. If you don't absolutely kill this Washington team, you have serious issues. QB that has like 4 total game played, at home, in Sept, vs a coach Mcdermott knows very well. No excuses.
  11. This coaching staff will refuse to trust AJ. The guy has barely played in these first two games when it mattered. Instead, we get to watch Hughes look overweight, slow, and old. Hughes has not been good this year, yet still gets a ton of snaps. Addison has looked a lot better than Hughes.
  12. That’s the offense they should be running with Myers. Not that Vantrease crap
  13. Man, this team is pitiful. They looked like they have never been coached before.
  14. The big time schools lost big time QBs. QBs control the entire football game so it plays a huge role in the quality you feel you are watching.
  15. The only that irritates me thing about the policy is that it isn't extending to everyone in the stadium (players, media, staff, etc.). Pretty sure MSG is not allowing NBA players to play in the stadium that aren't vaccinated.
  16. Recovering from COVID does not mean you shouldn't get the vaccine. OBGYN are strongly recommending pregnant women get the vaccine. There has been a severe uptick in still born babies from the mothers getting blood clots in the umbilical cord while having COVID.
  17. I feel like you are watching different games than me. The line has not been good. You do realize Toledo, Miami (OH), and N Illinois, are in the MAC, all teams that have performed well so far. I think UB is really going to struggle.
  18. With the lack of o lineman, I would much rather roll with a mobile QB. Get creative with a running QB.
  19. WR are fine. Vantrease is the issue. He will continue to be an issue into MAC play. He just ain’t good. Not sure why he gets opportunity after opportunity. One of the weakest arms out there and zero accuracy on any downfield throws.
  20. Vantrease can’t throw the ball beyond ten yards. I don’t understand how you expect to win consistently with him as the starter.
  21. Star doesn't want to play football. God knows how many games he will play this year before being cut next year and never playing again. As soon as he got paid, the guy was good to never play another snap. He got what he wanted.
  22. Nope, the NCAA is powerful enough to just continue to do what they are doing. There are enough players out there that will play in the NCAA. College BB in particular would be better if the best kids didn't go to it. College BB is missing the days of getting to know the kids and creating rivalries for 4 years. A single best player playing in the league, doesn't mean the league is better to watch.
  23. What investors are buying in Dunkirk? No offense to people that live in Dunkirk, but they could use some investors to make that place nice. No city on the water should look like that.
  24. Stand still traffic, is stand still traffic no matter what city it is in. I can't stand arguments like, you think that is bad, just imagine living in city X. I'm not moving while sitting in a line of cars, what does it matter what city I'm sitting in?
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