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Everything posted by Freak-O

  1. I for one will not pass any judgement until I hear Einstein’s fleshed out and made up version of what happened.
  2. People who want a complain will complain. We win the Super Bowl, they will whine about how we only won it once.
  3. Hopefully McDermot knows how to use him better than Frazier did.
  4. Historically the US is that landmass with buffaloes somewhere at the other side of the ocean. Let’s not live in the past.
  5. Being compared to Manchester City is a good thing. It’s the best soccer team in the world and the favourite to win the Champions League this season. If the Bills are the Man City of the NFL I’m more than fine with it.
  6. He’s still likely top 100 in the world. I doubt many here are that good at their jobs.
  7. Anyone here who says they wouldn’t trade lives (the professional part) with peterman in a heartbeat is a liar.
  8. I hate threads where every other post is by the thread started. Stop guarding your thread. Also, a wide receiver’s numbers might depend a little bit on who is tossing him the balls.
  9. Not to mention the even bigger failure when Beane drafted a quarterback that has now been injured not once, but at least TWICE! In the first round too…
  10. You’re not coming across as as witty and smart as you think in this thread. Just a heads up.
  11. So Josh wanted Dorsey as OC and he asked for Beasley to be brought back? Maybe it’s time they don’t let him make such decisions? I understand him wanting people around him that he knows and is comfortable with, but I doubt they were the best options out there.
  12. Personally I don’t understand why 10 million dollars per year is not enough money for anyone. How much damn stuff do you need? And it’s not like they can’t afford good financial advisors. Insisting on being paid 35 million per year instead of 30 or whatever is just greedy.
  13. I expect them to win the division. After that, anything can happen. My expectations are lower than after last year’s exit, and maybe that’s a good thing.
  14. For having the league’s most spectacular QB Dorsey sure made the offence very bland. Daboll was frustrating at times but the offence as a whole was much more fun with him.
  15. And every bit of the success the team has had since they took over is also on them.
  16. You’ll be a marvellous GM once you get that crystal ball working.
  17. Wasn’t it the same guy who just got tackled over the sideline going backwards not stopping the clock?
  18. Can’t blame this on weather, refs or anything really. Bengals were better at everything in this game. It was like a natural strongman going up against a roided one. Or a regular chess player against one with Asperger.
  19. We have Josh but that’s all I know for sure. Poyer and Hyde were great last season but injured a lot this one. Tre came back as a pale copy of himself. Von got injured. Gabe regressed. Singletary is dependable but no world beater. Cook, Shakir and Elam look alright. Groot and the other young players didn’t level up as much (or at all) as I’d hoped. Bass is great and the punter is good. O-line is weak. We rarely get sacks. Running backs seem to do as they please against us. I really like Milano. Wouldn’t mind a new OC and a new DC. When was the last time we drafted someone who became an instant success, like Metcalf? Looking forward to the draft now. it’s half past one at night and I have Covid.
  20. Last season every now and then there was an offensive play that felt really inventive. Like a backwards pass to a receiver and then a forwards pass back to Josh for a TD. This season has had none of that. I miss that. Maybe Dorsey will improve in his second season and he’s clearly good enough to get us to the playoffs, but that’s not enough anymore.
  21. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s still somewhat bothered by the elbow injury. He is the one player on the team I’m not worried about.
  22. McD and Beane have created a culture that the players love. Dorsey and Frazier have systems that sometimes really make the opponents look superhuman. I wouldn’t be upset if Dorsey and Frazier both leave.
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