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Ya Digg?

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Everything posted by Ya Digg?

  1. What amazes me is that one of the very few times they actually seemed to scheme someone open, they scored a touchdown! They knew Diggs would be doubled, McKenzie ran right behind the double team and was wide open!
  2. I tried watching Shakir on a couple of routes (as well as you can until he’s out of the screen) and it looks like he struggles to get separation. That being said on Josh’s touchdown when he dropped the snap, Shakir made a nice move to get wide open, I wonder if the play was designed to go to him
  3. The Chargers are ALWAYS seen as a playoff team yet NEVER MAKE THE PLAYOFFS! There probably isn’t a more overrated team in the league, and the Chiefs barely beat them. I am not saying the Lions are a playoff team but at this point in the season they are a more dangerous team than the Chargers are
  4. I keep reading people saying “yeah but they aren’t good enough to beat _________” cool-they aren’t playing those teams right now so they don’t have to beat KC (which they already did) or any other team you want to pick. You can only play the team in front of you and they have beaten that team 8 times
  5. So you admit that you don’t know what the plan was, but just assume it’s White’s issue…great take 🙄
  6. Really they were essentially down 3 linemen, since Bates was not playing his normal position
  7. Favre had the arm, not sure he would’ve been that accurate
  8. You and I are reading VERY different GDT if you think any of the criticism being said about Josh was constructive
  9. The GDT was quite hilarious with all of the idiots calling for the Bills to take a knee with all of that time remaining 😂😂
  10. Which game did that happen in this season? let it go
  11. It’s time for both him and Benford to go to the bench. Neither one has played well at all for a couple of weeks now. With Tre and Elam healthy now, they should be off the field
  12. Considering the injuries on both sides, that was a great win! Now get healthy for next week
  13. When has Tre ever shown that he’s not a “warrior”? At no point in his entire career up until the last couple of weeks has anyone ever questioned his work ethic or character. Even during training camp Tre was getting all sorts of praise because of the work he was putting in AND the amount of time he was spending after practice to work with the cornerbacks. But because people feel entitled to know everything that’s going on in the locker room, when they don’t know they get angry. It’s quite sad actually
  14. Is it any less fair than what people have been doing to Tre for a couple of weeks now? No one outside of the organization knows what actually is going on, but we love to speculate. I’ve seen people on here questioning his dedication, saying he should be traded, he should be cut, he should retire-is any of that a fair assessment? Was that entire thread saying “I hope Tre is happy sitting on all of his money” fair? Like I said I get it-he has been cleared so people want to see him out there. For some reason because we haven’t been given an answer there are many who just assume the worst about a person and question the guy’s loyalty. Hyde is coming back from something that again, no one was given the actual full scope of what’s going on and this is also somehow going to be used against Tre. Yes it is reasonable to WANT him to come back within a year, especially because other guys have shown they can. That being said, hasn’t Godwin missed a couple of games this year because of injuries to his legs? Has he really come back as explosive as he was before the injury? My whole point is this is an apples to oranges situation-especially because we don’t know much about the apples or oranges, but hey, let’s get upset about them anyway because it’s a social platform
  15. 2 completely different injuries. I hate how because Tre isn’t spending his time in front of a mic letting everyone know every little update for him he’s all of a sudden this huge burden on the team and fans
  16. Did anyone else feel just a little bit of deja vu on Milano’s sack and think back to the Houston playoff game? Milano certainly made sure this time Brisett was going nowhere
  17. I always wonder why so many teams just blast the kickoff through the endzone in that situation. Maybe not going for the onside, but why not just kick it high and short? The chargers did it the other night and (luckily) the Chiefs player caught it and went out of bounds, but it seems like such a waste to just have them kick it through the endzone. I like that the Bills normally have Bass kick it high and short, seems like a no brainer when you kick off from The 50
  18. Hahaha I love the whole “Chiefs have a cakewalk while the Bills have 8 really difficult games remaining” comments. That’s pretty much the epitome of tell me you don’t watch football without telling me you don’t watch football. Those Chiefs sure did dominate and overrated, average Chargers team last night didn’t they? I also must be misreading all of their scores this year and don’t see a bunch of 1 score games-after reading some of these comments I’m pretty sure they won every game by at least 30. The Chiefs will lose more games (and let’s be honest, the Bills probably aren’t going undefeated the rest of the season) but the whoa is me has reached new levels around here
  19. There's not much of a difference being up 12 and being up 13 in that situation. You go for 2 because if you give up 2 touchdowns you are losing in either scenario. That's why they went for 2. They simply didn't execute - the math tells you to go for 2 though
  20. Also did they run for 150+ yards? Get at least 6 sacks? Dare I even mention Edmunds???
  21. That ball that Poyer knocked away from Njoku was a fantastic play. Not a chance Johnson, Lewis, or Marlowe make that play. Guy was all over the place, it was great to see That ball that Poyer knocked away from Njoku was a fantastic play. Not a chance Johnson, Lewis, or Marlowe make that play. Guy was all over the place, it was great to see
  22. The holds called on Saffold and Gilliam were definitely holds, there’s not really an argument. That being said there were several holds that should’ve been called against the Browns that weren’t. I’m not one to normally say much about the refs but today it was noticeable that the calls weren’t going both ways
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