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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. Such an odd comment. It's like the opposing team saying that the pitcher was tipping their pitches -- while losing in a no hitter.
  2. A great win (just finished watching on DVR as I headed to bed with a migraine last night at start of Q3). The Bills are good, Beas had the game that a number of folks here predicted, Allen was amazing, and it looks like things are happening at exactly the perfect point of the season. How times have changed!
  3. On this night, Q3 will find me in bed (not feeling so hot -- and no, it's not the 'rona, thankfully). I hope that my upcoming slumber is not symbolic of the Bills' performance in Q3 in any way.
  4. L'eggo my Gregg'o. This is a theme, and I hope that he never returns to the league ever again.
  5. The Chargers though? *woof* Lynn has got to be fired, right? I mean, that was grim.
  6. Plus, I'm not entirely convinced that tanking works in any league.
  7. My wife and I just inherited a ton of vinyl from our parents, and yep, it includes the one and only Curtis Mayfield. The man was still making great music as a quadraplegic.
  8. The legend of Tua continues. </sarcasm> Mayfield is called Superfly -- as in Curtis Mayfield?! I kind of like this.
  9. Watching bits and pieces of this (busy day at the plant), it's incredible to me that some wanted RGIII on this team a few short years ago.
  10. Someone once told me that Wentz was a blue chip player. One wonders...
  11. I think that it's more Bills fan lore that we insist Mr Bologna was going to get the Jets job. Sure, he interviewed for it, but he sold high when it came to the Bills. And look what happened. He landed on his feet then picked up another HC gig in 2017 by attrition. What a guy! The Bills were in flux in 2015, and that's why Rex landed here. Yes, while I'm surprised at the number of people the team interviewed for the HC position, at the same time -- the organization still required a solid fumigation, and that took place later.
  12. Exactly. People forget that Belichick's reign, if you want to call it that, in Cleveland, was pretty much a waste of everyone's time. When he came to NE, 2000 was deliciously awful, and 2001 had all the potential of another thrilling losing season for the Pats until... dammit!!! My only surprise is that he rolled with Newton this year. Newton is the least "Patriot Way" guy I can think of, and really I wouldn't select Newton for my team the vast majority of the time these days.
  13. If that was his strategy then I'd have to call it an odd one. The Bills were terrible back then, and how can you benefit from not taking an offer from a horrible team?
  14. This is also a reminder to people who think that the team is still second rate -- that a few short years ago, nobody wanted to be HC of this team. So we ended up with Jauron and Gailey and Ryan and Mr Bologna. I'm actually surprised that many HC candidates were willing to chat in 2015 TBH.
  15. Admittedly a year one pairing with Gase and Whaley would've been something to watch, and I say that in a "oh, look, a barrel is going over the Falls" kind of way -- not in a "look, great things are in store for this team" kind of way.
  16. I finally read this thread, and enjoyed it. Thanks, OP! This reminds me of the time that a fellow Bills fan and I were going to do a little bit of (adult, buzzed) Wii bowling before the game and then he sheepishly fessed up that he'd thrown all of his Wii controllers into the wood stove in a rage after the previous week's loss.
  17. Also, slightly unrelated, but maybe the OP will fix the title of this thread? It's kinda embarrassing that it's still tagged as a vague title.
  18. I think that's right, and allow me to point out the irony of Dungy saying that. TB won a SB... after Dungy was fired.
  19. Hope you got some rest, @Virgil, and always enjoy reading these. Regarding item #10, for me picking a good QB remains a total crapshoot, and it isn't just the player. Allen is good, make no mistake in my assessment here, but I'm on the same page with folks like @Shaw66 about there being a combo of things like a good FO, a capable HC, and a QB with the competitive spirit, who works hard, and who tries their best to get this done when it comes to potential QB success or failure. Ultimately it's slot in the draft, and even then it's a crapshoot. The Bills, thankfully, didn't pick the BQA, but whatever their model or hunch or whatever -- it seems that they picked correctly. Whatever the reasons, glad that luck shined on the Bills for a change!
  20. You have a kindred spirit here if you enjoy day drinking. Of course, for me it's limited to the days the Bills play, but I enjoy how you deployed this all with zero emojis. 🙂
  21. Is this a really good benchmark though (and I note that, for example, the Bills beat the Seahawks and the Rams and the Raiders)? The vast majority of winning teams have bolstered their records by beating lesser opponents, then had enough talent and coaching to get them over the hump against better opponents in the playoffs.
  22. Who says that there's little hope of a deep playoff run? Had someone told me 3 weeks ago that the Saints weren't going deep this year I would've laughed. Had someone told me that the 9ers would be bereft of healthy players, or that they might move on from Jimmy G, I would've been incredulous. That's two coaches out of your master list. KC is exceptional plain and simple, and the Steelers are blowing my mind with how they've hung in there (cue: cute cat hanging in there gif). The Titans are wildcards like the Bills on some level. Literally anything can happen over the next month, and given this wacky season -- probably will. You do you, but my advice is to relax a bit.
  23. The majority of people here expected this to be a 10-6 or 11-5 team this season coupled with at least one playoff win. That's a reasonable expectation and also means that this team has grown, and continues to grow. What did you expect for this season? I went there. #sorrynotsorry 🙂
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