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Everything posted by Unforgiven

  1. Seriously you guys are funnier than vintage SNL...no I really mean it, blurt out laughing, milk out the nose, pure comedy gold.
  2. Wait til the stimulus is gone...talk about hangover $ 4 DOLLAR GAS WTF SJ !?! Virginia BP Gas Station Charges $6.99 per Gallon amid Fuel Shortage ZOMG 6.99 gas omfg!?!
  3. To a lefty this is obviously way more acceptable than having ya know severe mental issues, duh.
  4. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/us-news/14903733/trailer-park-birthday-party-shooting-colorado-springs-seven-dead/ PARTY SLAUGHTER Colorado Springs shooting: Gunman ‘killed girlfriend & 5 guests in front of scared kids before turning gun on himself’ oh oh oh...wait a minute forget these ones are not white guys...never mind, move along nothing to see here.
  5. The border was secure. China was in check, and inflation was not like now. Gas was low. South Korea looked hopeful. Iran was not getting pallets of cash and pissed. Not perfect...but way better than the current s&%t show.
  6. Well that's what they are being told in order to deflect the chaos that is currently prevalent. But yea SJ and and his 1500% approval.....hahahahahahahahahahaha
  7. wait for it...2008. Do I need to say who was in charge then. lol https://www.marketwatch.com/story/u-s-inflation-climbs-in-april-to-the-highest-level-in-13-years-cpi-shows-11620823628 c'mon lefties how is cnn telling you to spin this, lol.
  8. You forgot the mideast is on fire again! extra thumbs up on the laughable approval rating on SJ GG WHIPPPEEEEE
  9. Buh bye lynny, the dnc and the propaganda machine gonna drop you like a wet turd, you won't be needed no mo. Can she take mittens with her?
  10. Times Square gunman identified as Farrakhan Muhammad… Still on the loose medias mum on this one y'all
  11. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ....says who huff and/or ap or your mom, cnn?
  12. It's hilarious when the lefties get upset by too much truth they dig up old propaganda pages to get rid of the triggering ones on page 1. Busy cancelling the truth, love lefties Lol.
  13. Gavin Newsom, Facing Recall, Announces New Stimulus Checks for 2/3 Californians Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Monday that the state is projected to have a $38 billion discretionary surplus in 2021 — and that he wants to use it to expand the state’s stimulus program by sending additional checks to two-thirds of California residents. California has the highest estimated debt of any state, with nearly $363 billion in liabilities in 2019, according to Forbes. but yeah free little checks to buy votes
  14. great piece https://townhall.com/columnists/wayneallynroot/2021/05/09/heres-how-you-know-democrats-rigged-and-stole-the-2020-election-n2589148 Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election Let me put this in terms even Democrats can understand. Let's say a white police officer killed a black man who did nothing wrong. Unlike George Floyd, this man had not committed any crime, did not resist arrest, didn't have fentanyl in his system and had no record of violent crime. Assume this poor guy was a law-abiding, taxpaying, churchgoing American and that the cop killed him for the crime of "driving while black." How do the police react? They say the shooting was righteous. They refuse to investigate. There is bodycam footage, but they refuse to release it. And get this: They refuse to allow anyone to even talk about it. If any cop talks about it, he loses his job. If anyone in the black community talks about it, social media will suspend them or ban them for life. Here are the questions I want answered. -- If Democrats didn't rig and steal the election, why are they so afraid of forensic audits in key battleground states, specifically the current audit in Arizona? -- When Trump was an 8-to-1 landslide favorite with bettors around the world late on election night and clearly headed toward a landslide electoral victory, why did five states suddenly announce they would pause counting for the night? And how come Biden was suddenly ahead by morning? -- How come Michigan apparently had a dump of 149,772 votes at 6:31 a.m. on Nov. 4, 96% of which went to Biden? -- How did Wisconsin count 149,520 votes for Biden from 3:26 to 3:44 a.m. on Nov. 4? -- How come Philadelphia vote counters were so desperate to keep witnesses out of the counting room? Why did they refuse entry to witnesses (to Republicans) until those witnesses had a court order in hand? -- Why were the windows in a vote-counting location in Detroit covered with cardboard so nobody (no Republican) could see inside? -- There are videotapes filmed in Detroit of vans pulling up in the middle of the night with what obviously look like boxes of ballots. In Atlanta, there are videotapes that clearly show ballot containers appearing at a vote-counting location after a fake water main break was used to force all GOP witnesses out of the counting room. Why can't we discuss these videotapes? -- How come Twitter banned me for life over mentioning these videotapes? -- How come the Arizona Senate's liaison for the vote audit says Maricopa County hasn't complied with the subpoena by turning over passwords to Dominion voting machines? -- How come the Biden DOJ suddenly wants to stop the Arizona audit? Good thing the muppets on the left have me on ignore here. Might be too much logic for them to handle. We all know the answers to these questions. Like usual, look what they are accusing the right loudly of doing and that would be exactly what these fools are doing.
  15. Globalists taking down America, divide and conquer.
  16. Is this the altar in the lobby of the Trump plaza that resides in your guys minds?
  17. I sometimes wonder if morons like you could believe for one minute someone could despise the left and all their BS and stupidity, and didn't vote for Trump and don't watch fox news? I have never voted, never cared about politics, don't watch fox news, and I think the lefts views are wicked and disgraceful. Never thought I'd live to see the day when a more despicable group of Americans would take over this great country.
  18. Perfect, well here we see the right is allowed to have differing opinions, it's called free thinking. As much as the left constantly chants the right is a trump cult, the left is not allowed different opinions... look at this board good cultists just repeat the same 1 or 2 cnn/dnc messages over and over and over.
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