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US Egg

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Everything posted by US Egg

  1. Maybe he’s got allergies….. Yeah, got to be the benydral.
  2. Creepo Joe will lie about anything to get his hair sniff fix:
  3. White powder? Well, this an open and shut case.
  4. Gotta toe the line when working for the Left or else….
  5. Take away police. Keep criminals on the streets. Democrats are willfully destroying this country from the inside out. The Left is full of hateful sick fux.
  6. Wanna laugh, cry or scream? From the CDC website: “A medical screening examination is mandatory for all immigrant visa applicants. A medical screening CDC guidelines for this examination, referred to as Technical Instructions. The purpose of the screening examination is to detect inadmissible health conditions, including communicable diseases of public health significance, mental health disorders associated with harmful behaviors, and substance abuse-use or substance induced disorders. The medical screening process includes a brief physical examination, a mental health evaluation, a review of vaccination records, testing for gonorrhea (by nucleic acid amplification), testing for syphilis (by serology), and tuberculosis (TB) screening.” Now we know why the Dems let immigrants skip on applying and want them to overrun the country. They want to will bring America to its knees….and then some.
  7. Another thing that chaps the a$$ of LW nut jobs is that since Texas started Operation Lone Star, the name alone makes them whacked with rage has led to over 495,400 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 38,300 criminal arrests, with more than 34,700 felony charges.
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