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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Not one person would blink or notice this if this girl was white. Wouldn't be a story outside of local. media and lefties stoking the flames of hatred, they need the excuse to riot.
  2. The problem with this chauvin clown is this isn't a single individual committing a crime, the left truly believes in their minds that he represents all the people they hate, the right, trumpers, white people, christians, and anyone else who doesn't agree with them. They want all of them jailed or dead, asap.
  3. Old goat pandering fraud. #termlimits
  4. 'they' are probably not out committing crimes high, just a hunch
  5. The rioters and their planners are probably the most disappointed right now.
  6. Woka-Cola to raise prices… (Because they’re selling less Cola after you got pissed)…
  7. Bottom line the guy is an idiot. He will deserve whatever he gets. There was no need for any of this.
  8. As it turns out ...his opinions are more factual that the quote unquote news. irony.
  9. oh dear god an older politician made an error! Gosh that never happens nowadays...
  10. Gameday? These folks are openly encouraging violence and murder. Once again lefties prove they are what the accuse others of, <<Alinsky>>
  11. the right, lol. lay off the tide pods liar.
  12. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/18/panic-time-nba-fast-approaching-historic-ratings-lows/ The NBA has suffered another ratings disaster, with ABC falling 45 percent since the 2011-12 season, while TNT was down 40 percent, and ESPN was off 20 percent Now cancel coke and disney ! I refuse to drink coke and have cancelled disney plus. I am however enjoying the Knicks.
  13. \ Chauvin used to live here...imagine what they would do to jurists who didn't give the outcome they demand...
  14. Don't forget about the threat of violence from the left Mad maxine coming for ya Speaking of raysis maxi... lololololololol
  15. Told ya the cultists would double down. China killing 'we the people'(lol), and tibs can't stop with the Russians.
  16. Lots more people there than any biden rally...lol
  17. lol...'we the people'...about to become fully segregated again....riiiiight /end post
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