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Everything posted by cle23

  1. It clearly says "up to", so it's not like he's trying to hide it. Plus, bigger numbers grab more attention, so it gets him more clicks.
  2. If they want McCarthy, they better stay where they are.
  3. I think if the 1st round was done properly, the 2nd round may not have been needed. Honestly, the 2nd probably wasn't needed either way. But as I mentioned, the citizens didn't get crap from either round, or at least the citizens who "deserved" it. Most of the recipients were corporations and people who used it to not work but still make more money than they were while working. The every day citizen who continued to work didn't really get much at all in regards to useful benefits.
  4. For the 1000th time, who printed the money in 2020? Who approved more pandemic handouts, Trump or Biden? Now, both were beyond dumb with the amounts given out, but both sides just blame each other and ignore what their own side did. And most of the pandemic funds did end up as corporate funds and profits. Even the money to citizens was quickly eaten up by increased prices on everything, turning right back around into corporation hands.
  5. It's early, but not top of the round. The 1st pick is from the Panthers, not their own. They should have the 9th pick of the 5th round.
  6. You're just making stuff up at this point. Yes, Purdy isn't 6'5" 240, but he is 6'1" and 220. Again, not many are like Allen. Not everyone has a rocket arm. And that's ok. Plenty of top tier QBs didn't have elite arm strength. Plus, Shanahan's offense doesn't ask a quarterback to throw down field non stop. He asks for more timing, crossing routes, which Purdy is excellent at. Purdy is a bit of a system QB, but to act like ANY QB can be a system QB is insane. Lance was gabage in the offense. Garrapolo wasn't much better. Suddenly, Purdy comes in and the offense takes off but has nothing to do with him?
  7. That's not fair though. Josh Allen wouldn't look like Josh Allen on the Jets either. He'd still be very good, but he wouldn't be as good as he is now. Purdy definitely benefits from a good offense, but he himself is very good too.
  8. Career record of 17-4 with a career QB rating of 111, and 44-15 TD to INT. If that's mediocrity, sign me up. Especially for a 2nd year QB.
  9. The lengths people will go to discredit Purdy are outright insane.
  10. I can't see how it would. It would be 2 separate contracts.
  11. Show me 1 example. Give me a post of me lying and giving false info. I generally post here once a week or so. I hadn't posted in the political portion in several weeks until recently because it's the same 10 people spewing political nonsense all the time. People here are so divided over the stupidest of reasons, they literally just make stuff up at will and post it as fact.
  12. Whoosh. The headline of the article is "Permit denied" and Kelly's own comment says the government "shut down" the 5k, when that's not what happened.
  13. I love how it says "the government" shut down the 5k. It was the local Army Corp of Engineers, and they didn't shut it down, they declined the request to host it. So they didn't shut anything down, they just decided not to be associated with it. Another part of the same town is now hosting it. Talk about lies and misinformation for clicks.
  14. You do realize that people saying that "In the eyes of the American left idiot class anyone politically to the right of Lenin and Mao are right wing extremists. MAGA is a term they use to describe what used to be called Moderates." is the exact same irrational thinking, right? MOST left leaning people AREN'T extremists. The extremists tend to be the loudest, and that's on both sides of the aisle. Most Americans fall somewhere in the middle. They tend to lean a little right or left, but overall are more centered. I lean a little left on social issues, but not to the extreme as to support the totally absurd lengths that some go to. I tend to lean right on financial issues, even if the "right" politically in this country doesn't lean right in that regard anymore.
  15. Huntley had a QBR of 42 last year. He did play decent in the playoff game, but also had 2 turnovers, 1 of which was returned for a TD. My point was, if he starts 17 games, the Ravens are likely 5-12ish. He averaged 131 yards passing in 5 regular season games in 2022.
  16. I don't know how anyone can say this with any kind of certainty. Without Allen, the Bills don't win many games. Without Jackson, the Ravens don't win many games. The Ravens offense isn't that great. Dobbins was out. Their WR are very iffy. Andrews at TE is great, but he's hurt a lot. So a lot falls on Jackson' shoulders, just like Allen in Buffalo. I'm not disagreeing that Allen is worthy, but every fan thinks "their" guy is the most important guy in the league.
  17. Because it costs a team 2 1st round picks on top of the massive contract.
  18. He was franchise tagged, so yeah, most franchise tags don't receive offers.
  19. Stroud beat by a Harbaugh for the 3rd year in a row! Can't beat them on the field, apparently pay to try to beat them?
  20. Seeing as how the Chiefs we 11-6 this year, I'd say several teams can beat them. They are a different animal in the playoffs, but the notion that the Bills are the only team that has a chance is nonsense.
  21. Tucker was 60 yards from where the NFL designates they be. That's on him. Mahomes apologized after the situation with Allen. At least admitted he was wrong.
  22. Sherrone Moore announced as HC.
  23. Yeah, it'll be Sherrone Moore. Players love him, least amount of attrition, and the culture stays. He's been there 6 or 7 years in come capacity. The bigger thing will be if Minter goes with Harbaugh, which he probably will. It'll be replacing both coordinators and any other position coaches who leave.
  24. A lot of the woke crap I don't agree with at all. This is one don't really understand the uproar. She's lived in Japan most of her life. She speaks Japanese. She seems to be immersed in Japanese culture. She's a Japanese citizen. Japan is more closed off to immigrants than most countries, but it's not like this woman showed up and won the next week. Now, if it's politically driven because she was born in Ukraine, that's not right either, but I didn't see anything suggesting that.
  25. Before Harbaugh, the 49ers hadn't made the playoffs in 8 years, and they were 39-73 the previous 7 season combined. So no, they weren't "loaded" when he got there. Roman and Fangio came with him from Stanford, so how is it their work? He took a 1-11 Stanford and turned them around when USC was at the top of college football, to the point he was beating them head to head.
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