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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Because it was the first joke literally everyone thought of when they heard the words 'mini mafia'.
  2. Of course McKenzie was asking Case if he could get in a series at QB in the 4th.
  3. He never fails to be an interesting interview. That part cracked me up, knocks on the table, checks the table, "That's not wood."
  4. Yes Taron Johnson is the starting NCB but we are down our starting 2CBs, the reality is 1/3 not 2/3 our rookies have been playing well and it is a big challenge this week.
  5. I was wondering if that's who he was talking about the video cut the beginning of that part off.
  6. After their game with the Dolphins I'm not as worried about the Ravens that defense will get cut to pieces by this offense and we've always defended Lamar very well.
  7. Next week is the Ravens, then the Steelers, the Chiefs are after that.
  8. At this rate we're going to go from him getting a second opinion to us acting like he's on life support in an hour or two.
  9. Hard to imagine that this is what it looks like in Australia all the time.
  10. I like our secondary depth, couple that with our pass rush and explosive Offense and I'm still confident in this game.
  11. I'd say that pretty well eliminates him this week.
  12. The coaching and training staff have always been well prepared for it with this group.
  13. Went and looked for it and it was like "Is he here today or something something consultation?" Then McDermott basically just said he's not going to get into it. He never really gets into it that much with injuries.
  14. He honestly shouldn't have given Josh the point he really carried him to the finish line on that one. This week the interview felt a lot better more fluid.
  15. On the Titans board he's immediatly who they guessed Hart went after.
  16. Maybe it'll help when we're not on national T.V. for a couple weeks stealing teams souls.
  17. I remember when the weather down there made the first Josh Allen-Diggs TD a drawing.
  18. I generally enjoy the Patriots sucking, but I'm mostly ambivalent about these two teams right now.
  19. It's a press release from the league saying they've hired him.
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