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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Actually, lots of athletes have over the years, from golfers to the NBA
  2. Well, we are humans after all, we screw up most everything we involve ourselves in.
  3. Look at Frank Gore, an exceptional athlete, he works out at a pro level nonstop, and he is done at 36. When you are old in the world of athletes, you just get slower and weaker, especially fast when not actually competing, its been essentially two, now going on three years of inactivity, by the time he can play again it will be four, and likely five years of no game day level of fitness, for a guy not that far from forty years old. AddIng that to being F ing nutter makes him worthless. Put a fork in him he’s done.
  4. These stalker threads always make me chuckle, ? keep up the good work? Go Bills!!!
  5. At 15 + million dollars, NFW, is he tagged, it would be better to give him 7 or 8 million a year for two years... if the money is right we should resign Shaq and Jordan, but that’s in Beane’s capable hands...
  6. But the deal is, you don’t cut anyone until there replacement is already under contract, that way Beane maintains leverage when negotiating with whatever player he’s looking to bring in. Otherwise your shooting yourself in the foot.
  7. Yup, this^^^ let’s all completely ignore everything they put out, meaning zero clicks, what say you fellas & ladies? Go Bills!!!
  8. Keep both, Long is quality O line depth, and Sweeney has shown flashes, and is likely to get better. The team is in a position to “not have to” cut very many players for a change, And won’t do so until after FA, the draft, and into early TC. There is no need to do so any earlier. Plus we all know how Brandon Beane works. He keeps everyone, adds FAs, and draft selections (90 guys total) and has them fight it out in camp and preseason, then selects his starters/ rotation players, and the good depth players, and after that he trades/ cuts those that don’t measure up, generally in that order. Go Bills!!!
  9. Bado, Bado, Bado, reading comprehension my man, I will explain further, what I stated was it would take two more seasons to completely shed the old bills team reputation of being a bad team/ poorly run outfit, go ahead and have another read, why is it do you think so many elite player currently shun the bills, answer = team reputation, which is almost fixed, but will take additional time to be fully corrected. Contending for a super bowl, and fixing the teams reputation are not mutually exclusive, nuthin but luv, ??? Go Bills!!!
  10. Remember the context of the teams situation and reputation when Star was brought on, it was in large part to help fix the sh-t show that was the seventeen previous years, that was caused by bad ownership decisions and team miss management. Like it or not the Bills were a laughingstock. The make over of the team was/is crucial to having any chance to fix the Buffalo Bills, and you know what, it is having the effect SM & BB hoped for. It gonna take a minimum of two more seasons to scrub away the tainted image of what the previous seventeen years did to the Buffalo Bills. It indeed cost money to fix what the Bills had become, and it has been worth every dime. Go Bills!!!
  11. This is true ^^^ It is everyone’s hope Beane and his crew kick some asz in FA & the draft, that and Josh cleans his game up a lot, oh and our pass catchers stop dropping the ball at crucial moments in games, jmo.? Go Bills!!!
  12. There is zero chance that AB is signed by the Bills, he is 31/32 years old, his career in the NFL is over, he’s gonna be pushing his mid thirties before he is eligible because of his current legal issues, and he is a bonafide wack job. You would need to be the pats to sign a F up like him. I don’t think we will see the unexpected from management. Beane has basically announced his intent in his PCs. Beane and his crew do their homework and do it well. We know Beanes style, we just don’t know how it will play out, it will be an exciting FA & draft period this off season. Now we bring in the offensive play makers and O line help, and shore up the D a bit more, imo. Go Bills!!!
  13. Well, I’m pretty certain that everyone who follows the history of the bills Since the merger is painfully aware that the current ownership and management is light years ahead of those days, (Polian years exempted). Those that don’t know may very well learn this. It is still agonizing to look back on so many bad decisions and missed opportunities... ?? Go Bills!!!
  14. Being that it’s been a very long time since KB was considered athletic, it isn’t saying much, that anyone is more athletic... no to fun chess ♟
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