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Everything posted by Warcodered

  1. Damn that's basically the same catch.
  2. Maybe they should have thrown it again after pushing them down the field that quick? Though running was working I guess.
  3. So what he installed that flag and went "Yeah, that's the one."?
  4. Is your next example going to be Aaron Rodgers?
  5. That was a great graphic of the Browns crumbling.
  6. I don't need to catch up with the Rings of Power, I'm pretty sure I know how that story ends.
  7. Bills have looked like an Avalanche....which is dragging some broken legs down hill right now though.
  8. Only the Browns could ***** up being the underdog feel good story.
  9. So the Browns just decided to start slapping the other team onto a guitar and destroy it before a game? Feels kind of forced.
  10. Right at the top of the list of favorite personalities on the team, great mid season move in 2018 by Brandon Bean.
  11. That's what I'm hoping for ***** the Browns.
  12. I mean do you remember when McKenzie got reps at CB.
  13. It happened during the game, he hasn't practiced since.
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