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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. Questions: 1 - How do owners make money by getting a new stadium? Owners have to pay something towards the cost of the stadium. I don't see how the cost of relocating a team equals a huge cash-in? 2 - Why are the Rams moving and not the chargers and Raiders? Why did the Rams get that Stadium instead of having 2 teams voted to go there? Did each team have their own separate stadium plans? I thought the idea was always two teams to go there and share a stadium. I'm sorry, I just don't get the logistics but find the whole thing interesting.
  2. I understand that LA is a major city and they should probably have a team. What I don't understand is how a city that doesn't have 1 team can all of a sudden be considered viable to host 2 teams? I don't know the reasons the Rams and Raiders left before. I know it's about stadiums to a degree, but that can't be all of it. And they were also in different stadiums. I also get the impression that the Rams owner is a bit of an !@#$ who just wants to get our of St. Louis by saying it's not a 3 sports city. I don't buy that personally. In any case, is all of this just the money grab that it seems to be? I hate to see a city lose it's team and honestly it's a bit of a joke to me, all the back and forth from LA. I have no reason to believe they won't be leaving again in 15 years
  3. I'm terrified of what will happen to me if I meet this guy. I'll pry wake up in a restroom on the side of the thruway with my pants missing. I don't know what there is about this guy, but apparently, whoever he talks to, he finds a way to get exactly what he wants. I can't think of any other explanation as to how he got hired. How he possibly got his brother hired. And then I look at what he did to our fan base to start the season. The media as the season went on. Dude should be running for president. I've never seen a guy verbally obtain what should be denied by anyone else who can see the situation with their eyes. Man has powers
  4. First off, the man's been fired twice for being a joke on the defensive side of the ball. Second, what organizations allow people to hire family like this? Seriously, who signed off on this? This is an absolute joke
  5. Even if that were true, which it's not; you can still go low with your tackle.
  6. MVP is the white offensive lineman with a huge beard on the steelers. He was the one who set Pacman off and immediately clapped once Pacman touched the ref to get to him. He knew what he was doing. I admit, it's tough to call that 2nd PF, but the bengals had been asking for it all game. Running into the tunnel was a joke. They are winning in the final 2 minutes. If they can't keep their composure enough to not give the refs anything to debate, then they got what they deserved. It's like the Giants game against us. They knew we'd fall apart. The Bengals were a time bomb out there
  7. Rex being better is a combination of #1 and #5. If he has a DC that can run that show and allow him to be just the HC, that's a big difference to me. Then, with #5, being a coach that doesn't motivate his opposing teams, I hope him to be better. I'm not saying Rex is the answer. His past 5 years would lead me to believe that he's not. But we are stuck with him this year so I'm asking what would be the best of a bad situation.
  8. I'm not buying this. This year was a very big Bills year in the sense that we finished .500, didn't win the big games, and were done with three weeks left. Now, I can see the pegulas saying they want to see a significant change in culture. Penalties down, improved defense. In it until the end. Basically, the performance that this roster is capable of. If we miss the playoffs, but show up on Sunday's and finish 10-6, 11-5, I think all is well. But no way do I believe they were told playoffs or bust.
