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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. That's two he could have either ran for it or checked down for the first. I'm all for the deep ball, but take the first if they give it to you
  2. It's fine when your defense is playing at a high level. We just don't have that
  3. I overall think he just isn't engaged. His comments about having to block so much, his body language on the sidelines, and overall drop in targets. I think he's just no there mentally this season
  4. I can honestly say that I've seen some posts go off topic, but never drake off topic. I love you guys.
  5. Don't worry, I got it bad. Symptoms can range from; pointless optimism, deep depression, hallucinations, severe criticism, desire to raid the fridge, isolation, and a totally healthy need to punch Patriots fans.
  6. Anything that can be picked apart and harped on, will be. I'm amazed this has stayed on topic this long. I didn't take it as criticism. I wasn't saying he was perfect anyways. But he played a complete game that I want as a started. That comes with good and bad.
  7. Agreed. I was pissed about a few of the trick plays early on, but they definitely paid off later.
  8. I'll give you that one dropped int, but I equally think that's as much him following a progression and a zone in the right place, right time
  9. There wasn't a single pass I questioned. He showed attitude after drops and slow pace. Played the game to win and loved it. Even if they lost, it wasn't on him. I'm good at QB
  10. Just because it's not currently on the first page as a topic, doesn't mean no one is talking about it. But clever tabloid title to get the clicks
  11. He doesn't know how to use the sea shells 😄
  12. I'm sure there are plenty of other things that could be changed that could make a difference. I'm sure that Aaron Rodgers would make a difference. JJ Watt, better Refs, etc.... But I truly believe that a more competent coach would be enough to put us where we should be, firmly in control of a Wild Card spot.
  13. I agree on Duke. But don't we run a bunch of one safety sets anyways? What I'm saying is, graham is good enough to be out there. I don't know why the coaches continue to put duke on the field.
  14. Okay, clearly you want to go deep with this, but being at work, I can't really look things up. Let's just look at penalties and 3&Outs. We lead the league in both. How many first downs, TD's, and Punts have we either given up for failed to execute because of them? What about the gameplans that we've seen? The first matchup against the Pats? The way the Chiefs put up 30 on us, scoring in a matter of minutes? Like I said originally, it would be different if we didn't see how this team played on defense with roughly the same roster. It would be different if we didn't add the offensive weapons we did. Yet still, with all of that, we are probably going to end with a worse record than last year? As for Aaron, yes it hurts. But there is just no way that he is killing us THAT much. All teams have injuries and he has been out long enough where the coaches need to plan a way around it. Also, Aaron isn't the reason we don't pass rush. He's not the only guy responsible for covering Gronk. And Aaron wasn't exactly a world beater safety. We didn't lose Eric Berry. How about this. Do you think that if Pete Carroll, Coughlin, Reid, Tomlin, or McCarthy were coaching this team without Aaron Williams, we wouldn't be a better team. Or do you think that if Aaron Williams was healthy all year, we'd really have more wins? I will give you the blown coverage on Amendola last week back. We still don't win after that.
  15. They are the easiest to pick. But I could also look at the Panthers right now too. Honestly, that roster is not locked and loaded and look at what they've done. As for the safety thing, I believe that only re-enforces my point. If there is an issue that large and has been going on for weeks, isn't the the coaches job to fix that or replace them? A player should be able to make a mistake once, maybe twice before the coach makes the decision to replace them or replace the expectation.
  16. I pick a team that finds ways to make their rookie OLine look decent. WR's and DB's always be in position to make a great catch. Yes, Brady makes a big difference, but you can't say that it's all him.
  17. Do the Pats execute because they have a better roster or because of how they coach and the leaders on the team? I think coaching absolutely affects execution.
  18. Wasn't surprised with the outcome. Only convinced me more that the coaching staff is a joke. Going forward. I full expect to lose to the Texans and then win out. That's only because that's how we roll. We sell 1% hope. Overall, I'm just sad that I know the coaches will be here next year and we are doomed
  19. I challenge you with the Pats offensive line. And I still think we have top 5 talent on the defensive line, including our depth
  20. As long as Roman is the OC, he should go. He looks great with EJ at QB. Woods' head is clearly out of it. He hates his role and I agree with him. I wish him luck elsewhere and I'm sure we will remember him as one we let get away
  21. The more I think about the talent on this roster. The more I think about how the entire identity of this this team has changed in offensive and defensive style. And the more I look at what other teams are doing with their level of talent..... The more I can only blame the coaching for this joke of a season. What do we have on our team? A defense that can absolutely be top 3 and was proven last year. We have a QB that, if you look at stats, is good enough to get the job done. We have a top RB, WR, and TE. All of this together is more than enough to get it done in the league this season. Now granted, other teams will make the playoffs this year because their division is crap and they don't have an undefeated team tearing it up ahead of them. But that's not making us 5-6. And for those who want to say that it takes a team a while to learn a new system, there are other head coaches and teams doing it too. Not enough of an excuse for our record. End of the day, we are in worse shape than last year and I could strongly argue that we have a better overall roster. Coaches don't make the plays, but they put players in the position to win and motivate them to execute. Rex's teams have always been sloppy. Roman's team have always hampered WR's. And while I'm on Roman, take that play where the QB slides to one side of the field, hoping to throw or run it in, and throw is the !@#$ out. It worked one time for EJ and that's it. It's failed countless other times. I firmly believe that, while I can't stand how it ended, but if we had this roster with the same coaching staff as last year, we are at least 7-4 right now. It's Rex, it's Roman, it's this stand-in DC, and I don't know how to believe that next year or any year with Rex as coach will be any different. Russ Brandon has his work cut out for him in selling this team to the fans next year
  22. I see nothing in your thesis to support why your title
  23. What do you possibly see from this team to believe they can win 4 of the 5 next games? We can't beat anyone worth a damn nor win when it matters. At some point, we are the dumb ones for still holding believing in the positivity they try to spin. Being realistic isn't the same as being negative.
  24. Sorry, but when he runs that qb-slide play for the 2pt conversion, he get's an F from me. Just a joke of a play that never works and he can't give up on it
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