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Everything posted by hjnick

  1. Instead of just sending me a link, how about you actually tell me what you want to talk about... Dude, can you actually keep a singular thought... Who the F said that Antifa was about Kaep's kneeling... Keep up man...
  2. We are all for stopping the unnecessary violence towards blacks, whites, asians, hispanics, when in the custody of the police. The George Floyd incident has put 99.9% of everyone on the same side. The cop that did this should be put away for a LONG LONG time. It's a political issue because of different groups that have made this political. Black Lives Matter as a group is a far left group. Antifa is a WAY far left group. Both of these group have politicized this. I've seen many videos where Trump supporters wanted to come out and protest with all the other protestors, just to be shunned and ran out with the threat of violence.
  3. SDS, In any of these cities where all this brutality is happening, which Political party is in power? Who voted for Trump has nothing to do with this issue. Trump does not control the police force in Baltimore, NYC, Minneapolis, LA, Washington DC, Chicago. The other party controls ALL the levers of power in those cities. AND in most cases the other party has been in power there for MANY DECADES! Maybe you should look at Biden who signed and championed the Crime Bill that put in many black people into jails....
  4. Worst logic Logic. If Kaep wanted to produce a TV ad and play it during football games, I have no problem with that. Intentionally being provocative at work to produce a controversy while working AND disrespecting a good majority of the American public, which cost the NFL many millions of dollars. That is why Kaep will probably never be a QB again. Even during press conferences after games or press interviews to share his views would have been ok IMO. But out on the football field on Sunday in his teams uniform, I'm sorry I don't agree with it. Curious, why is the military and saluting military personnel political or a social issue? Dems/Repubs/Libertarians/Independents all participate in military service.
  5. You are correct, cities are allowed to spend their money any way they like. I have not heard the reason for the cuts is COVID-19. The only thing I have heard is they are going to move those monies to other initiatives.... so it is not lowering the budget. So it looks like a kneejerk reaction to the whole 'defund police' calls. So, it looks punitive.
  6. People are allowed to use their rights whenever you want to, but you have to accept the consequences of your actions (which includes the opinion of others). Just like I can say whatever I want, but depending on where I am, I could lose my job for comments when I am at work, or receive a backlash on this message board because of replying to you if people don't agree with me. Kapernick (sp?) decided to sit/take a knee when he was on the job. You are allowed to do that, but accept the consequences of your actions. He did it intentionally (just like the cops/pig socks at work) because he wanted to be provocative. Well, he brought a whole poopstorm down on the NFL and now he doesn't work there. Actions have consequences. If Kapernick held a press conference when not at work and wanted to express his grievances, that would have been more proper and he might still be on an NFL roster.
  7. IMO, this will be the first season where we can get a decent comparison between Dak and Josh Allen. Dak has had a very good offense around him his whole career, while this season will be the first where Josh Allen has all the pieces to create a good offense. Dak still has a better OLine, RB's. The WR's are close to a push, with the Cowboys with a slight advantage. So let's see how Josh and Dak look after the first 4-6 games this year...
  8. Can we do this with QB's too? Some run the football, some go out for passes... can we average their cost with those positions??? ?
  9. Josh's rookie year, the offense talent on that team tied both of his hand behind his back... Last year, with a retooled Oline, a #2 WR as a #1, good slot receiver, and super green TE's, Josh showed very noticeable improvement and led us to the playoffs. Now, this year, the same Oline is back (after a year of gelling), WR is now a strength with a #1 WR coming in, minus Gore plus Moss will improve running game. I expect the continued improvement in Josh Allen this year. IMO, our offense will continue to improve with all the new weapons, which will open up everyone. Also, it looks like Josh is a great leader and the physicality to play QB at a high level (can run and cannon for arm). IMO, it all depends on how far this team progresses. We make it to a Superbowl and actually win , Josh can get anything he wants. If he shows that with a #1 WR the offense can be productive, he will get a good deal. Bold prediction: I think Buffalo is going to totally blow up some teams this year. With a big offense improvement and an already stout defense, I think we can see some 35-7 ballgames in our future. Bold Prediction2: I actually think that Josh Allen will resign with Buffalo and it will be a very favorable, cap friendly deal because I think Josh cares more about winning than the paycheck.
