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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. Both teams put up pretty poor games, but only one has an excuse lol.
  2. I think it was holding but it didn't really effect the play in any real way.
  3. Renfrow is having a much worse return game tonight than McKenzie has ever had.
  4. The Bills can always just win the east. Easy peasey.
  5. Lol... When you're relying on Zay Jones you know the game is already lost. Not a great throw by Carr either.
  6. Yeah, depends on how you want to look at it. I still say the Bills loss is worse just because they didn't even score a TD.
  7. I just wish Josh Allen had 75% of the time that Nick Mullens is getting.
  8. If the Browns win this it'll be almost as embarrassing as the Bills losing to Jacksonville.
  9. To be fair, the Raiders aren't exactly known for their excellent roster decisions.
  10. This game is a real snooze. The Raiders should be dominating but then again it's the Raiders.
  11. I would absolutely love to see Hunter Renfrow in a Bills jersey. He's a phenomenal route runner, like a better Cole Beasley.
  12. Except it wasn't? The Bills had plenty of chances to win, it was a one score game. The Pats had a single big play which defined the game but it was anything but an easy win.
  13. The Pats haven't had an easy win against Buffalo since the 2018 season.
  14. 100% there's a lot to improve on, and I can understand why it's frustrating. If any neutral football fan watched the game today they'd would call it a dominating win for Buffalo though.
  15. This was a dominating performance against one of the best pass defenses in the league. 14-31 is a dominating win in today's NFL.
  16. The league isn't fixed but I will die on the hill that the NFL referees have biases towards bigger market teams and players. So much leeway is given to big name players in the NFL.
  17. I think that this is a more solid win than a lot of people are giving the Bills credit for. Stuff to work on? Sure, but how many drives were stalled out by Spencer Brown alone? There were some miscues from Allen but he did more good than bad. Davis looked like a legit #2 and Singletary did fairly well. The Bills definitely got too conservative on first/second down in the second half. We aren't going to be a clock control team this season. Defense held solid on 4th downs and did exactly what the scheme is supposed to do: Bend don't break. So yeah, solid win. Keep that rolling into next week.
  18. I didn't say that I wanted to replace Sanders with Gabe completely. I think missing Sanders forces Daboll to be more creative with his play calling.
  19. The offense runs better when Sanders isn't on the field anyways. It forces Daboll to be more creative.
  20. Because Daboll never uses his depth unless he has to.
  21. Sanders hurts the offense. He's a good player and it's not his fault, but Daboll is incredibly predictable and boring with Diggs/Sanders/Bease. With Sanders out it opens up the offense for Davis/McKenzie to come in and do some good stuff. It's a Daboll problem though.
  22. I prefer using the free agency for lineman, because I don't trust Bobby Johnson in development of lineman anymore. I agree with the sentiment though.
  23. He will likely pass Cookie this season. Does this include postseason TDs as well?
  24. I think Dane Jackson is serviceable, and that's pretty impressive from a 7th round pick. I would have preferred some more investment into the position though this draft. It's a position that's been ignored for too long.
  25. McCarthy makes decisions that make you question whether or not he actually knows the rules of football. McDermott is definitely not to that level, but he makes poor conservative choices that I think make it harder to win football games. Also, the dude won a super bowl as HC. If McDermott is the same thing, sign me up.
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