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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Honest question. Why is Shakir destined to be a slot WR? He is 6'0" and I just watched his Boise St highlights. He lined up outside in most of them. Seems to me with Crowder, McKenzie, and Austin ( my top 3) he has little chance to play slot. Yet he might get some reps backing up Davis (just like Davis did last year with Sanders).
  2. Not true. If they did cut him(of course they will not) then the cap hit to the Bills would be the offset money difference between his guaranteed salary and whatever new deal he signed with his new club. Again its not happening but that is how the money/cap works for a guy on 5th year guarantee. There is no more prorated signing bonus money that would hit the cap as dead money because it had already been accounted for over the length of his current contract.
  3. Cute exchange. Good for both involved. We would hope our players would be respectful and do the same for a young kid that may like a different team. In my home it's been an ongoing friendly struggle with my son who loves Russell Wilson, Bobby Wagner, and the Seahawks. He is a bit heartbroken as his childhood heroes move on. Much like I went through when Kelly retired, Bruce left for Washington, and the ultimate heart break to see Thurman in a Dolphins uniform.
  4. I agree. Austin is pushing Stevenson off the roster and to PS. Crowder will push Kumerow off the roster. However Austin has the potential to at least give you something on offense where Stevenson does not. That's how I see it playing out. Hodgins is a figment of your imagination. A shadow of a player that never was... Yes they brought Stevenson up and he was not good. Not saying he can't get better. Like I said in other threads, they know 50 of the 53 guys already. 7th WR is one of the unknown 3
  5. I never liked Darnold as a pro QB. He couldn't handle even modest pressure at USC Mayfield will win the job with ease. They will likely give each one a pre-season start but the competition won't be close
  6. Led the team in sacks the two years he was here. Sad numbers but at least some production. On that note I wish that had kept Hughes for another year. I think he would have produced more than the other backup DEs and would have let Miller stay fresh for the playoffs.
  7. NFL Wide 1. Mike McCarthy is fired before the end of the season 2. Chargers win AFC West and play Buffalo in Orchard Park in AFC Championship 3. Baker Mayfield had more passing yards than the Browns 4. Trubisky plays well and starts all 17 games for the Steelers who make the WC Bills 1. Ford plays better with Kromer and challenges Saffold for playing time 2. Moss makes the roster and has more TDs than Singletary 3. Knox makes the ProBowl 2nd team 4. Edmunds does not make the ProBowl
  8. Good take. I would only add that some guys look good in shorts and others flash when the pads go on and they can hit. I would think Moss is a guy that won't look so great in shorts but with pads on he is able to showcase his toughness.
  9. I like the plan. Have an unnecessary organ removed and miss any chance of injury in camp or preseason. Good move!
  10. One more signing that does not involve Joe Haden increases our chance he ends up in Buffalo
  11. It was mostly Brady for sure. But Brady did not win them their first SuperBowl and didn't do much to win them their last. Both of those were defensive gems orchestrated by Belichick. Everything in-between was mostly TB12
  12. So if McD praises Edmunds it means he is getting an extension. If BB praises his QB it means nothing or something else. It's all coach speak and we read way too much into it. Myself included.
  13. Let's just do what we did last year and watch the games and make assessments as best we can. I enjoyed the near real time game assessments.
  14. I agree. We don't know what he truly is asked to do unless we see him in man to man coverage. And when the QB throws tothe outside is that because Edmunds has the middle covered or for a different reason. There are multiple plays that it still appears he is blocked far down field and takes poor angles. The guy is a 4 year starter at MLB. If I've ever said he was terrible that was hyperbole. He is a competent MLB. Has he lived up to his draft status and has he earned a top 5 extension? I dont think so but I hope he earns it on the field this year. He's only 24 and a 5 year extension means they have MLB solved for most of the rest of the decade. I think they could find a cheaper rookie to do what he does and spend the dollars on Knox and Oliver. But if the cap goes up they can probably find room enough for all these guys.
  15. Not listed in top players under 25. Leadership is not unimportant. But leadership without impact plays is not worthy of a top 5 contract which is what he will want. He's supposed to be a professional tackler. He doesn't do that well no matter how people want to spin his role on the team. The media has already moved on to other playmaking linebackers that are true impact players. All that said, he has 17 games to prove he can be an elite player and earn a top dollar contract. I'd pay Knox and Oliver and let Edmunds walk. Hope he plays well enough to change my mind, because the defense is going to face far better offenses this season as compared to 2021.
  16. Hoping for more two TE sets. Ideally that is their base offense like Pats ran with Gronk and Hernandez, only with a better group of WRs.
  17. Good post. McKenzie has had some of his better games against the Pats and Dolphins. One concern though, is he has never played well in the playoffs. Pretty much a non-factor three seasons in a row. Feels nice to write three playoff seasons in a row. Thank you Josh for rescuing the franchise!
  18. 7th because either Stephenson or Austin is your 6th WR for returns.
  19. LOl. I don't even know what fify means. I see you are now a community member and not a mod. Hopefully that is true and you will be held to the same posting standards as the rest of us.
  20. He is correct APML is by far the most curable form of leukemia. Best of luck to him. There is some maintenance medications he will need to take long term that can cause neuropathy so he is not totally out of the woods.
  21. The urban legend is that it was Kelly who was colorblind and thus the red helmets. I'm not aware of it being related to Ferguson.
  22. No to the blue helmet. They never used one in the past though it is a cool look. Bring back late 80's red helmet and Navy blue uniform for one week.
  23. I've posted this many times before. I would be fine with zero or 1 preseason game. The coaching staff (and most of this board) almost assuredly knows 50 of the 53 guys that are going to make the final roster now. Those 3 they don't know are just choosing between the 7th WR or a back-up OG. Sure some marginal guy may surprise but they will pick that up in camp not a fake game. Even with two full preseasons and a handful of real games, McD and Beane managed to trade Teller away. There is zero upside to playing the starters in the pre-season. The COVID year proved the quality of play is unaffected by lack of preseason. I wouldn't dress a single starter the entire preseason.
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