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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Why do you need their names? Are you going to personally tar and feather them? That's weird as hell man.
  2. Every time I see that image I can feel my blood pressure going up. I hope that referee who didn't call that steps on a whole bunch of legos barefoot in the dark.
  3. If you watch the second half of this game and don't think that Allen was by far the most dangerous man on either team then I don't know what the tell you. He was sensational.
  4. This is kind of the by product of having a real, franchise star QB, right? There are so many things not clicking/working right yet the Bills have been in every game with multiple chances to win in spite of it. If we had even a middle of the pack QB we'd be getting blown out. Allen is single-handedly keeping this offense from looking like a disaster in my opinion.
  5. If that's your stance, then we might as just not have standards of what's acceptable or not. I don't really understand your nihilism on refereeing, but you do you I guess.
  6. I'd argue that for a referee of a multi-billion dollar sport, missing a clear and obvious call that is clear and obvious in the moment is inexcusable and should be shamed, not handwaved away.
  7. I understand what you're trying to say, but there's no excuse for them to miss clear and obvious penalties. These aren't ticky tack to the letter of the rule calls, it's apparent and clear in the moment to everyone but that ref.
  8. Allen needed to win against too many things today... He had to beat the refs, the Bucs, their own coaching staff, and the corpse of a gameplan. He almost did it to his credit. The man is a warrior.
  9. The offense plays so much better when you can flex Sanders spot for Davis or McKenzie.
  10. I mean this is just the refs blatantly favoring the Bucs. Absolutely insane.
  11. He needs to change his mindset. Just another awful game from him.
  12. This coaching staff doesn't deserve Allen. He willed this game to OT, he put everybody on his back and said "you're coming with me". What does the coach do? Take the ball out of his hands at the most crucial moments. McDermott's conservative mindset lost us this game. You can complain about the reffing, which was objectively terrible, but we know that the Bills never get the calls when it matters. STOP TAKING THE BALL OUT OF JOSH'S HANDS IN CRUCIAL MOMENTS.
  13. Taron Johnson, if only because I don't think we have the corners to watch the boundaries without massive safety help, and that's going to put stress on the slot.
  14. I'm probably sounding like a broken record now but the only guy I'm really down on in the whole organization is Daboll. I've only been down on him this season too, he did an arguably excellent job in 2020 and a good enough job in 2019. This year he's all over the place, and I feel like the strength of roster is really masking how poor a lot of the playcalls are.
  15. Yeah, I get where you're coming from but I don't even need deep routes. I just want targets.
  16. One of the big things I'm seeing in this game is Jefferson getting fed despite having the added pressure of Thielen being out. All I can think is "Why can't Daboll do this for Diggs anymore?"
  17. I'm genuinely not sure about that, I think he really believes in our guys to figure it out. Why else is he calling Zack Moss runs up the middle when he has no vision? Why the Devin Singletary 2nd and 10 up the gut for the 100th time even though it's worked maybe once this season? Blame Beane all you want, and he does share some of the blame here for drafting who he drafted, but Daboll calls the plays. It's up to him to figure out ways to be successful in both the passing and run game, and I don't see him trying different things. He's failed pretty hard at the run and I'd argue Josh Allen has propped him up in the pas.
  18. You say that like it's a bad thing. Poor staff should be removed from the organization. If you're saying that Daboll is somehow going to be a scapegoat and the problem lies actually with McD then I just don't see the evidence there. The defensive scheme is mostly fine. We got beat up in the run, sure, but it only resulted in 14 points. Could they have done more? Yeah, probably. Did they do enough to put the offense in positions to win the game? Absolutely. The team absolutely didn't execute, and they should play better, but the calls from Daboll are so bad. We wasted so many downs trying to establish a run with uninspired, boring, runs up the middle that haven't worked a thousand times over this season. That's on Daboll.
  19. McD hasn't don't enough to warrant even really thinking about letting him go. He needs to improve in game management but that can be said about a lot of coaches in the NFL. Since he mainly handles the defense I suppose you could blame him for the lack in D-Line performance, but even then that unit is mostly "okay". Daboll on the other hand has had an absolutely putrid season. He's hilariously predictable and he calls some of the worst red zone calls I've ever seen. He should go today, but I can understand if the organization waits until the end of the season
  20. I'm okay with a rotation, but since it's a rotation if somebody out there is stinking up the filed with poor play (Like how Addison was atrocious Sunday) then bench their ass and let the high draft capital have a shot and building some rhythm. The unrelenting loyalty to players who aren't playing well comes off like arrogance.
  21. They're horrible at it. I don't know if they're just stubborn, arrogant, or have too much faith but there are some games where the strategy they came in with is obviously isn't working and they just stick with it. It's beyond frustrating. They do the same things with players. I call it the "Peterman problem". They are stupidly loyal and faithful to their guys. It's why Brieda can't see the field even though he's been highly effective whenever he can get a touch. No, we gotta trot out Zack "0 yard gain" Moss. There's no reason Addison should be getting as many snaps as he is, and frankly the same goes with Hughes (although he didn't get a ton of game time Sunday). Addison was making huge mistakes Sunday, and teams know exactly who he is. We invested all of these high picks in the D-Line and our first and second rounders are seeing what? 30% of the snaps. It's unacceptable.
  22. Jake Fromm deserves a mention. A complete wasted pick. You can't write him off yet but I'm skeptical of Tommy Doyle. Trey Smith was on the board and I thought he made a hell of a lot more sense if you're taking a flyer on a guy. Cody Ford. Pretty obvious choice there. I'm done with Moss. The only thing he can apparently do is pass block. I'd like to have a running back who can run.
  23. If that's true then I have a lot more issue with McD this season. If he isn't digging in with the defense, what is he doing? He's said multiple times that he lets Daboll run the offense without a whole lot of input.
  24. After today's performance I'm expecting a loss. Another fantastic RB, what are they gonna change to shut him down? I hope they get the gameplan right, because this coaching staff hasn't shown the ability to adjust on the fly.
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