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Everything posted by BillsMafia13

  1. You right you right, I thought there was another great hustle play by DT besides the Indy game but ill never get it. Feel free to drop some knowledge on me
  2. KB seems like a pride move by Mcderms now but hes getting exposed early and often. I wonder if he still has a clapfest even when KB falls asleep standing at the line. Rather sign a FA WR but I think we could sign all of them and still suck, but hey you called it. All I care about is developing Allen
  3. I dont remember the game or details but there was a 3rd and like 25, he made a great play to get the first down last year. Great pick up This might be my favorite post on TBD ever
  4. Im not going to post it 3 times but its not only a business. Lets not forget it is still a game. If you think it is just a business he got outproduced by a rookie for less of a headache at 1/21 of the price "If youu could sit out a year of a sport youu play and your not injured or somethin else is preventing youu to play then you dont love it!"- Bell
  5. I cant believe anybody is saying we should go after Bell, I think Shady is worth every penny but cmon. Compared to Le'veons first 7 games of 2017. He wants to get paid his worth but JC made him completely expendable in my eyes Conner : 700K/yr, great story, 9 Rush Tds, 4.7 average, 323 receiving yards, good teammate, no bad record Bell: 15mil/yr, multiple hold outs, multiple weed suspensions, 4 rush td, 4.1 average, 214 rec yards, 26 years old, awful rap album Great point, after 1600 touches and he will not find a better situation than Pitt right now. Ill bet he doesnt have close to his career average anywhere else he goes
  6. Exactly what I was thinking, just like last year. We win the games we should/need to lose and get trounced in games I thought we at least had a shot. Most Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde team ive ever seen.
  7. His arm strength is unquestioned, but from the few games i've seen of him this year his drive is what gets me excited. Super raw but the kid has the heart to get better and more so than any other rookie not names Baker
  8. Zay Jones doesnt care about this Newton guy and his "physics" . Why should KB?
  9. Because of your scorching hot take the bills may not be #1 defense next year? Bold move cotton, we'll see if it pays off
  10. If you're losing big it means the other team already put up a bunch of yards so you're weighing the second half without considering the first half. Good math guy
  11. I cant believe TV didnt show a single second of it. All the TD celebrations doing stupid stuff for attention and they didnt give Zays shout out any time. Terrible
  12. Love Arians, id risk it all for him to be our HC too. Ultimate football guy with a great record of running offenses.
  13. Exactly, let him torpedo whatever possible value he'll have in FA next year. I hope he signs somewhere in canada
  14. Ya I dont follow college football at all, love to hear UB is starting to make some noise and produce talent. God help my personal health if we pass on the offensive version of Kalil Mack coming from their backyard again
  15. How is the kid from UB looking anways, any chance he's worth a first rounder? I mean for any team, havent seen a ub player even graded near a first rounder.....ever
  16. I dont disagree but the last handful of 'generational" lineman havent really turned out that way so far. Chubb, Garret (too soon), Bosa (looks good), Williams, Suh (worth it), Long. Guaranteeing a prospect is the next Bruce Smith but assuming and Oline prospects are busts isnt fair. Id give my first born if we could draft the next Joe Thomas
  17. Are you seriously trashing the bills making the playoffs this hard? It may not have been pretty but you saying keeping a playoff drought alive is better you're the worst kind of fan. Get real dude
  18. They should have a line of auditions like American Idol. Each person gets 1 drive at running the offense and we rotate until next year. Saves JA, puts on a show, involves the fans, give me something to do Sunday afternoons. Im already a better offense GM
  19. Thats what im afraid of, I think we could sign all the top FAs on the line and WR and still be a bad offense. Established players on offense wont fix it, and they cant draft talent on offense/ wont make a full impact for at least another year. Who knows how the spend the cap vs draft
  20. I was at the game and forced my sober brother to drive me back to Rochester rather than stay. Idt ive ever boo'd at the Bills in a game before. This ship is at the bottom of the Pacific now
  21. Does management think we're stupid, think they are making the right moves, or just not give af what we think?
  22. Signing Kaep is the 1 thing that would make the fan base hate McBeane more than it already does. That would be a bigger mistake than starting Peterman
  23. An off beat fresh idea, I like it. Is DeValve like a receiving TE? Two good safety outlets like Luck uses sounds like a good idea
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