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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I agree with the overall topic, but not about Tyrod. He has shown me that he is more than capable of leading this team both passing and running. I firmly believe that we have an offensive scheme problem where we only send out 2 WR's, telegraph run or pass, and just don't set our guys up to win. I've yet to see a throw that TT can't make
  2. I feel you stopped reading after the first sentence as I said that with the very next line.
  3. Both of these. This is what we did last year. Don't get beat on the big play and we only gave up 13 points. Now against the Pats.....need to get up on them
  4. A win is a win. Good teams find a way to win, even if it's ugly. But this offense is just getting worse. I don't know if it's adjustments or what I feared when we hired Roman, that he is a TE/RB guy that doesn't know how to use WR's. You can say that Shady is hurt, but he wasn't having good running games when playing. You can say that Watkins is out, but I'd take our WR's over the Titans today. I'm happy we are 3-2, but our defense can't be on the field like this. This is our 3rd game where the offense doesn't even show up in the first half and we have to rely on street ball to score. This was a team that, while on 13 days rest, was still supposed to be a solid win. I just don't know how to believe that we will beat and contenders this year based off what we've seen so far.
  5. I'm not sure how they rank that, but if this is true, then I blame Roman even more for his lack of creativity for spreading out defenses
  6. For all the criticism about the team, mostly deserve, I haven't seen much against TT. I think most people are on board with him and where he is with his development
  7. It's not different until proven. So right now, it's the same old story
  8. While I think we can get better on our line, I don't think it's anywhere near as bad as you are making it out to be. Look at the Pats. They don't have any world beaters, but they run a scheme that covers it up. No matter who is on our line, if the opposing team is stacking the box and daring us to throw and we don't, that's on our scheme. We don't spread the field or do the things that good coaches do to make the defense respect us. Doing that creates 1 on 1 match ups and let's us run. So yes, we could use upgrades. No, it's not going to fix everything if we don't adjust our scheme.
  9. I hate these games. We win, we were supposed to and doesn't show us anything about our team besides we beat someone easy. We lose, well ****.....
  10. I agree that Watkins drawing that coverage helps. But if Woods and Harvin are as good as they are supposed to be, we should be getting more than 78 total yards in the first half.
  11. When I take the emotion of the moment out of it, I think I'm the most angry by the fact that these are group of adults that are paid millions of dollars to do nothing more than play football and everything within that. Yes, we are all human and capable of flaws. But we have a top 10 talent team and continue to not be mentally prepared, can't execute, or can't stop making dump penalties. I don't know if it's worst to lose when you know you should win or lose knowing you had no chance. I feel like we've done both over the years.
  12. I'm sorry, but what has McCoy done to dictate any of the defenses that we've seen? And how was today different? Sure, Sammy may get the attention of their #1 CB, but isn't Woods a 2nd round pick? Don't we have as good of depth at WR as any team out there? Has Sammy done a fraction of what he did last year? I just don't see how their absence was the difference maker today
  13. If this is true, and I partially agree, then it's the coaches fault. It's their job to get them ready for each game. The offensive gameplan was pathetic today and the control of the team was lost by Ryan.
  14. Couldn't disagree more. Yes, he's made some poor throws. But no more than any other QB I've watched this season. And not consistently with any particular throw that makes me think he's incapable of making it
  15. Pretty much nailed it. Especially about the WR's. I blame Roman's philosophy as much as anything.
  16. My first reaction to some of our offseason moves: "What did Rex Ryan do in NY that merits him another chance? He's a loud mouth whose team eventually turns on him." "What is it about the San Fran Offense that makes me want it here in Buffalo?" "Did we really make enough changes to improve on a top 5 defense and create a run game?" Four games into the season, I think the answers are no. Rex did a great job of buttering up our new owners, the media, and us the fans. He had me believing in the hype that things would be different. But over the past 15 years, how many times have we been here? How many times did we beat teams that we justified as being worthy opponents. How many times have we allowed ourselves to let meaningless wins mean more than they should have? For me, I admit that I believed that this is still the same defense that shut down Aaron and Peyton. But we aren't. That was a defense that dictated what yards we would give up to the point of total frustration for opposing teams. End of the day. We have the same Rex Ryan he's always been. A man who relies on hype and emotion, not the professionalism to win in the NFL. We have the same Roman who doesn't know how to utilize WR's, gets bailed out by a scrambling QB to make his rushing stats look better than they are. Here's what I think going forward: Kickers are having a crap year and I overall think that Ryan's open criticism of Carpenter only makes things worse We don't have a players captain on defense with any real control over the team. The lack of benching of these guys when they lose it on the field and that fact that it keeps happening is ridiculous. I can only imagine how much worse it would be if we tied or losing in our two wins. Rex has got way too much ego and proved it today after the press conference. His teams penalties are a real thing and he wants to deflect. He hasn't earned anything with this team at 2-2. We will probably finish 9-7 because we will beat the sub .500 teams as we are right in the middle of the pack. The team we are seeing right now is the team we will have all season besides an anomaly here and there. Tyrod is absolutely capable of being our starting QB. For a guy on his 4th NFL start, he's doing very well Overall, I feel like the business approach is the best way to look at this. We are customers, Pegula is the owner, Rex is the store manager, and the Bills are the product. We all bought a product based upon the advertising of Rex and spent quality money. We are buying iPhones. Things that are expensive, but not a need. So yes, when it doesn't live up to it's billing, those who are rightfully upset are trolls and those who love it as it crashes are fanboys. And there are always the crazies that give each side a bad name. Welcome to another season of being a Bills fan. Congrats though, you've been prepped for the past 15 years for this!
  17. It's Rodak. I'm sure there are some liberties with the wording.
  18. simple, send the other 31 teams the game tape from the Giants and Patriots game. That should do it
  19. Can this thread not only be locked, but burned?
  20. Not confident. This is a good test and we tend to fail them when we are high on life. We've crushed two teams that have been crushed by other teams. They have legit weapons on offense. I don't see us covering the spread, but like to be wrong
  21. No matter what, Sammy draws top coverage leaving lesser defenders on Woods and Harvin. I think this could mean more looks for Hogan and Clay. Whether it's Karlos or McCoy back there, teams know we are going to primarily run and stack against it.
  22. I remember these threads from when we were 5-2 those few times. This is the biggest jinx of them all
  23. Giants 28, Bills 24 The Giants are used to not having a running game. I think it's a comeback win on their part
  24. We were really dialed in during last weeks practice. We didn't want to lose that focus just because of last weeks loss We were eager to get out there to get the bad taste out of our mouth and prove we are the team to believe in Biggest challenge to just be me. Preparation, be vocal, control the huddle. Locker room is handled by the veterans Be calm in the huddle, show the patience and calmness. Let the team know the play is going to work Bills fans are very supportive and we appreciate it On McCoy - He's battling each and every week. We know the breakout game is going to come. Been invaluable in the passing game On Karlos - He's a confident player and it shows in how he runs. Uses his speed well Fav Rex Ryan Story - Doesn't have one, but great guy to be around and relates to every player Called out for his fashion in week 1 - Doesn't really think about it. Puts something together and keeps it moving About being a started after being a backup - Hasn't really looked at it like that, just excited to lead the team Got called out for being so calm and low-toned, he kinda smiled about that. He was very bland at first, but got more relaxed
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