  10. I think the coach and GM need to come to an understanding that there are some positions more important than others, like punter vs. QB vs. DE vs. Guard... Also, the pay needs to reflect those needs. I mean we would all love to have high priced talent at every position, but because of the salary cap, that is not going to happen. Usually, the most important positions are: QB, LT, DE, CB (as Gregthekeg stated). So on the flip side, the *least* important positions are (IMO): Guard, LB, Safety *least* here just means in salary cap hit. You still want talent in all positions. So using that above, Josh Allen, White and Dawkins will get extensions. I think it will be hard to sign both LB's to extensions (unless they take cap friendly deals)
  11. First off, as for the Diggs trade, I was not happy with the trade initially. Not because of the player, but for what we gave up for him. If it would have been a 2nd round pick instead of a 1st, I would have been ecstatic for the trade. Especially after the compensation for the other big WR trade this offseason, **cough cough Houston**. And even farther away from the trade, I've come around that giving up the first for Stefon was 'ok' because of where we were drafting and the level of WR we could have received at that spot. Generally, I want to keep or accumulate draft picks because you always want to infuse fresh new low cost (cap) talent into the roster, so you can have the money to spend on the *higher* talent. IMO, that is the best way to try and balance your roster. Since the draft is a crapshoot, how do you inject logic and clarity in a chaotic situation? (so if you were the GM, you keep your job) ** Side note - If anyone has any insights as to how NFL teams comprise their scouting / player evaluation teams, I would love to hear about it. How many ppl? How much they spend? Anything really about it. Thx. ** Obviously, scouting right. *duh* Trying to come up with some process to evaluate player talents and how they would project to the NFL game. Now, some teams are much better at drafting than others. I would assume they have better evaluation teams than the other ones... providing more clarity during chaos. IF I was an owner or GM, you need to understand that player evaluation is the lifeblood of any professional team. Being able to find the players that will be productive at the next level... be it sure fire 1st round talent, or the undrafted RB that you think can be a good NFL player... To provide clarity, I think you need a good size player evaluation team. One that evaluates ALL players. College and current professional players. Evaluation doesn't end after some other team drafts a WR or OT you wanted. Analysis continues because they will at some time become a free agent or available thru trade. You can also use that analysis to provide 20/20 hindsight into your college draft evaluation. Did I evaluate that person correctly? How do I fix the process if incorrect? So, while I agree with you the draft is a chaotic time filled with wildly random player talent levels, a crapshoot. Proper player evaluation can provide a great sense of clarity in a difficult time. Also, self evaluation of the player evaluation process should provide better evaluations in the future, ie. better drafting.
  12. If only 3 guys made a whole OL. It is a good nucleus though. Tyron has missed 3 games hurt the last 4 years and it starting to have back problems. Biadasz is a rookie, so we really don't know how he's going to pan out right now and leaves a hole at the other guard position. We shall see how the line holds up.
  13. Well... Cowboys are estimated to be 4.1 mil under the cap and Dak right now is going to make 31.4 MIL... he wants 35MIL... so that cuts 3.6MIL So that leaves 500,000 left....oh by the way, they haven't signed any of their draft picks yet... ** IF he signs, I'm sure Dak will sign a cap friendly deal this year and JUST get in under the cap... Probably.
  14. Let's see, he's had one of the best OLines, RB, WRs in the game. Plays in one of the crappiest divisions. Wants to get paid more than Russel Wilson? (yeah, yeah, QB's just keep getting paid more and more, I get it.) If everyone LOVES Dak, I could have gotten 2 first round picks for him easily then. Then I would have picked my heir in the draft and played Andy Dalton this year. How many more games would Dak win vs. if Andy Dalton started for the Cowboys? Andy Dalton is a bus driver too (not glorified though). 1 maybe 2 more games. With Dalton they would rely on Zeke more and pound the football. It's a great debate, but Dak's gonna find out just like Jared Goff found out... When you take the majority of the money, the quality of the other positions suffer, especially offensive line. Their defense is already swiss cheese. I live in Texas and unfortunately have to listen to cowboys sports radio and watch their games. Their offense was not good in the 1st halves of games most of the time. They shut down the running game in the 2nd half and passed most of the time, padding Daks stats. Put any good bus drivers with his offense last year and they win 8 games IMO. Hell, I hope Dallas spends whatever it takes to sign Dak. Hell, give him 38MIL/yr for all I care. Hold out Dakky boy for all you can squeeze from Jerry.
