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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/minneapolis-headlines-write-themselves/ Minneapolis to bring in outside Police help to deal with surge in murders Minneapolis police are bringing in outside help as they try to temper weekend violence that killed a least four people, including a college senior who was out celebrating graduation. Mayor Jacob Frey, speaking a day after a mass shooting downtown, said the city has asked state and federal agencies for assistance, as Minneapolis police face a shortage of officers. “Safety in our city has to be a priority,” Frey said Sunday, calling the reinforcements “really, really critical.” The weekend’s victims included two men struck by gunfire on the North Side, a gunman in the mass shooting downtown that injured eight, and the college student whose family described as “an innocent bystander.”
  2. Don't forget all the lefty voters coming up from behind.
  3. cough cough billstime cough cough That's exactly how cults roll....keep repeating/chanting the same ***** over and over....brainwashing 101
  4. Know what would be swell? If cancel culture shrunk and imploded on itself like a black hole.
  5. https://www.breitbart.com/the-media/2021/05/22/breaking-the-news-reveals-secret-service-records-show-hunter-biden-took-at-least-23-flights-through-joint-base-andrews-home-of-air-force-one-and-two/ According to Secret Service travel records obtained by Judicial Watch, then-Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter took 411 trips across 29 countries between 2009 and the middle of 2014. That includes 23 flights into or out of Joint Base Andrews—home to Air Force One and Air Force Two. Imagine the idiots/media response if this was Trump and his kid? whiny b*&^%$es wouldn't stop pms'ing about it for a month.
  6. Time is running out on the the left's BS
  7. https://www.yahoo.com/news/hed-biden-taps-career-diplomat-as-special-envoy-for-north-korea-003147417.html Biden taps career diplomat as special envoy for North Korea Interpretation: The old fool intends on giving them our money.
  8. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL funniest post ever. A bit like this....
  9. The idiots know that, it's funny how it suits the idiots to casually throw around the hitler/nazi bs towards Trump with almost no interrelation, but can't take it when the parallels to what they are doing are frighteningly real.
  10. Four people died and one was injured in a shooting and explosion in a townhouse neighborhood in Woodlawn, including the gunman. Neighbors called 911 to report a fire and an armed man in the 7500 block of Maury Road, and officers and firefighters arrived together about 6:40 a.m. to find the man outside the burning homes. Four Baltimore County police officers shot at the man, later identified as Everton Brown. After the threat was neutralized, firefighters were able to address the fire. But yea 'blm', COUGH bull#### bull#### COUGH
  11. Also she looks like a female skeletor What is it with the way democrats look? some scary &^%$
  12. These people - politicians, media, teachers, governors are drunken with power jailing all of us...evil people who are harming the US far more than covid.
  13. These people are hypocritical $%#holes. Shame on idiot voters who keep this trash in charge.
  14. The insurrection, more devastating than the civil war and pearl harbor and 9/11 combined... ...deep in the recesses of mostly empty lefty minds
  15. Anti American, deflecting, lying, full of ^&%$ lefties are the enemy.
  16. ROFL.....Joe fails at joke, blames the audience.
  17. Trump: ‘It’s possible Covid was created by scientists in Wuhan biolab’… idiots : HE's a ^&%$ing mother &^%$ing racist ^&^%$&^ !!! One year later... CDC Director — ‘It’s possible Covid was created by scientists in Wuhan biolab’… https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/cdc-director-its-possible-covid-was-manufactured-in-wuhan-biolab/
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