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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. This thread may end the argument that the FO should never have traded him, “creating” unnecessary dead cap problems, me thinks that one can be put to rest. ?
  2. Good, glad to see they are whimpering, the football world is waking up and seeing the only NewYork football team, and it’s in Buffalo! Go Bills!!!
  3. I suspect that after a short interview with Sammy SM & BB said to each other, this guy has got to go, its no wonder they got rid of this wack job. Sad as it is there is a good chance he will be broke, in jail or dead within a few years of leaving the NFL. Gotta feel sorry for a human in this much turmoil. Definitely has mental health issues.
  4. PFF is a hack outfit, as we all know they grade on stuff that doesn’t actually happen. It not nice to say, but I hope they all get the runs. oh, and stop clicking on their stuff, the don’t deserve your patronage.
  5. Aye up, and this is why Sean, stated at the combine that getting guys who can “CATCH” the ball is the most important factor in choosing a receiver... Brown, Beasley, and Williams had the highest catch percentage this past season, Williams was within .6 of Beasley at 63.2%. I sure hope both the new receivers bump Foster and McKenzie off the team, and they designate Roberts to KR only or deal him, he’s not much of a receiver. I was gonna say more, but I thought I would spare y’all.
  6. This would be a fun atmosphere to watch a game will fellow fans. In fact it would be smart for the NFL to get in on these type venues nation wide for keeping fans involved with the teams during the pandemic, “ Official Bills game venue” social distancing included ??
  7. I think this is the most likely way it will go with him, it is as well likely as he will naturally gain five ish pounds of muscle over the next year or so as a matter of course. So I see no real urgency for him to get heavier.
  8. Its tailgating ish, with fellow fans, food and drink, it’s a fest.
  9. I am very glad things turned out well for you, and that’s the insidious thing about this virus. It apparently attacks different people in different ways, it attacks the lungs, heart, and other organs, takes out the oldest, middle aged, and now it appears to be hitting children. We need to not be a divided people, and work together to get this under control. In all the countries that have eased restrictions spikes in people getting sick is already happening, and it’s going to happen here as well. At the current mortality rate from this virus we will go over one hundred thousand dead in a matter of weeks, and it is not abating. We need a united effort to beat this thing, and lot of folk don’t get that, or they don’t care, all this me me me me, my needs aren’t being met childish behavior is making this worse than it needs to be. It’s already hard on everyone, no need to make things even worse. United we stand,... divided as we currently are, we are failing each other and our country.
  10. Well, winning the division would be nice, but what would be really special, we win the division and go deep into the post season, while watching both Bill and Tom get their aszes handed to them all season long, and neither making it into the playoffs. Now that would be an awesome season! Go Bills!!!
  11. Well ya see, grabbing the receivers arm is not making a play on the ball, which is what he is supposed to be doing, so it is PI every time a defender does that before the ball arrives, the defender is purposefully breaking the rules that are in place when he does that. PI should have been called, the footage proves it. Duke didn’t make the catch because of the rule breaking tactic used by his opponent. ??
  12. Thank for proving me right, it was PI , you’re awesome ?
  13. The D back was pulling his arm away from the catch, it was PI and it was shown to be so on film review, do I wish he pulled it in? Damn right I do, we all do. I suspect we will see a leaner quicker Duke this season, he finished the season .6 behind Beasley in catch percentage, virtually tied for 2nd best of the wide receivers this past season. Sadly the receivers to include TEs and RBs have had the dropsies for two consecutive seasons. Fix that alone and we score more and win more.
  14. When it comes right down to it, does anyone really care about the supplemental draft? the correct answer is no,
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