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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Chinese Communist Party Constructing Nearly 100 More Bio Labs Like Wuhan Institute Of Virology. https://thenationalpulse.com/breaking/ccp-constructing-100-more-wuhan-biolabs/
  2. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/16/biden-harris-administration-to-ramp-up-experiments-using-aborted-baby-body-parts/ The Biden-Harris administration’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) announced it is reversing the Trump administration’s decision to end taxpayer funding for experimental research that uses fetal tissue derived from aborted babies. Now it makes sense why they encourage abortions. Sick.
  3. And that's fine, used to casual smoke myself ...I still have to wonder if pot use is directly contributing to the surge of mental health issues we've seen over the past decade or so. Plus the stuff people are smoking is highly messed with...not dads homegrown.
  4. This is probably a lot more true nowadays...I'm willing to bet a large portion of hard core leftists use pot.
  5. I don't think so, every time I post something along these lines either no one responds or a few of the lefties leave a sad face. We are living in some real funny times times.
  6. Like everything else with the dnc 'they are working on it'.
  7. It shouldn't matter, and yet you can almost guess from the media reaction - info leaks it's a white guy ..story breaks in minutes or hours...if it's a black guy they hold back for as long as possible. Very odd it's not on yahoo.com at all. The media is flat out dishonest and stokes discord in the US.
  8. Ah the good ol days when law and order was a thing.
  9. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/murders-surge-as-police-are-defunded-up-64-in-minneapolis Murders surge as police are defunded, up 64% in Minneapolis The report said that in 10 major cities where cops were sharply criticized, police activity dropped 48% since June 2020 and murders rose 56%. Nationally, murders jumped 25% to the highest point since 1995. A year before, former President Bill Clinton and then-Sen. Joe Biden pushed through a crime bill that granted millions to police and established the “three strikes” provision that helped to fill the nation’s jails and increase the length of sentences.
  10. Digging deep there, must be out of any new propaganda since no one is buying cnn's lies anymore. the event was horrible the reaction was probably more horrific
  11. So are we to assume then that US intel is in the same propaganda bed as cnn?
  12. It's not absurd at all. Opioid abuse is not considered an epidemic for the f*&^ of it.
  13. I highly doubt that...if that happened that easily some posters here would be long gone.
  14. Technically speaking this is sort of correct...wouldn't he probably still be alive today if he wasn't drugged out committing some crime that day?
  15. https://nypost.com/2021/04/13/daunte-wright-was-facing-attempted-robbery-case-when-killed-by-cop/ Daunte Wright had an open warrant related to an armed robbery case against him when he was shot dead Sunday by a cop who claimed she thought she was firing her Taser, court records show. Wright, 20, and another man had been charged with first-degree attempted aggravated robbery in December 2019 for allegedly trying to steal $820 from a woman at gunpoint, according to Hennepin County District Court documents. The pair had crashed at the victim’s home in the city of Osseo after attending a party there –then demanded money the next morning while flashing a gun, authorities said in court papers. “Give me the f–king money — I’m not playing around,” Wright told the woman, according to prosecutors. Not as serious as turn signal infractions or burned out taillights
  16. Actual, and self admittedly, Nazis. <snip> Third, the Nazis perfected the art of indoctrinating the citizenry through propaganda and “fake news.” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi minister of propaganda, is credited with saying: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” and “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which government can play.” <snip>
  17. Before I go full postal starting a new 'can we talk about' thread, the elephant in the room should be addressed. Maybe, and I'm just throwing stuff out there, maybe people should stop committing crimes and stop resisting arrest or fleeing when confronted by the police?
  18. Title should be changed to "Biden confronts Ice cream cone"
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