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Everything posted by FireChans

  1. Oh no doubt. Play that game 9/10 times and we win it. Play that game with the Bills coughing up 4 TO’s and 9/10 times we lose.
  2. Lol this was a good burn. @Deranged Rhino I see the pupils are excelling.
  3. A 7-9 team with a QB who threw 30 picks last year, and they added the GOAT at QB and then traded for one of the best TE’s in NFL history out of retirement. Easy money they’ll be a pretty entertaining team to watch, and likely will win more than 7 games.
  4. 9-7, but with the division title. I think 9-7 with this schedule is more impressive than 10-6 with last year’s.
  5. I didn’t say there was evidence he’d be better. Try to keep up buddy.
  6. I don’t think there’s much evidence for that, but we’ll see. A passer rating of 45 in a full game is horrendous. Not as bad as a passer rating of 24 through 3 Q’s I guess.
  7. And we got another player too! Hopefully Dane Jackson gets signed soon.
  8. You are ignoring 50 years of football history with this take. The Bills stole that victory, which was awesome. But the Jets fans are right, they should have won that game. Also, injuries aren’t an excuse, unless Josh gets hurt in the 4th Q in a close game against the Pats, then it’s “we would have won if Josh didn’t get cheapshotted!!!!”
  9. I didn’t twist your post, your post was just irrelevant. We only play the Pats twice. Brady’s cumulative stats over the year are irrelevant. I don’t believe the Pats will truly contend with the Bills for the division title, because as you said, Stidham being as good as Brady over the course of the year is unlikely. HOWEVER, the Pats managed to beat us with Brady playing like absolute trash last year. If Stidham plays like absolute trash (or possibly better) against us, we may only win 1 game, because that’s what happened last year. This is really simple logic, and it’s easy to follow. You’re welcome to disagree and believe Brady’s magic is the real reason we lost to the Pats in the first game last season. But reality tells us it was their defense embarrassing Josh and holding us to 10 points, along with superior ST play which earned them the victory.
  10. Usually the team that turns it over 4 times loses. Winning that game was the fluke.
  11. Did Tom Brady put up 4000 yards and 24 TD’s against the Bills last year? Wow.
  12. You think Brady and a rookie QB are equal?? Stidham isn’t a rookie btw. Score read 16-10 Pats. That’s getting beat. I would put a hefty amount of money on us splitting the season series with the Pats this year.
  13. It was basically a one year olive branch for Saints fans.
  14. Brady didn’t block that punt. So, I’m utterly confident that Stidham is capable of putting up that statline above, and we know that statline can be good enough to beat us.
  15. Brady played the worst game of the year last year against the Bills, 18-39 for 150 and INT. We still got held to 10 and we still lost.
  16. Exactly. Facing Dalton, Eli, and Mariota isn’t gonna happen this year.
  17. Eh. 6 of the opponents the Bills played last year picked in the top 11. Two of them were divisional opponents, so that’s 8 games. We went 6-2 against those teams. I don’t think it’s crazy to suggest that number will likely be lower next year.
  18. I’m more concerned that one of the Pats 6 wins or 9 wins or 4 wins comes against the Bills. Not concerned about them winning the divison as much as I am that they’ll beat us.
  19. Ah, I was confused because you kept saying mediocre. Totally agree. To surpass the Pats’ secondary, we simply need higher level of play from the role players.
  20. I do not believe the first part. Didn’t this whole saga begin with everyone running around that hospitals were gonna overflow and we would be the next Italy? Hospitals across the country are effectively at half census or were at one point. The hospitals themselves are reopening elective surgeries. To your second, this is not an epidemiological experiment. A judgement call must be made between the economy/people’s livelihoods and 100% by the book disease control.
  21. Sure, I’m all good with that. But as you said, we start to reopen.
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