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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. They let him drive? oh my... listen to the propaganda weasels ball wash him at the end lol. pathetic.
  2. It's not really Trump that the leftards are targeting, what they are furious about the most is Trump voters. Especially white Trump voters, that's who their real target is. Book it...coming soon....
  3. ... aka as a top notch, well cherished democrat by their propaganda monkeys and cultist slave mouthpieces.
  4. Nobody is going to hold their breaths waiting for these corrupt DA's throwing crap around in a monkey cage. Deranged lunatics.
  5. Michigan’s push for permanent COVID-19 rules sparks battle with business leaders Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has laid a clear path for Michigan to eliminate its COVID-19 health order and associated restrictions: Get 70% of the population 16 or older to have at least one vaccine shot. But simultaneously, the state is working through a process to make permanent its workplace COVID-19 rules, enforced through the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
  6. Dr Fraudci is still more full of ***** than this guy.
  7. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/gang-shooting-in-portland-50-shots-fired-police-prevent-escalation-at-hospital/ Gang Shooting In Portland — 50 shots fired, police prevent ‘escalation’ at hospital… The North Portland shooting comes as the city is struggling to respond to a significant spike in gang-related and retaliatory violence. Four people have been killed in separate shootings in the city since a week ago Sunday and the homicide count has reached 33. racist lefties .."shrug"
  8. yea the crack pipe President Joe Biden has taken $2 billion from Americans’ healthcare programs to help deliver migrant youths and children to their illegal-migrant parents throughout the United States, press reports say. The Department of Health and Human Services [HHS] has diverted more than $2 billion meant for other health initiatives toward covering the cost of caring for unaccompanied immigrant children,” Politico reported May 15. The article continued: The redirected funds include $850 million that Congress originally allocated to rebuild the nation’s Strategic National Stockpile, the emergency medical reserve strained by the Covid-19 response. Another $850 million is being taken from a pot intended to help expand coronavirus testing, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. … In addition to transferring money from the Strategic National Stockpile and Covid-19 testing, HHS also has pulled roughly $436 million from a range of existing health initiatives across the department.
  9. Most people with their hands out like big government. If you support yourself and take care of your family why on earth would you want big government? lol @ you
  10. I would agree with any party that was staunchly against idiotic leftist drivel
  11. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/05/17/46-shot-during-weekend-in-mayor-lori-lightfoots-chicago/ Forty-six individuals were shot, five fatally, during another violent weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago. Among the weekend’s wounded were a two-year-old girl who “was shot in Little Village on the Southwest side” while riding in the backseat of a vehicle. She was shot just before 7 p.m. Friday, and taken to a hospital in “good condition.” A 13-year-old boy was shot and wounded Sunday morning just before 8 a.m. The boy was on the sidewalk when a vehicle pulled up beside him and someone inside the vehicle opened fire. The boy was struck numerous times and transported to the hospital in critical condition. No outrage. no mention at all. Wasn't a white guy, so the big mouth lefty racists on this board don't care.
  12. The whole administration is weak. That said too damned bad... MSM hacks went on and on and blamed trump for everything every day for four years.
  13. ROFL You dimwits come up with nothing on your own. You steal other peoples ideas.
  14. There is no humanity or soul in tibs and billst posts...they come off as regurgitations of cnn tweets
  15. White supremacy is the real big lie, it's the sickle of the radical lefties
  16. Until they realize it will cost them 100 bucks to fill their big white suvs
  17. Uh oh, now Jill is going to hold back his pudding cup tonight for answering questions he shouldn't have...
  18. According to Juan Williams, everything is fine all this is a blip ... Joe's America is on the way up !!!
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