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Boca BIlls

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Everything posted by Boca BIlls

  1. Not worried... unless the Bills lose to the Eagles. Isn't this what everyone want "Bulletin board material" Everyone here says "Don't say bad stuff about the Pats b/c they will play harder." This is good for the Bills means they will play harder b.c no one Billieves in them.
  2. We all should know rain doesn't do anything to the passing game. Only wind and extreme cold I think QBs have said.
  3. The topic is about him visiting his HS during his bye week.
  4. You can't ban words... People are responsible for the things they say. Just video it and tweet it out.
  5. All about mugshots tbh if you can be hot for a mugshot you are always hot.
  6. Anyone that wins here will make fans feel like they relate to them. See what happens if he stops winning or doesn't improve.
  7. No one, this game was not good by any means. You are playing players that are garbage and they almost win...
  8. We have a WILLIAMS on the roster! This team is complete again.
  9. lol I don't see 6 losses for the Bills. Basically this team would need to collapse for the bills to miss the playoffs. We dont have Rex Ryan for a HC so I don't see it happening.
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