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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I just really hope to see a few paper bags over heads and some rex chants. The idea of a packed stadium where we let the team know we are good with this season makes me sick
  2. Who said we was on Big Bens level? I've always loved the saying, don't come to me with problems without having a solution. Get rid of Tyrod, okay. What is your definite solution that can guarantee better results? Rookies are a crap shoot. If it was that easy, we would have done it after Kelly. Tyrod is the best option we have and the best option out there. I'm all for drafting someone and let the best man win. But you make it sound too simple.
  3. These tix were selling for over $300 at the beginning of the season. I feel bad for those people
  4. Points is deceiving. What was average field position? Were they already in field goal range because captain turnover Geno was playing. Turnovers, sacks, 3rd down completion percentage, and yardage is what I care about.
  5. I live in Northern Virginia. Redskins fans everywhere. So yeah, I do because of that
  6. Jets. More playoff bound that us. That's all that matters
  7. This. Even on just the eye test, this is not the same defense by a long shot compared to last year. If the players on the field are saying it's tough to argue.
  8. I'm so sick of all this crap we are hearing about how complex the system is and how it takes a full year to learn it. I get the concept, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. First off, like with new qbs, you don't just throw the whole playbook at them at once. This allows the player to learn and get more comfortable with it. Why is this any different? If the players aren't getting it, scale it back until they do. Seriously, after 3/4's of a season, now you get it? Then there's the second patriots game where we confused and hit the ever loving **** out of Brady. What, we magically figured it out? We haven't seen that scheme since. Did Rex dumb it down and then go right back to his complex playbook. Did the players just check back out? Either way, we saw proof of what the defense could do for that one game so we knows what's possible. This only leaves me with the conclusion that Rex didn't put his team in the best position to win via scheme.
  9. And I thought I had the market on terrible posts. Seriously dude, step away from the keyboard. You're past 48 hours of posts have been terrifying.
  10. Bills will blow them out. It's what they do to give people false hope for next year and make this year feel like more of a waste. Oh yeah, who cares?
  11. I'm not saying he won games, I'm saying he showed he was capable of making those throws. Which was your argument
  12. Sold water to a group of people extremely thirsty
  13. Then you clearly didn't watch the preseason or the season opener. That's all he did. And yet everyone was complaining about not getting the ball to Sammy. Now, it's deep shot central. Need to find a healthy balance
  14. If you could say one things to anyone in the Bills organization, player, coach, or owner, what would it be? And yes, feel free to have some huge imaginary balls and get something off your chest. I'm going with Rex Ryan - You took us from top 3 to bottom 3 in Sacks. We are top 3 in most penalties. We missed the playoffs for the 16th straight year. Why do you deserve to be the coach of the Buffalo Bills next year and what would it take to make you quit after next year?
  15. So, you're logic is based upon any qb that doesn't get us to the playoffs is bad?
  16. Yes, and it falls on the people who hold them accountable. I've worked in many a jobs and the most disorganized places have the least disciplined leadership. I understand that it's the players making the mistakes. But it's because they either get caught up in emotion, lack or respect for the result, or have no fear or retribution. That all comes from the coaching.
  17. Sorry, that's crap to me. When the team commits 15 penalties and is top 3 in the league for them, who do you blame? By comparison, who are the least penalized teams and why. There's a reason it's happening and it's happening consistently.
  18. Whether you believe he is our Franchise guy or not, he is good enough to win games for us and doesn't make drafting a QB in the first round every year a priority. I think I've seen progression from him most weeks. His decisions to throw deep and not run today on 3rd down was off to me, but it wasn't the terrible crap we've dealt with in years past. Speaking of which, I completely believe he's the best QB we've had since Kelly. In any case, whether you love him or can put up with him, I'm just tired of seeing the fighting over how good he is. He's good enough. Agree?
  19. The sack number makes me want to vomit. I just can't comprehend it. Here, let me take one of the greatest in the NFL and change it. !@#$ you Rex. !@#$ you rotten
  20. Pry the most I've read you to be upset in a while. Can't blame you. We deserve better
  21. Penalties = Lack of Discipline. Lack of Discipline comes from coaching. Coaching is the problem and we are stuck with it. Worst part is, he's shown this is who he is. He's not getting better.
  22. Man, you're setting the bar really high there. Marrone outcoached the hell out of Rex last season....twice
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