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Everything posted by WideNine

  1. I would say the same, but McD was pissed and said he and Crossman specifically discussed directing kicks away from Andre Roberts and they kicked it right to him 3 times (one long return called back on a penalty). How hard is that to coach, or does Hauschka need a special shoe to make a kick veer to the left when the returner is standing on the right hash mark? Wasn't Hausch doing our kickoffs last year?
  2. Daboll has good street cred already and has been a part of several successful programs, and has spent time as a QB coach which the Bills need at this point. I don't know how Offensive-minded McD is... in regards to evaluating Daboll, he liked enough of what he saw to hire him fully knowing they were targeting a QB in the draft that would need coaching up and adaptive play calling...if nothing else, that should tell you what you need to know about their relationship.
  3. I had no idea they earned that much per game... wonder if they get reimbursed for expenses (travel, hotel, meals) - not a bad gig as they probably make 30-40K or more for post-season games. Money well-spent.
  4. Time to start thinking about some other ones, because I heard a rumor that guy sucks
  5. Appreciate the sentiment, my favorite special team's player of all time. Alas, he is not a coach and likely unable to coach others to do all the things he could do.
  6. I am thinking we may be able to simply raid from the Jets or Miami staff. There is a good chance that one or both coaching staffs will be blown up this offseason and they are sitting at #1 and #10 respectively. The Jets have: Brant Boyer and OBD should be sure to (or just) hire his assistant Jeff Hammerschmidt as he was hired in the 2016-2017 offseason as the Jets Special Teams were struggling and had been ranked 25th in 2017, 32nd in 2016, so quite a jump since they brought Jeff in from the college ranks. The Phins have: Marlan Maalouf: Would be less excited if they hired Marlan as he seems to be able to keep Miami from embarrassing themselves, but they do not excel as a unit either. This would be change for change sake IMO. The Bills are currently ranked 27th.
  7. So KB? Caught 1 of 2 targets for 17 yds. with Mahomes at QB position - sounds like fairly consistent stats for him. I don't blame KC for kicking the tires on a one-year deal to see if there was a player somewhere in KB that was salvageable. If clearing waivers without an offer did not turn on the lights for him and buy him a clue nothing will. I saw the replay of the catch he did make - slow, no separation, just used his bigger frame to push off and turn and catch the ball. I try not to wish anyone ill fortune in their careers, but I wont miss his complaints about QBs needing to be more accurate rather than taking ownership of his own drops (some in the end zone) and lazy route running. I was curious so I followed him this one game - not planning on trolling him forever, but it will be interesting to see if KC extends past the one year deal.
  8. There are elements of the gun-slinger mentality that Josh Allen flashes that remind me a bit of Brett Favre so I found it interesting that Brett considered Daboll a solid candidate for the Green Bay HC job. I think folks would come to quickly understand how much Daboll has propped up a lack-luster offensive (truly offensive) roster, chuck full of injuries, were he to leave. In case anyone missed the several articles, this is what Favre had to say about Daboll to TMZ: "Yeah, sure. I would give them my opinion. No one's asked, not that they should, and I haven't actually talked to any coaches, but I can think of several off the top of my head who if the Packers (asked)--keeping in mind that Aaron Rodgers is the quarterback--would be great choices. At least consideration. And that's Darrell Bevell, who Aaron knows well. Took this year off. Young, energetic, great coach. Brian Daboll, who was at Alabama last year as offensive coordinator. Was my quarterback coach for the Jets. I think he's the OC right now in Buffalo. Very young, energetic, creative mind."
  9. There would be some serious burn - folks already have their hearts set on the top wide out or corner or linebacker. And they all have their reasons, I am just old school when it comes to giving any new QB a chance to succeed in this league and I have seen too many good prospects beaten to a pulp and concussed to the point of being ruined. You build from the inside --> out. Invest in and install a good o-line in front of your QB, establish a running game (does not mean you have to back up the Brinks truck to pay for a FA running back who has had success behind some other team's good o-line), find a TE who can actually block and catch, and after you feel you have addressed those then yeah, get some weapons your QB can throw to....because he will have the time and more opportunities (safeties having to respect play-action) to deliver the ball to them. With cap space and decent drafting all the above can be addressed, does not have to be phases done over years so folks can relax a bit about the order of things being addressed as long as they nail each.
  10. Went for 2 against Miami and got them... with McKenzie I believe. Not sure how conservative Daboll would be..
  11. Amazing mobility and strength for a center... it has been his plays like this over the year that has his draft stock rising. He still needs some work on pass pro, and I still like the idea of a veteran center calling out protections, but Tyler has the tools to become a very good NFL center. Biadasz Center pulling and snowplowing 2 Michigan defenders
  12. Get'er done McBeane - I usually have a rule about drafting o-linemen in the 1st, but I would wave that for Biadasz. I would still like to see them pick up a solid veteran FA o-lineman or two to plug in somewhere along that line. I think having that experience next to your young starters speeds up the learning curve all across the line, and helps keep the "panic" out of their game. They do that, and grab a few offensive weapons (a TE that can catch and block would not hurt) and they send Josh a clear message, "you are an investment we are willing to protect, and build around".
