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Boca BIlls

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Everything posted by Boca BIlls

  1. None of this matters... The Bills are on track to lock up the 5th WC spot by December.
  2. Not against the Dolphins. Bills covered when they were a better team. Now they are nothing. If he does this defense should be ashamed. Miami shouldnt score at all.
  3. Fitz is garbage on a garbage team... cake walk! Those TE's dont always catch everything. Dabol just needs to keep doing exactly what he is doing. The plays are there, Josh and the rest of the offense need to step up
  4. The only people who are scared of Fitz are people that were not here when Fitz played. Fitz is garbage and so is the Dolphins. He is forever a backup QB. Thats nice he played for a very long time and got some garbage stats.
  5. As Bills fans we all know the Fitz. We have seen him play against teams and look amazing and at the same time make you realize why he is always and forever a backup. Fitz was never good against top defenses. This defense has no good players to cover, they just need to watch Fitz as these college level WR's try and play. These players left know all they have to do is tank and not say a word, and they get paid for the season. All the good players that didn't like it and wanted to win have been traded or let go. This will be the ending of Fitz. The poor guy probably doesn't want to go out this way but he has made a good bit of money being below average.
  6. They have a mouth kissing policy that get inforced to the fullest.
  7. What they should do is make the people watching the refs. VOTE IT BABY! They have quick voting now...
  8. Would be nice b/c I dont see the Jets catching the Bills.
  9. They look good doing it, not like the 10 game winning streak where the goalies were pulling whales out of hats. Consistent attacking no matter what score they have. Looks like a real hockey team.
  10. Bills still have to ay the Dolphins twice, should jump us 15 spots.
  11. How cute one little victory... Yea go crazy b.c you still gonna get crushed.
  12. If you blow his car up I bet he stops wanting your money.
  13. Ok... So after reading 3 pages I have learned a 4.3 Canadian time is about 4.6 American time. Josh runs faster in pads. Duuuuuuuuuuuukkkkkkkkeeeeeee!
  14. Any one would take Mahomes over those three in a heartbeat. He would have been a star even on this team.
  15. Yea which is why you don't see him doing the same thing all the time. The sweep with the TE was a first and got copied by SF. They have been using different things and I don't see much of what doesn't work in there. I see something's where it does work but Josh didn't do the right thing or the WR didn't catch it. You don't take those out you keep working on it till it works.
  16. Hahahahaha yes every Bills coach always a candidate. That isn't Dabolls fault. His play calling has been excellent, Josh and the other guys execution of said plays if the problem. The offense isn't doing worse b.c of Dabolls good play calling.
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