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Everything posted by TheCockSportif

  1. This Diggs fellow seems like a wonderful American football talent.
  2. Yeah, absolutely keep him out. A stinger will impede his ability to catch the ball. </sarcasm> Having written that, glad it's not something worse.
  3. Guess that the Bills have decided to rock out with their Knox out?
  4. I heard complaints here last week that the Bills don't use TEs enough. Can you blame them? Knox is one of the worst I've ever seen here, and that's saying a lot.
  5. Nah, most people I know in Boston are fine. Oh, and they think that Sam Adams is a joke.
  6. I don't understand the continued fascination with Sam Adams when the market has myriad choices.
  7. Josh needs to breathe into a paper bag or something. This is insane.
  8. Can't play O, can't punt consistently, and now the penalties start... OMG This ***** game.
  9. Maybe I'm off base here, but Tua seems slow to me: slow to see the play develop, overly long windup, etc. Plus I'm not sure that he's sure of what he's seeing, because the game is too fast for him currently.
  10. The return of Minshew, well, it reminds me of times past in Bills history. Plus, Mike Glennon reminds me of a giraffe.
  11. Well, all KC had to do was to show up a little bit. That's how good they are.
  12. So I guess I don't get why they made the change to Tua. You understand what you have with Fitz, and even though he was decent, that's probably a .500 season at best. But you roll with Tua who's a complete wildcard, and seemingly also with a weak arm. The Dolphins are the most confounding could-be playoff team that I've seen in a while.
  13. Two weeks ago, to think that I thought Tua was headed to Canton, and this season no less! </sarcasm>
  14. This is the game that I've been waiting for since the 1999 season. Trying to keep wine consumption down this early in the day -- since I'm sure that by 9:30 I'll be in bourbon mode.
  15. I have no idea how Tua is going to turn out at this point, but at times he makes it look like hard -- where really good QBs evolve and make it look easy.
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