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Everything posted by BillsMafia13

  1. "Any QB will probably benefit from not playing in year one. Coaching, learning how to watch gamefilm etc is obviously helpful". Pay attention WEO, this is for you too. That is my point and im done after this. If Mahomes were better than Smith year 1 he would have started, but it required the learning curve and knowledge to put him over the top.
  2. Wait wait wait, so sitting and watching an intelligent qb like Smith operate in a new offense whilst learning under him and taking advice, and getting comfortable with everything is "osmosis". But boom we have a record setting qb on our bench and we had no idea/ Boom he just became a record setting talent this off season with no distinguishable reason is more realistic? Your right, I wont subscribe to your hypothetical thinking. Do people just walk in to important jobs with no training, instructions, or general idea of how to operate? Haha you got it! Again, you straw man argument is weak. Thats why you need snide comments because you have nothing else to bring to the table. And im the childish one, sheesh!
  3. Comparing McDerms to Reid is a slap in the face to Reid. Mahomes was raw and shouldnt have started. Sounds a lot like he needed a year to develop behind a good qb? I think Reid knew exactly what he was getting in Mahomes, thats why he traded up for him Keep falling back on sarcastic and witty jabs because of your weak debating skills and lack of any good information. You last 5 comments were " well maybe he could have been good hyuh hyuh hyuh" while I tsunami you with what really happened. Thats a childish and desperate reach Weo. If you ever want to put up a better fight you know where to find me
  4. You can feel bad, your emotions are misleading you though. And it absolutely would not have been impossible to tell. Especially for a QB whisperer like Reid. But apparently you know better than he does. Nobody is an MVP candidate, record breaker their first season and aren't given a shot. I have provided logical reasoning for what happened, you hang on " well maybe but well never know". They wouldnt have drafted Mahomes if they thought Smith would be better, also why they sat him a season to devlop. Im done demolishing you with critical thinking and logic. Go yell at a wall with your hypothetical crusade
  5. You just contradicted yourself again! Just confirm this for me, if Mahomes was the MVP talent last year he is right now. You are saying Andy Reid would not have noticed that. Not from college tape, to OTA's, to training camp, to preseason, to regular season, to playoffs? Andy Reid was oblivious to one of the most talented QB's in the league. Please confirm Patrick Mahomes was the MVP talent last year he is now but nobody could see it. Because my scenario, he was good then refined his game to become great by sitting behind Smith seems a lot more plausible.
  6. Is that any better than you supporting " well he could have been better than Smith but well never know". Way to go He would know from watching him play every single day since the day he drafted him. If he was better than Smith he would have started, Andy Reid kind of knows QBs so what you're both saying is Mahomes didnt start because he wasnt better than Smith. But something changed this year that no one can figure out? Weird. If he was as good as he is this year ( record setting out of his mind MVP level) someone would have noticed probably. Unless you think Reid sat an MVP for an entire season. Please confirm this is what you're saying. You too Boaty Mcboatface
  7. Ok so your point is "its possible he would have a great rookie year" but Reid didnt see that even though hes his head coach and traded up for him? Your hypothetical situation seems a lot more flimsy compared to my real life situation, which actually happened. I wont give in to extremes and say its always the case, but to deny Mahomes developed a ton is stubborn. If he was better he would have started, if something shot him to greatness that isnt sitting behind Smith I welcome your insight. Otherwise miss me with that woulda, coulda, shoulda non sense
  8. I agree that doesnt define how great a player will be, but its a gigantic leg up from starting 16 games on this bills offense. But if Mahomes didnt become so great from learning behind Smith, as in he was already that great they would have started him immediately because Mahomes>Smith. Reid recognized that, traded up for him, and gave him a year that he needed to develop. If he was already developed he would not have sat, Reid would have seen that immediately.
  9. Well thats why they are the pinnacle of the coaching world. Thats why Reid sat him for a year, so he COULD LEARN behind Smith. If learning from Smith wasnt what made him great, then what was? You must have a better reason for him catapulting to greatness if it wasnt learning behind Smith. Simple your arguing against yourself, neither are winning. "So even if Mahomes wasnt fully formed" You literally said it yourself
  10. I heard dont worry. Sure sounds like he said " he sat to refine his throw and mental processing. Also benefited from Alex Smith showing him around" Which sounds a lot like, he sat behind Smith to learn and clean up his game. You do see you proved my point exactly right?
  11. You gotta pick a side man. If you think he was this good last year he would have started ahead of Smith. UNLESS he got so great because he sat and learned. There was no reason up insert Mahomes because he was not better than Smith at that point. Bottom line
  12. You keep missing the point. You say Mahomes didnt get great sitting behind Smith, so he must have already been a world beating MVP last year right? If Mahomes was this great last year, he would have over taken Smith. Im saying he got great because he was allowed to sit and learn from the sidelines. Get it?
  13. Semantics. Tell me where me where I start to fall off. Mahomes did not get great playing behind Smith. Smith was an All Star but Mahomes is an MVP. But Mahomes wasnt good enough to over take Smith last year? Theres a hole in your reasoning here
  14. That doesnt make sense, Mahomes is an MVP candidate. Pretty sure MVP>All Star. If he was this amazing last here he would have usurped Smith. Boom case closed
  15. Mahomes sat the entire year (minus 1 game), learned from Smith then showed up and blew the doors off. Ill take that situation over JA playing in the dark with no line and getting demolished. Sitting sure didnt seem to hurt Mahomes, Rodgers, Brady but hey
  16. Deep breathes big guy, its just a topic about a game
  17. But not in reality. If you put him back on the Eagles the last 2 years hed have 1500 ya each year, current situation is a lead anchor
  18. My god, can you imagine if 5 years ago somebody said Shady and AP would be in the same backfield still playing? Terrifying
  19. This sucks the most out of everything. Jim stuck his neck out and Chad pissed on the gift that was handed to him.
  20. Can you imagine how much pressure that would take off him though?
  21. Anybody ever watch Sterling Shepard play? I havent but hes got 1.5 years on the rookie deal and the giants are unloading right now so
  22. Yikes, amazing the lengths we go to shoot holes in something that might work. Id take 3 random FA receivers over what we have now its so bad
  23. Hey Joseph want to take another crack at reminding us what management has done with all these extra draft picks they acquire? You must have a better idea than an already established qb. If you forgot, a second rounder last year was Zay Jones so let me know!
  24. Like a guy who has 40000 posts? Because that screams living in my parents basement with 0 friends
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