  15. The NFL has neutered the onside kick rules so now it's virtually impossible to get an onside kick. They need to change it somehow. I think a 4th and 20 would be better, but they also need to figure out the foul/first down problem.
  16. I guess we will find out about Watson this year...
  17. Dak is a glorified bus driver. Last year the Cowboys in most games were outplayed in the 1st half and then had to pass their way 'back into games'. Look at the Buffalo game, by the 3rd Qtr, we were 'managing' the game in a soft prevent defense allowing Dallas to move down the field and burn up clock letting Dak get his yards... That game was over early. That happened in a lot of Dallas' games last year. Dak threw ALOT of garbage yards. Now, should Dak get 35MIL, IMO NO, but he is definitely in the 30-33MIL/yr category. Also, as for Dak's last year, if I was Jerry, I'd say, you bring me a Super Bowl ring before that in the 4 years previously, then you get 45, if not then you get paid 30. Put up or shut up.
  18. It really depends on what Mahomes wants. IF he feels he is bulletproof, a 2 year deal makes sense. BUT if he wants more security, maybe you leave a little money on the table and sign a 4-5 year deal, 80% guaranteed, 160-200MIL deal. This way, if you get a catastrophic injury, you have secured your future and your families. Who knows what he is thinking... maybe he wants multiple Super Bowls and become the GOAT+, take less money so KC can build a strong all around team. Right now, at this moment, NO, Josh is not worth Mahomes money... BUT if Buffalo goes out and wins a Super Bowl and Josh puts up good numbers (he FINALLY has a #1 WR on the roster), winner the Super Bowl raises his worth significantly. IMO, this is what Dak does not understand. If he takes Dallas to a Super Bowl win, he can demand any money he wants... BTW, look at the other side of Dallas' team. Their defense if held together with bailing wire and duct tape.
  19. If Jerry was smart, he would have traded Dak to Miami for as many #1 picks they could get and take Tua in the draft... That would have been smart.
  20. There isn't going to be a deal. Why would Jerry want to sign Dak right now? Uncertainty in the upcoming team cap because of COVID, only paying Dak 31MIL this year. Why get a deal now unless it is something Dallas REALLY wants. Good luck Dak.
  21. I kinda understand what Stephen A is trying to say, but I don't agree with him. I totally agree that I have no idea why Arizona hired Kingbury (dude is a tool), but at the same time I know why Carolina hired Rhule. Rhule turned around Temple, then Baylor into good programs. The dude can build good teams. If this had always been the rule, Dallas never could have hired Jimmy Johnson or Barry Switzer... which both won Super Bowls.
  22. Why do you get the bonus draft movement only when you hire him??? EVERY YEAR that the minority HC stays there you should move up 10 picks... Can we have multiple HC's? Why not? Wouldn't we do better with 2 or 3 HC's to divvy up the workload? Like others have said, what about women or LBGTQ+ people? Those should be extra 1st round picks right? _______________________ Ok, this has been a great conversation. I think most people are in the same boat. This resolution is dumb and should not be used. I personally like the Rooney rule. If anything, it will give minority candidates practice for when they do get the job. So, one of the questions is 'why so many coaching retreads?' I think there are a number of reasons: 1) Going with people you know. - If you know someone that you have known for a while and you think they would be a good head coach, that's an easy choice. You know the person and their philosophy, their demeanor and if you can 'get along' with them. 2) Known commodity. - Look at Tom Coughlin. Personally, never liked him as a coach, BUT he won a super bowl. That dude got to the top of the mountain. He will get the benefit of the doubt multiple times. You don't think Jerry Jones took McCarthy's Superbowl win into account? His offensive philosophy? Now, ask long as you don't totally blow your first Head Coaching gig, you will probably get a second chance. 3) Schanahan, Schottenheimer, Shula (please forgive spelling)... head coaching royalty. Would a GM or owner want to take a change on a non-HC (black or white) vs. a person that has lived in coaching their whole life? Also, elevating a first time non-HC (black or white) is a HUGE HUGE gamble. They have never been an NFL head coach before. It's close to a crap shoot. As for GM's, these are front office people... NOT necessarily prior players, so I have zero information on the reason for less minority GM's.
  23. I think all the CB2 talk was because Norman only has a 1 year deal and alot of ppl here soured on Levi Wallace last year.
  24. I liked Tess. At least he was trying to bring some interesting takes. Honestly, Booger is such a black hole of an announcer, I don't care who you put with him, they are going down...
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