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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Was that Josh in a national commercial?
  2. They should have gone with the Dog. Njoku sent someone into tomorrow.
  3. I hate that phrase, every time the Bills beat a good team the last few years it never fails that that team's fans throw that out as some passive aggressive dig.
  4. That'd be terrible idea, "Your chest muscles finally came back together, now go wrangle this bull."
  5. I didn't realize that TJ Watt's peck was so much of this defense.
  6. Seriously for a moment in the Titans game it felt like the offense was off because they missed on some plays. Like that isn't a normal thing that happens sometimes, they've warped reasonable expectations.
  7. You know you're at the peak of your performance when you're on your second stint with the Jets.
  8. I'm pretty sure I can judge the Browns for letting the Joe Flacco led Jets score 2 TDs in under 2 minutes.
  9. "It's a great pocket" As a defender comes right up the middle. 1st and 5 and you run the ball twice? Why not throw it while you have an advantage?
  10. Must have gotten lost on the way back from the Ravens game.
  11. It does figure that as terrible a game as this seemed like it'd be, that it actually seems to be turning out to be a good game.
  12. It'd be sad to have to put him down but I hope it's Mitch, hope he keeps the job honestly, also I'd rather go against the guy we have tape on.
  13. The point you continue to ignore in all of this is the Chiefs are/were a really good football team, the Jets suck it's not the same.
  14. Yeah last years Patriots shouldn't have been in the Playoffs either.
  15. Well they were actually down 3 and just needed a FG so only needed to get in FG range. It was a ***** up to be sure. But a good team doesn't let the Jets do that to them.
  16. You mean in a really close game between two really good teams? That's your comparison?
  17. Didn't they just lose to the Jets?
  18. Trubisky is looking good tonight....well that was close.
  19. I feel like Steelers fans might treat their Edmunds a lot like some treat ours here.
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