  9. In fairness, Coughlin resigned. But yeah, I couldn't have been more wrong. The SanFran thing is a joke. Eagles giving up on a guy who won 10 games his first two seasons after a season where they missed out by a game. Sorry, but that's a bit crazy to me as well. But I'll take my lumps. That's why I don't work in the NFL I guess
  10. Well, we know who our GM, HC, and QB is. The hype of the Rex Show has worn off. This season was a disappointment. Now, on to the next season! What would you need to see to feel optimistic and hyped for the season opener? Hire a legit defensive coordinator and let him do the job. I'm not saying Pettine, but that would be fantastic. Either way, someone that Rex can work with, but let him do his job on gameday. Let Rex be the HC. If Pettine is an option, then throw the money his way and make it happen. I would immediately be excited about our defense if this happened. Offer Mario a re-structure. If he walks, at least say we tried. Mario has been a productive part of this team and the defensive turnaround started when he signed. He had a bad year during a time when many weren't buying in and everyone on the Defense took a step back. To single him out makes no sense to me. Yes, he was vocal but I'm okay with that. He's a force in the right system and we need to admit this year sucked. Get past it and try to make it work. Again, if he's not in, then let him go. Re-sign Incognito and Glenn. Additions, either through the Draft or FA - 2nd WR, ILB, RT. If we can solidify those positions, while finding some depth at G, S, and whatever spots Rex needs for the D. Rex staying humble this offseason. I feel like NYC was a circus. When he lost there, it was easy to blow off the criticism. I honestly feel like Rex got taken down a peg here these past few weeks. This city embraced him in ways I think surprised him. Yes, we are crazy and irrational as well, but we are also one huge family. Losing here and seeing the reaction from the city had a different affect on him. Way moreso than I ever saw in NYC. I'm really hope this put him in his place and he can focus more on his job than the hype machine. That's pretty much it
  11. I think that they are all in very different systems. Luck is better. Mariotta doesn't have TT's arm. Carr is a tough one for me. Week 17 did a lot for me in terms of signing off on TT for the future. I don't see a throw he can't make.
  12. If it was 10-11 mil per year, I'd absolutely lock it up, with a buy out clause. However, I don't see him taking that little
  13. I just don't see how that's wise. Maybe I'm gun shy after Fitz, but I need to see him next season. Not only performance but health. He's gonna get more than 15, so I need to see a fully, healthy season
  14. First off, anyone but the Pats is a happy playoffs to me. I believe that either the Cards or Seahawks will win it all. Today's game makes me think Seahawks. With that, here is who I'm hoping for: 1 - Denver (Peyton for two) 2 - Pittsburgh (Grown to like Antonio Brown) 3 - Packers (reminds me of Buffalo, Olivia Munn on TV, Rodgers for 2) 4 - Cardinals (they've earned it) 5 - Seahawks (Freddie, Lynch, Russell - not Carroll or Sherman) 6 - Bengals (been a long time, so why not) 7 - Texans (We beat them, so moral victory 8 - everyone else, who cares.
  15. These are all kind of meh games to me. Seattle will handle business and I don't see that being close. Green Bay is playing terrible, but whoever wins that game won't survive week 2. Pittsburgh can be so very dangerous, but they are notorious for falling flat at any moment. KC and Houston....who cares. Winner will get crushed in round 2.
  16. I genuinely believe Whaley when he says they will take BPA. If that's not a qb, I wonder who the FA class is. Needing a guy that can manager a few games for us us much nicer than hoping to hope a failure elsewhere can be the savior here. I really wished EJ could be that guy for us, but he's just awful
  17. Please, no one from Notre Dame. These guys look great until tested.
  18. Give it a moment, the hate will come soon. Not reasonable, but it'll come
  19. 8-6 as a starter. I feel comfortable saying he would have been 9-7 if playing in all games.
  20. Week 17 was a fantastic wrap up game in showing what TT can do as our QB. He can't help the crappy trick plays that are called in. In this game though, where the Jets took away the deep ball, TT showed the ability to throw is anywhere on the field. He converted 3rd downs with curls and even a SLANT!. He's proven the deep ball all season. He's proven and verified his scrambling ability. Overall, besides showing his ability to lead a comeback, I've more than seen enough for a FIRST YEAR STARTER to deem him the guy for next season. The only caveot is that I do believe that we need a viable back-up, considering the injury rate for scrambling QB's. I think a WR, LB are more important in the first two rounds. But 3rd and on, get him if he's there. TT haters, have at it...
  21. My favorite part about this game had to be the two fights broken up by Woods and TT. The first one, Wood ran right into the middle of it and squashed it REAL quick. He wasn't having any of that. The second fight, TT pulled Mills out of that scuffle with authority. In a meaningless win game, I'm glad to see these guys step up and hopefully build on this leadership next season.
  22. Then you shall burn in hell!!! Too much?
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