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Soda Popinski

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Everything posted by Soda Popinski

  1. You can have the Orlando Magic they are god awful and will be for the next 15 years.
  2. Lawson and a 5th if we could get it. Hell send em Benji too just for chits and giggles and to get him off the roster.
  3. I didn't realize how messed up that was until year later. I just thought she was being nice lol.
  4. very vaguely do I remember it and I remember it was awful.
  5. I don't understand how the Texans are crappy. I mean they are, it just doesn't make sense to me. Legit WR in Hopkins, a bunch of pass rushers. And they had all of that going into the offseason, if they needed OL or secondary or LBs they could have gotten them and been a legitimate contender. What is holding that team back?
  6. Is the company called Skynet? I've been waiting for this for a while.
  7. Not much i can give in details, i was 5 years old. she'd watch tv and i'd watch her. kept us both occupied.
  8. mine didn't rupture, but it was close. the inflamed appendix didn't show up on the MRI so the ER doc did the old school test, said it was def appendicitis. Surgeon came in finally, said you want it out or another MRI?? I said out please. done deal. They said it was ready to burst. I said they need to calibrate their MRI
  9. I've had that too. It's a stabbing pain that radiates from your belly button to your right side. at least that's what it felt like for me. Easy to diagnose. stand up, jump 8" off the ground, when you hit the ground, if you slump to the floor in agony (like I did in the ER) it's Appendicitis.
  10. yea, this thing has been shared a million times in my facebook feed since we're a within 100 miles of it and everyone is freaking out. My first thought was "I wonder if he would have offered more for me when I was 8"
  11. Definitely never play jump by house of pain again. We'll be all over the cosmos
  12. well it's one of the worst things i've read recently. you win.
  13. i think i just don't remember the pain to be honest. Now stubbing my toe kicking a vaccum cleaner this past may was ungodly painful. Ended up losing a big toe nail, joker turned black, then i would pull on it until finally it cracked loose and i could cut it off to where it wasn't totally dead. That was painful. Vaccum was fine
  14. my brother did that to my pinky finger with the Aerostar minivan my mother had. Didn't break it, and for whatever reason I don't remember it being terribly painful I just can't bend that finger backwards anymore. But i never really needed to. It was that stupid slider door
  15. The owner of my company sleeps with a kleenex box on his feet because of gout. Thought it was funny when i heard it, now not so much.
  16. 2yrs old staying at grandmas in Leroy, she had some health issue, i remember them taking her out on a stretcher, then going to stay with my aunt. She was ok, and lived to her mid 80s. One of the first things I remember in life. I also remember a baby sitter who used to let me look at her naked when i was 4 or 5. good times.
  17. It's gonna take bovine intervention to clean that up.
  18. we've gone from playoff caliber to high draft pick caliber lol. suddenly 7-9 is a respectable record with this team
  19. well there was no nudity, or booze so yea, anything could be a lot more fun with those two things.
  20. I went to one a few months ago and it was a fun time. But they didn't burn anything down.
  21. Broken collar bone senior year returning an interception. Some big ole OT landed on me and it shattered into 4 different pieces. Not fun.
  22. That's awesome! You guys that can get out there and catch em up!
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