  13. If Tyler declares he would be your center - consensus 1st round talent if looking for a stud C. If he doesn't declare then his line mate Michael Deiter would be a good 2nd round value, not sure he would drop into the 3rd. He's solid, comes from a Wisconsin program that has been churning out NFL-calibre o-linemen for a while now, has played LG, C, LT when needed.
  14. Do the names Kelvin Benjamin or Charles Clay ring any bells when mentioned. Factor those two pass-dropping machines and throw in an inconsistent Zay Jones (turning out to be pretty streaky - dropped passes all last year sans Allen throwing them, found his hands for a while, then took some steps backwards last game... jury is still out on Zay), and pretty hard to just pin it on Josh's strong arm. I do think he will benefit from having receivers that can catch balls with some zip - just means that down the road he potentially could fit the ball into tighter windows.
  15. Well the Viking fans were pretty pissed after that game https://www.ksfy.com/content/news/Disgruntled-Vikings-fan-puts-US-Bank-Stadium-on-Craigslist-502488021.html
  16. Were you trying to be funny - because this is some funny "expert" s##t - like you stayed at a Holiday Inn the other night kind of expertise. Poor Josh, cannot eat his cereal without missing his mouth with the spoon due to this horrible affliction.
  17. Agree to disagree as Josh had 101 rushing yards against the Jets and they were more effective against him in the 2nd half because he got dinged and was hobbled. I do think that NFL defenses are going to have to dedicate safeties and bigger corners that can tackle to the spy role, but he has proven to be able to make the first guy miss - a lot so there is a bit more to stopping his running than just spying on him. I do feel that he has to be a more effective pocket passer, but I do not think that the alleged pocket is the safest place for Josh behind this o-line as of now. Folks need to chillax a bit.
  18. Off topic a bit, but I admit I was for a time a defender of EJ Manuel. It took running into a colleague at work who was friends and had family ties with a bunch of NFL players (mostly Saints) than held an off-season training camp near New Orleans that a few Bills attended. Usually I take with a grain of salt the "I know a guy that knows a guy stuff", but he had the pictures of him hanging with the players and such that lent some credibility and I was able to confirm some of the Bills he mentioned were at the camp - it was enough. Either way, when I was talking football with him and began making excuses for EJ he told me that the Bills players he spoke to said that EJ just did not have it upstairs and could not memorize/execute a playbook no matter how much the coaches dumbed it down, and that even the plays he did get they usually made it so he only had to read one half of the field. They did not think his issues were coachable. It was enough to help me finally fall off the bandwagon - I don't think Allen has those same issues, just not enough NFL-level coaching and experience as he seems to execute Daboll's plays without too much miscommunication or ugly breakdowns like expecting to hand it off and having no one there, or standing like a statue till he is sacked, etc.
  19. Agree with most of this - bad decisions happen, and happen more often in the face of pressure. There are instances where a throw is accurate, but nearly picked off. Josh had one where he locked onto his favorite receiver Foster, never noted the safety help the corners had over the top, and threw what may have been an accurate pass to Foster, but was nearly picked off by the safety he dragged in with his eyes. Rookie mistake of not reading coverage and not looking off the safety. A lot of folks thought that was a pass intended for McKenzie, but he was in the slot, Josh never looked his way, and I think McKenzie just ran his route a bit too deep and tried to make a play on a pass that was not intended for him.
  20. Details yes, with more than a bit of a bias-effect. I could just as easily say that the pass over the middle to Clay would have been catchable had the Miami defender not been dragging Clay backwards. See how that works? It is subjectivity lending conclusions to a preconceived bias. We all do it to a degree, you just went into "painstaking detail" doing it. Don't let it keep you up at night. Also, you would benefit from watching some of the All-22 reviews if you want to get fairly knowledgeable and objective analysis of what went right or wrong with a play.
  21. The chemistry thing on teams is a dicey thing to mess with. I think we have all seen teams bring in high-priced talent and flat-out play worse. Heck, that has been the Redskins modus operandi for years... They did change their OC, but the defensive coaches are the same. The Vikings (much like our Bills) have a reputation for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
  22. McKenzie had good speed on that early sweep for the score, but seemed like he gradually lost a step against the Jets and was not as shifty later in the game. He is a key piece to stretching opposing defenses, and has been a solid play maker with that speed. I had no idea that he had injured his toe at practice and was questionable for the game. The Bills are hurting all over their roster.
  23. Never saw Sayers or the Juice...was a bit too young, but am wise enough to take the word of folks that saw them shine. I do remember watching Eric Dickerson when I was a kid and could not believe the way he flew by defenders without looking like he was running hard at all. He still ranks up there for me as one of the great ones - just not a Bill.
  24. In fairness Namath was at the tail end (I think) of the "pass-heavy" AFL, was stickum around then too? Either way I think Broadway Joe was quite a character, and is a piece of NFL lore that enriches its history.
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